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Comparative Analysis: The Taximan’s Story by Catherine Lim and

Footnote to the Youth by Jose Garcia Villa

The taxi man's story was about the stigma of society and the immorality of the new generation. Narrating the
taximan's view for industrialized Singapore and the undoing of young adults nowadays; prostitution, a product of the
toxic society infused with absurd norms. Such as students turning into wanton sirens during the night to earn paper
greens from blue bloods.

On the other hand, Footnote to Youth depicts life-realizations and unbecoming sensationalized thoughts and
dreams of a farmer's son. The belief in which they see themselves at their peak but ends with rue for indifference and
unpreparedness during their later years. The author used symbolism in which foretold signs of the next events and
actions of the character. For example, "Then he went into the water, wet his body over, and rubbed at it vigorously."
symbolizing a fresh start or new beginning for him. Also, the line, "A short colorless worm marched blindly to
Dodong's foot and crawled calmly over it. Dodong go tickled and jerked his foot, flinging the worm into the air.
Dodong did not bother to look where it fell..." hinting/showing the main character's personality and future actions.
Being over-zealous of his maturity to the point, he rushes blindly into life without considering the consequences that
affected his marriage and adulthood greatly.

Both stories were descriptive perspectives of the simple yet, harsh truth of living life in the city and countryside.
Showing the love of family and the irony of life. The taxi man represented the old generation that strictly followed
tradition and custom, in which he was appalled to the modernization and the younger generation. While Dodong a
young adolescent who was drained of his youth due to early marriage grew old to have regrets and face an iteration
of its mistake.

The authors of the stories showed realistic ironies; The taxi man was a loving, yet strict father that works hard to
earn money from honey bees whom come out during the night to suckle honey and so was his daughter. While the
other living breathing walking empty can charged into adulthood so suddenly, faced the adversities of dissolutions
and unfulfillment of his youth and the irony which he and his son repeated history when he was his age--marrying at
a young age and being headstrong.

The message in the taxi man's story was for parents to instill morals into their children and Footnote to the
youth, the reality in life is hard, and we should not blindly decide life-changing decisions. Also so saying, the title
“Footnote to the youth” does not directly relate phonetically or show text-wise in the story but, according Janice
Boyd, “A footnote is simply defined as a note at the foot of the page. It is often used to give additional information to
the reader regarding certain words or phrases in the text. And yet the author includes no actual footnotes in the
story. As such, Jose Garcia Villa is obviously trying to put forth certain themes and messages regarding youth and life
through the use of a short story. The message that comes forth to the reader through the reading of the story, then,
is what we may refer to as his footnote.” and an example of which was the message of the literary piece stated

These two stories were eye-opening literary masterpiece that addresses not only the recklessness of the
younger generation but also, the faults of the older generation (evidently shown in Footnote to the Youth). Showing
the stigma in society and the weight of these problems that may seem trivial to plenty.The difference between the
truth we know and see from the truth we believe and experience. I quote, “the brighter the light, the darker the

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