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Value Points
• The tone should be informal as if talking to a
friend • Write day on the left side
• Write full form of the date e.g. 8 April 2023 on the left
side • Write the time under the date (e.g.: 7:00 pm)
• Write the salutation – Dear Diary
• Write in one paragraph in the past tense in first person
.(I/we/us) • Begin with an introductory line
• State overall feelings for the day and then Body
• Explain the sequence of events that led to the current
incident • Conclusion – Restate feelings stated in the
introduction and mention future course of action or hopes
for the future.

FORMAT For Diary Entry

Day (Wednesday)
Date (18 May 2023)
Time (8:00 pm)
(Leave a Line)
Dear Diary
Content in 1 paragraph….

(Leave a line)
Good Night Diary
First Name


You are very excited as you are going for a school picnic
with your classmates. Write a diary entry about your plan
for the picnic. You are Ashok/Asin.

21 April 2023
8.30 p.m

Dear Diary
I am thrilled to bits tonight! Guess why? I can’t wait to tell
you! I’m exhilarated as I am going for a picnic tomorrow,
with my classmates after almost two years of Covid
confinement. Some of our teachers will also accompany us.
We have been
planning for this trip ever since our Principal gave us
permission, a month ago. We are going to_______________.
It…..(describe the place). I have packed some food items …
(name some of your favourite eatables). My mother has
made a dozen sandwiches and a cake. My friends will also
be bringing some food, and we shall all share and eat. I am
also carrying my cricket bat with me. We plan to play a
match. I feel I just cannot go to sleep tonight as I’m Happy
as Larry tonight and expect to have a whale of a time

Good Night Diary


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