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Abundant Life Christian School


Teacher’s name: Ms. Villanueva 4th grade Score:
Student’s name: ___________________________ ___________Date: ______________
True or False: INSTRUCTIONS: Read the statements carefully. Then write T if the statement
is correct, or F is the statement is incorrect. (_____30)
1. The hummingbird is smaller than the cardinal. …………….……………………………………….( )
2. The blue jay is bigger than the robin and the starling…………………………….…………………
( )
3. The starling is a helpful bird because it feeds on the japanese beetle…………………….( )
4. The beetle came from China to America…………………………..……………………………….…..( )
5. Parasites and insecticides are used to control the insects that eat the
plants………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….….…....( )
6. The cardinal likes to nest near people…………………………………………………………….……...( )
7. The Blue Jay eats japanese beetles……………………………………………………………….………..( )
8. The humminging has the ability to fly backward………..………………………………….……….( )
9. The Song Sparrow is one of the best singers of birds………………………….………………….( )
10. The starling is attracted to red flowers…………………………………………………………….( )

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the statements carefully. Then circle the correct option to complete
the sentences. (_____12)
1. ________________pumps its tails up and down when it flies.
a) hummingbird b) song sparrow c) starling

2. The _________________ camouflages its nest.

a) Wren b) Scissor tail c) Hummingbird

3. ______________________ have small feet because spend most of the time flying.

a) Quail b) mockingbird c) hummingbird

Instructions: Circle 4 things a plant need to germinate. Then color. (____8)

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