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Metro journey

It all happened when we visited Paris. It was a pretty busy afternoon. The traffic was
crazy. And on top of that, it had been raining cats and dogs all day.

We had tickets for a show in Moulin Rouge at 9 pm. To get there we had to use an Uber
or a metro. The journey took about 20 minutes and we were supposed to get off at the
fifth stop. The metro was so crowded that we couldn’t even stand next to each other.

Me and and my brother got off at the right stop but my parents were nowhere to be
found. Suddenly we realized that they hadn’t got off. We started panicking and my
brother was terrified. So I called my parents and they had already realized that they
were at the wrong metro stop.

We were given instructions to not go anywhere and that they are going to come back
and pick us up. And that’s exactly what happened. After that, we had to run to be on time
for the show but we made it. The show was spectacular and everyone forgot about that
incident at least for 2 hours of the show.

Yes, we still make fun of them for that day.

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