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Good afternoon, my dear teacher Gabriela Montoya, my name is Jefferson

Ventocilla, and my name is Yahaira Vela, and this is our task number

Y: Hi Jefferson, what are you doing?

J: Hey, Yahaira, what a surprise! I'm watching a documentary about what

Saturn will look like in 40 years.

Y: Wow Jefferson, that's very interesting!

J: Yes, indeed. I really like this kind of documentary because they talk about the

Y: Since we're talking about the future... What do you think your life will be like
in 40 years?

J: I will probably marry my current girlfriend, and we will have 1 child.

Y: Oh, nice! And professionally, do you have any plans?

J: Absolutely! I'm going to have a specialization in Clinical and Forensic

Psychology. Besides, I'm going to have a PhD. in Psychology.

Y: And, what are your plans for the labor aspect?

J: I'm going to work in a recognized hospital and at a police station. And you
Yahaira? What do you think your life will be like in 40 years?

Y: I won't definitely live in Peru, I'm going to live in the USA with my husband
and son.

J: It's wonderful! And, what are your career plans?

Y: I'm going to specialize in Organizational Psychology. So, probably in 40

years, I will be working in some company.

J: Great! I had a lot of fun imagining things about the future Yahaira, I hope it
happens again. I have a class in 10 minutes, I'm leaving now, take care.

Y: Me too Jefferson, see you soon.

Thank you for your time teacher, Jefferson and I hope you like it very
much, goodbye.

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