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Name: Clark C.


Section: 2BSCS-1 M1L2SW3

A. In a tabular form, make a time on the Historical Antecedents of Science and

Technology, Society from ancient period to the present time.


Ancient Period Ancient wheel (potters This invention begun by Sumerians through the use
wheel) of a mechanical device called potter’s wheel—a
heavy flat disk made of hardened clay.

Paper (Papyrus) This invention was introduced by ancient Egyptians

at around 3000 BC by writing on Papyrus, a material
similar to thick paper. Papyrus is made from the pith
of the papyrus plant cyperus papyrus.

Shadoof This was an early tool invented and used by ancient

Egyptians to irrigate land. Also spelled as Shaduf
which was a hand operated device utilized for lifting

Antikythera This was invented by the Greeks which was

mechanism discovered in 1902 and was retrieved from the
waters of Antikythera, Greece. This mechanism was
implemented to predict astronomical positions and
eclipses for calendar and astrological
considerations. The same was invented by Greek
scientist between 150- 100 BC.

Aeolipile Also known as Hero’s engine, is believed to be an

ancient precursor of the steam engine. The Aeolipile
is a steam powered engine which spun when the
water container was heated.

Middle Ages Heavy plough

This is one of the most important technological
innovations during the middle ages. Clay soil
despite being more fertile than lighter types of soil,
was not cultivated because of its heavy weight. The
heavy plough stirred an agricultural revolution in
Northern Europe marked by higher and healthier
agricultural yields and more efficient agricultural

Gun powder
The discovery was around 850 AD, Chinese
alchemists accidentally invented black powder or
gunpowder. Since its invention, the gunpowder has
allowed for more advanced warfare. From fiery
arrows to cannons and grenades, the gunpowder has
prompted foundation for the functionality of almost
every new weapon used in war since its invention. It
is ushered as an unprecedented advancement in
warfare and combat throughout the Middle Ages.

Paper money The first known versions of paper money could be

traced back to the Chinese in 17thcentury AD as an
offshoot of the invention of block printing, which is
similar to stamping.Traders and Merchants
eventually realized the huge advantage of using
paper money because it was easier to transport
around compared to the previous forms of

Mechanical clock The development of mechanical clocks paved the

way for accurately keeping track of time. The
sophistication of clockwork technology of the
mechanical track drastically changed the way days
were spent. Work patterns were established,
particularly in the more advanced Middle Age

Spinning wheel This is a machine used for transforming fiber into

thread or yarn and eventually woven into cloth on a is theorized that the Indians invented the
spinning wheel between 6th and 11th century AD.
According to White (1974), the invention of the
spinning wheel sped up the rate at which fiber could
be spun by a factor of 10 to 100 times.

Modern Ages Compound microscope A Dutch spectacle maker named Zacharias Jansen is
credited for the invention of the first compound
microscope in 1590.Today, the compound
microscope is an important instrument in many
scientific studies, such as in the areas of medicine,
forensic studies, tissue analysis, atomic studies and

Telescope It was Galileo Galilei who invented the telescope,

the single, most important technological invention
in the study of astronomy during Modern Ages. It
could magnify objects 20 times larger than the
Dutch perspective glasses.

Jaquard Loom Built by French weaver Joseph Marie Jacquard, the

Jacquard loom simplifies textile manufacturing.
Prior to the invention of the Jacquard loom, a
drawloom was used which required two individuals
to operate—the weaver and a “drawboy”—if
figured designs on textile were needed. The
Jacquard loom is also important antecedent of
modern computer technology as it demonstrated the
use of punched cards to instruct a machine to carry
out complex tasks, i.e., making different textile

Engine powered These were invented by the Wright Brothers,

airplane Orville and Wilbur, with an original flying machine
patent (US patent NO. 821393) and referred to as
airoplanes. The Wright Brothers were brilliant
scientist who prepared the path for modern aircraft

Television Was invented by the Scottish Engineer John Loggy

Beird paving the way to the invention of the modern
Electronic jeepney The e- jeepney is the inventive response to
criticisms to the traditional jeepney that belched
smoke, directly causing air pollution which made it
unsustainable and uneconomical. E - jeepney are
designed to be environmentfriendly, eliminating
noise and air pollution as they run on electricity.
They are also more economical for electricity is far
cheaper than ordinary diesel, allowing jeepney
drivers to earn more profit.
Erythromycin This is an antibiotic out of a strain of bacterium
called Streptomycin erythreus, invented by the
Ilonggo Scientist Abelardo Aguilar. Probably, this is
one of the most important inventions in field of
Medical incubator This was invented by world renown Filipino
pediatrician and national scientist Fe Del Mundo.
This device is intended to regulate body temperature
of new bom babies in the rural areas.

Mole remover This is a local invention in 2000 that had the ability
to easily remove mole and wart of the skin without
any surgical procedure was invented by Rolando
dela Cruz. This was made out of the extracts of
cashew nuts (Annacardium occidentale), very
common in the Philippines.

Bamama catsup This is invented by a Filipino food technologist,

Maria Orosa. This catsup made use of mashed
banana and combined with sugar, vinegar and

B. If you were an inventor, what would you invent? How will this invention make the world, a
better place to live in?
I would like to offer the concept of "green architecture," even though it is not an invention but
rather an innovative idea to balance the ecosystem and the fast-growing modernization.

People will experience and suffer from many effects of climate change as a result of the rise in
carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions and the people's ongoing altruism toward the
environment. They need to plan ahead, act and consider ways to protect and sustain the
environment. Live with it rather than destroy it. Green architecture is the practice of creating
structures that balance and preserve both the human population and the environment.

The usage of sustainable or green architecture will help tremendously in the preservation of our
planet Earth. The biodiversity and ecology will be strengthened and protected, the air and water
quality will be improved, and natural resources will be conserved and restored. Green buildings use
resources more effectively than conventional ones. It optimizes life-cycle economic performance,
lowers operating costs, raises occupant productivity, and increases asset value and profits.

The concept of green architecture is well-known, but I thought it should become a future trend
where every structure built in the Metro and other Philippine cities' metropolitan areas incorporates
green architecture while creating structures like homes and other infrastructure.

Some human activities like illegal logging, deforestation, conversion of lands into buildings
for commercial use, and other factors even natural ones all contributed to the environmental harm.
Carbon dioxide is known to be absorbed by plants and trees in exchange for oxygen. Both the
environment and the people who depend on it most heavily will perish.

If carbon dioxide emissions rise while fewer trees and plants are growing, the situation will
worsen over the next years. Before time runs out, let's do everything we can to save our home planet
while we still have the chance.
The situation will get worst in the next few years if the emission of Carbon Dioxide increases
but the number of trees and plants is decreasing. Let's do our best while we still have time to save our
home planet before the time runs out.

C. How is your invention similar to or different from existing tools, or technologies in terms of
The objectives of this concept are comparable to those of other inventions, such as the
e-jeepney, solar energy usage, and the inventive and inventive use of recyclable materials.

In the late industrial era, many machines and other inventions were made for human
consumption but they didn't consider the impact that it could harm on the eco-system, that it could
result in multiple problems including global warming, climate change, and different types of
pollution, but in today's generation inventors really consider what these inventions can do to the

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