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Teenage pregnancy can have various causes,
including lack of comprehensive sex
education, limited access to contraception
or reproductive health services, peer
pressure, low socio-economic status, lack of
parental or community support, and
engaging in risky sexual behaviors.

Teenage pregnancy
refers to pregnancy
that occurs in
individuals who are
between the ages of
13 and 19.

Efforts to address teenage pregnancy

often involve comprehensive sex
education, increased access to
reproductive health services, including
contraception, support for pregnant
teenagers and young parents, and
promoting positive youth

Teenage pregnancy can disrupt a

young person's education and
career aspirations. Teen parents
may face difficulties in
completing their education or
pursuing career opportunities,
which can limit their potential for
economic stability and self-

It's important to provide young

people with accurate information
about sexual health, contraception,
and responsible sexual behavior to
help reduce the rates of teenage
pregnancy and support the health
and well-being of young parents and
their children.

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