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Submitted by

Rupesh Khatri (313662)

Under the supervision of

[Bhawesh Kafle]

The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended end semester project entitled
“EMPLOYEE RECORD SYSTEM” submitted by [Rupesh Khatri] in partial fulfillment for
the degree of Bachelor of Computer application.

(Project Supervisor Name)
Full designation:

(External Examiner Name)
External Examiner
Full designation:

Campus Chief
Full designation:


I would like to express my greatest appreciation to the all individuals who have helped and
supported me throughout the project. I am thankful to my computer teacher for his ongoing
support during the project, from initial advice, and encouragement, which led to the final
report of this project. I would also like to thank my college computer lab.

A special acknowledgement goes to my classmates who helped me in completing the project

by exchanging interesting ideas and sharing their experience.

I wish to thank my parents as well for their undivided support and interest who inspired me
and encouraged me to go my own way, without whom I would be unable to complete my

At the end, I want to thank my friends who displayed appreciation to my work and motivated
me to continue my work.


This project report provides a detail of what I found out about the employee records system
and provides a theoretic layout of the electronic system that I designed at the end of the
project. The content of this report is summarized in various chapters.

Employee record system, is a simple system where you can record all the company employee
data such as Name, Age, Salary, etc., where the assigned admin can be the only one to have
access to this system. The assigned admin that is signed in this system is the only person that
can manage to Create, Read, Update, and Delete the employee's record. This system is
already making sure that all the data and files will be secured and can't be accessed by others
that is not authorized or registered as an admin user.

It saves lots of time and has no error in employees records hence preventing clashes between
HR Team and employees. So that both employer and employee can focus on their work to
develop their company.



Acknowledgement I
Abstract II

Chapters 1: Introduction.................................................................................................. 6
2: Problem statement........................................................................................ 7
3: Objectives..................................................................................................... 8
4: Background study......................................................................................... 9
5: Requirement Document................................................................................ 10
6: System design............................................................................................... 11
7: Development................................................................................................. 13
8: Testing.......................................................................................................... 14
9: Project Result................................................................................................ 18
10: Future enhancements................................................................................... 20
11: Conclusion................................................................................................... 21
References: ..................................................................................................................... 22


Every organization keeps a record of their staff. Staff records play a crucial role in staff
management. Every organization requires these records to calculate pay, manage workforce
and see performance of employees. Management of all these records is a challenging task and
time-consuming process for the HR team, which can be reduced by using ERS that is the
Employee Record System. Human resources are an important part of any organization and
responsible for the success of an organization. Organizations invest highly on the
management of employees. HRIS is a human resource information system that manages
inventory control and accounting. ERS is also an informatics system that is useful in saving
time, power and money of owner, HR’s and manager. All organizations both private and
public, have necessities of employee record systems.

The concept of record keeping is not new. The records management profession is as old as
the first societal groups, because the need of a memory arises naturally in any organization.
The most ancient forms of memory were oral and the most ancient keepers of records were
the remembrances, individuals entrusted with the task of memorizing rules, contracts,
sentences and transmitting them by recitation to their juniors. However, there have been
major inventions that have had a significant impact on records management, for example
writing, paper, typewriter, microfilming, and computer.

Today the computer is performing all the traditional functions of records management and
managing records in ways that were not feasible before the computer age. Most institutions
like academic, governmental, and commercial institutions need some system to address
questions related to tracking and storing of data about their employees. Electronic Staff Data
Record System commonly provides solution for the access, review, upload and download of
the electronic documents about employees.


Manual handling of employee information poses a number of challenges. This is evident in

procedures such as leave management where an employee is required to fill in a form which
may take several weeks or months to be approved. The use of paper work in handling some
of these processes could lead to human error, papers may end up in the wrong hands and not
forgetting the fact that this is time consuming. A number of current systems lack employee
self-service meaning employees are not able to access and manage their personal information
directly without having to go through their HR departments or their managers. Another
challenge is that multi-national companies will have all the employee information stored at
the headquarters of the company making it difficult to access the employee information from
remote places when needed at short notice.

The aforementioned problems can be tackled by designing and implementing a web-based

HR management system. This system will maintain employee information in a database by
fully privacy and authority access. The project is aimed at setting up employee information
system about the status of the employee, the educational background and the work experience
in order to help monitor the performance and achievements of the employee through a
password protected system.


In this world of growing technologies everything has been computerized. With large number
of work opportunities, the Human workforce has increased. Thus, there is a need of a system
which can handle the data of such a large number of Employees. This project simplifies the
task of maintaining records because of its user-friendly nature.

The objective of this project is to provide a comprehensive approach towards the

management of employee information. This will be done by designing and implementing an
HR management system that will bring up a major paradigm shift in the way that employee
information is handled.

The objectives of this system include:

 Develop a well-designed database to store employee information.

 A user friendly front-end for the user to interact with the system.

 Easy retrieval of employee information.

 Ability to sort employee queries by departments.

 Remove details of employees that no longer working in the organization.



Employees are the backbone of any company therefore their management plays a major role
in deciding the success of an organization. Human Resource Management Software makes it
easy for the employer to keep track of all records. This software allows the administrator to
edit employees, add new employees as well as evaluate an employee’s performance.
Employees can be managed efficiently without having to retype back their information in the
database. You can check to see if there are duplicate positions/employees in the database.

Large and even small and medium sized companies have always implemented a system
(whether electronically or manually) to be able to manage its employees effectively. The
effective management of these records ensures sound decisions based on full, accurate and
up-to-date information to be made. This also ensures that any decision made can be traced,
scrutinized and justified if necessary. The ever-changing trend in technology brought the
necessity for the automation of everything from paper-and-pen based to absolute computer
domination. The overwhelming emergence of computers paved way to easier access of
information that leads to increased production, efficiency and reliability.

A flexible and easy to use Employee Management software solution for small and medium
sized companies provides modules for personnel information management thereby
organization and companies are able to manage the crucial organization asset – people. The
combination of these modules into one application assures the perfect platform for re-
engineering and aligning Human Resource processes along with the organizational goals.


Requirements involve interacting with the user of the system and finding out what they would
want the system to do. This helps come out with user requirements, operational that is
functional and non-functional requirements and system requirements.

User requirements
From the system study, it was established that users want a system which shall be easy to use,
efficient in delivery, secure, granting, centralized access of information as well as resource

Operational requirements

Non functional
The system is designed in the black color, that is the design for user interface.

· The system was also designed in English language since it is for official use.

Functional requirements are those that directly affect the performance of the system and
include the following;

· Generating employee reports and views.

· System controls such as access levels, who views what.
· System is also designed to ensure software and hardware compatibility on upgrade.
· Easy navigation from page to page is ensured to make the system user friendly.

System requirements

Processor Intel®Pentium®CPU and the latest
Memory 4MB-6mb
Disk space 70MB
Display 800x600 colors

Operating system Windows 7 and latest
Database management systems MySQL
Runtime environment Apache server
System type 32bit and 64-bit Operating System


System Design is the process of describing the components, interfaces and architecture of a
system that meets or satisfy the required specifications. It defines how the system operates
and interacts with external users with the intention of describing how the system is in
nature and what it does which in general captures the system’s behavior.

Architectural Design
This is very important because it describes the systems hardware, software and network
environment of the to-be system. There are various approaches to the systems architectural
design that is Server-based Architecture, Client-based Architecture and Client-server based
This study used the client server-based architecture where basic components of the system
functions that is to say the application logic, presentation logic, data storage and data access
logic are shared among the clients and the server.

User interface Design

The User interface is the system that helps users communicate with the computer and/or
application. The system interfaces define how systems exchange information with other
User interface includes screen displays that provide navigation through the system, screens,
forms that capture data and reports.

Process design
This shows how data flows through the system describing major processes of data input,
process, output as well as storage.

The developed system-Employee Records system was designed basing on the following
designs as illustrated in the diagrams below:






System Flow Chart

The flow chart shows the flow of activities by system users. The activities begin with either
the employee or the system administrator logging in the system from the user interface. If the
log in is successful for both the admin and employee they proceed to their different activities
else will be taken back to the login interface. The admin who successfully logs in can add an
employee, update employee particulars as well as view reports. An employee who successful
logs in just views his/her particulars and the whole process is terminated by the logging out of
the system.


The new proposed system captures more of the employee records with much emphasis on
existing documents about employees that accumulate over time. Data is processed by
generating document views in soft copy PDF format which can be downloaded when needed,
printed or just viewed on full screen. The system boundary is that it only captures more about
employee documented records not emphasizing on financial record management and other
records catered by other departments such as the recruitment records and payroll systems.

The developed system comes with various features especially data capture, store, retrieval
and storage of employee information. The system comes in place to replace hard paper form
of keeping employee information in box files. It is user friendly and easy to use and meeting
the current organizational level.

Strength of the developed system

· The system can be customized to serve several organizations that desire to manage
employee information in a more advanced way.

· The system is easy to use and doesn't require basic training.

· The system can easily be upgraded to do more other functionalities.

· Information can easily be modified to cater for the dynamic nature in human resource
Weakness of the existing system
· The system is space consuming since files of various employees accumulate as new
employees are hired and the organization growth.
· It is tiresome and time consuming to use especially searching for specific information
about the employee.

The system is supposed to be tested for any bugs by the IT staff at the organization before
being deployed for use by the entire organization. The proper way of testing this system is
carrying out user acceptance tests to find out whether it satisfies the user requirements, the
quality assurance tests to find out whether it matches the organizations quality standards and
the validation tests to see whether it caters for mistakes and errors.


#include <stdio.h> ///for input output functions like printf, scanf

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h> ///for windows related functions (not important)
#include <string.h> ///string operations

/** List of Global Variable */

COORD coord = {0,0}; /// top-left corner of window

function: gotoxy
@Param input: x and y coordinates
@Param output: moves the cursor in specified position of console
void gotoxy(int x, int y)
coord.X = x;
coord.Y = y;

/** Main function started */

int main()

FILE *fp, *ft; /// file pointers
char another, choice;

/** structure that represent a employee */

struct emp
char name[40]; ///name of employee
int age; /// age of employee
float bs; /// basic salary of employee

struct emp e; /// structure variable creation

char empname[40]; /// string to store name of the employee

long int recsize; /// size of each record of employee

/** open the file in binary read and write mode

* If the file EMP.DAT already exists then it opens that file in read write mode
* If the file doesn't exit it simply create a new copy
fp = fopen("EMP.DAT","rb+");
if(fp == NULL)
fp = fopen("EMP.DAT","wb+");
if(fp == NULL)
printf("Connot open file");

/// size of each record i.e. size of structure variable e

recsize = sizeof(e);

/// infinite loop continues until the break statement encounter

system("cls"); ///clear the console window
gotoxy(30,10); /// move the cursor to postion 30, 10 from top-left corner
printf("1. Add Record"); /// option for add record
printf("2. List Records"); /// option for showing existing record

printf("3. Modify Records"); /// option for editing record
printf("4. Delete Records"); /// option for deleting record
printf("5. Exit"); /// exit from the program
printf("Your Choice: "); /// enter the choice 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
fflush(stdin); /// flush the input buffer
choice = getche(); /// get the input from keyboard

case '1': /// if user press 1
fseek(fp,0, SEEK_END); /// search the file and move cursor to end of the file
/// here 0 indicates moving 0 distance from the end of the file

another = 'y';
while(another == 'y') /// if user want to add another record
printf("\nEnter name: ");
printf("\nEnter age: ");
scanf("%d", &e.age);
printf("\nEnter basic salary: ");
scanf("%f", &;

fwrite(&e, recsize,1, fp); /// write the record in the file

printf("\nAdd another record(y/n) ");

another = getche();
case '2':
rewind(fp); ///this moves file cursor to start of the file
while(fread(&e, recsize,1, fp)==1) /// read the file and fetch the record one record
per fetch
printf("\n%s %d %.2f",, e.age,; /// print the name, age and basic salary


case '3': /// if user press 3 then do editing existing record

another = 'y';
while(another == 'y')
printf("Enter the employee name to modify: ");
scanf("%s", empname);
while(fread(&e,recsize, 1, fp)==1) /// fetch all record from file
if(strcmp(,empname) == 0) ///if entered name matches with that in file

printf("\nEnter new name, age and bs: ");

fseek(fp,-recsize,SEEK_CUR); /// move the cursor 1 step back from
current position
fwrite(&e, recsize,1, fp); /// override the record
printf("\nModify another record(y/n)");
another = getche();
case '4':
another = 'y';
while(another == 'y')
printf("\nEnter name of employee to delete: ");
ft = fopen("Temp.dat","wb"); /// create a intermediate file for temporary storage
rewind(fp); /// move record to starting of file
while(fread(&e, recsize,1, fp) == 1) /// read all records from file
if(strcmp(,empname) != 0) /// if the entered record match
fwrite(&e, recsize,1, ft); /// move all records except the one that is to be deleted to
temp file

remove("EMP.DAT"); /// remove the original file

rename("Temp.dat","EMP.DAT"); /// rename the temp file to original file name
fp = fopen("EMP.DAT", "rb+");
printf("Delete another record(y/n)");
another = getche();
case '5':
fclose(fp); /// close the file
exit(0); /// exit from the program
return 0;

On system testing, the results were that many more, documents about the employee can only
be seen as pictures.
System Implementation
The system was implemented as shown in the following screen shots;


This is the page that is displayed on screen when we start the project. It’s from here that the
admin and or the employee logs into the system.


On logging in by user, the system asks you to put the records of your employee on this page
where you select options to proceed. The user has all rights on the system as shown in the


This is the page where user can remove their employees who doesn't work in their office
anymore and add new employees.


This page shows the list of employees who have been working there.


As a future work, some additional stuff could be implemented and integrated into the
application code making it much more reliable and flexible; especially what concerns in the
record management module.

Apparently, the role of such systems is basic and essential within each company that wants to
keep a really good control and record concerning its personnel data, functionality and
performance on all levels in its structure. Every organization, in nowadays, has the necessity
of managing its staff on a really good level as the staff has definitely the greatest merit of
building up a company as such as it is.

The well managed employee means giving the appropriate financial award-ness and all kind
of benefits as such as they have been deserved. That’s why the development of such systems
is not just a programming business – a lot of people are ordinarily involved in such projects
and one of the basic requirements is the reliability of the system, especially what concerns the
storage of data and all of the operations that will be performed upon it.


There were so many challenges faced in the existing system that needed to be addressed and
these have given rise to development of this system. The challenges helped determine what
the developed system addresses. In case of new challenges sighted with use of the new
system, this calls for system upgrade or addition or more features to mitigate such problems.

The employee records system developed is a secure and user-friendly application which can
be used to manage employee records effectively and efficiently.

The developed system is subject to development by integration of more other special features
and so it’s open for more study.

The developed system is flexible and can therefore be customized for use by other
organizations to manage employee records effectively.

Conclusively, proper utilization of this system will help optimize resources at the
organization and increase the effective flow of business since human resource management
lies at the fore front of organizational growth and this is well achieved by having an efficient
mechanism of managing their records.


 Nevogt, D. (2016) Employee management system: Why and how to start using One.
Available at: (Accessed: 5
October 2016).

 Wilson, (2002). Key Concepts in Information and Knowledge Management.

Retrieved from:

 Joshua O. (2016, January). Office Management System (Case Study Faculty of

Computer Science and Information Tech., Bayero University Kano). Retrieved from:

 Blouin, F. (1996). Electronic records research and development conference. Available


 Mujaheed Baita. (2019). Attendance Management System (Case Study Bayero

University Kano). Retrieved from:

 Review of literature on employee management:

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