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We used a graduated guidance procedure to teach 4 boys with autism to follow photographic
activity schedules to increase on-task and on-schedule behavior. The multiple baseline across par-
ticipants design induded baseline, teaching, maintenance, resequencing of photographs, and gen-
eralization to novel photographs phases. The results indicated that photographic activity schedules
(albums depicting after-school activities) produced sustained engagement, and skills generalized to
a new sequence of photographs and to new photographs. The acquisition of schedule-following
skills enabled these children with severe developmental disabilities to display lengthy response chains,
independently change activities, and change activities in different group home settings in the absence
of immediate supervision and prompts from others.
DESCRIPTORS: autism, prompting, stimulus control, photographic cues, generalization

A goal of behavioral intervention for people with People with autism have also had difficulty ac-
autism is the development of functional skills that quiring lengthy response chains. Thus, although a
maximize engagement in appropriate self-care, boy may have learned to brush his teeth, get dressed,
work, and leisure activities. However, many inter- and go to breakfast, he may not complete this
vention packages rely heavily on verbal instructions, sequence without prompts to initiate each activity
modeling, and gestures. Because these prompts are or each part of an activity. Some investigators have
often associated with reinforcement during teach- used visual cues (pictures, photographs, or line
ing, they may acquire stimulus control over target drawings) as sequenced discriminative stimuli that
responses, with the result that learners may not enable participants to complete the steps in a com-
display target skills in the absence of teachers and plex task or to change tasks independently. For
prompting procedures. Although complex behav- example, Wacker and Berg (1983) used photo-
ioral repertoires may be quickly established in a graphs of line drawings to teach adolescents with
treatment setting, often they do not generalize or moderate and severe retardation to complete com-
endure over time (see Dunlap & Plienis, 1988; plex assembly tasks consisting of 18 to 30 steps,
Fowler, 1988; Sailor, Goetz, Anderson, Hunt, & andJohnson and Cuvo (1981) used pictorial recipes
Gee, 1988). Children with autism who have been to help adults with developmental disabilities learn
taught to play with toys, dust the furniture, and cooking skills such as boiling, baking, and broiling.
complete handwriting worksheets or other func- Others have used visual cues to help people with
tional skills often fail to exhibit these responses developmental disabilities acquire self-care skills
spontaneously, perhaps because stimulus control (Thinesen & Bryan, 1981), meal preparation and
did not transfer from prompts embedded in the cooking repertoires (Martin, Rusch, James, Decker,
training setting to naturally occurring stimuli (Bil- & Trtol, 1982; Robinson-Wilson, 1977), com-
lingsley & Romer, 1983; Snell, 1983). puter use (Frank, Wacker, Berg, & McMahon,
1985), and derical and laundry tasks (Wacker,
Reprints may be obtained from the authors, Princeton
Berg, Berrie, & Swatta, 1985). Sowers, Rusch,
Child Development Institute, 300 Cold Soil Road, Princeton, Connis, and Cummings (1980) taught adults with
New Jersey 08540. mental retardation to move independently from
90 GREGORY S. MAcDUFF et al.

work to lunch or break and back to work; their program enrollment. The boys' scores on the Pea-
research is noteworthy because there have been few body Picture Vocabulary Test ranged from 2.1 to
examinations of the use of picture cues to teach 3.9 years (M = 3.2); Steve was unable to obtain
people to move independently from an activity in a basal score. Age-equivalent scores on the Vineland
one setting to a different activity in another setting. Adaptive Behavior Scale were 5.5 for Mike and
Although some investigations have shown that Walter, 5.3 for Roy, and 3.3 for Steve. Informed
the use of visual cues can decrease dependence on parental consent was obtained for each participant.
teachers and enhance generalization and mainte- All participants had long histories of disruptive
nance of newly acquired skills, most of these studies behavior, including aggression, tantrums, and run-
have used intervention packages that combine pic- ning away, and all displayed high rates of stereo-
tures, line drawings, or photographs with other typic behavior in the absence of structured pro-
procedures. Research using visual cueing procedures gramming. In addition, all had severe language
has not yet clarified which components of treatment deficits; they exhibited echolalia, vocal noise, non-
packages are responsible for the reported results, contextual speech, and lack of spontaneous lan-
or whether entire treatment packages are essential. guage. The boys were dependent on ongoing su-
Our investigation was designed to assess the effects pervision and verbal prompts to complete self-help,
of a two-component teaching package (photo- housekeeping, and leisure activities. Prior to this
graphs and graduated guidance) on participants' investigation, incidental teaching and discrete-trial
on-task and on-schedule behavior. Our goal is to teaching procedures were used to teach home-living
extend the literature with 4 youths whose group- skills such as vacuuming, dusting, and table setting,
home intervention programs relied on verbal con- as well as leisure skills such as using manipulative
tacts (instructions, questions, and praise statements) toys, biking, and rollerskating. All participants had
by caregivers. Each youth received an average of acquired picture-object correspondence skills before
one or two verbal contacts per minute. Although the study began, and each had a limited experience
this rate of staff contacts resulted in very high levels with a photographic activity schedule that either
of appropriate engagement and low levels of ste- (a) displayed the steps in preparing a bag lunch
reotypic behavior, most responses were prompted, for the next school day or (b) depicted the steps
and previously taught skills were seldom sponta- necessary to obtain a preferred beverage. None had
neously displayed. Several attempts to fade verbal ever used photographic cues that prompted leisure
prompts had been abandoned because decreases in skills or that depicted a sequence of different ac-
prompts were associated with increases in off-task tivities.
and disruptive behavior. In this context, we ex-
amined the effects of photographic activity sched- Setting
ules, taught with graduated guidance, on the ac- The study was conducted in a community-based
quisition, maintenance, and generalization of Teaching-Family Model group home where the
complex response chains that required the partici- participants had resided for 1.1 to 4.2 years (M =
pants to remain engaged and to move into different 2.1 years). The home was staffed by live-in teaching
settings in their group home without prompts. parents (a married couple) and two other full-time
therapists. Like other Teaching-Family programs,
METHOD the home was family-style and consumer-evaluated
(McClannahan, Krantz, McGee, & MacDuff, 1984).
Participants Sessions were conducted in the living room, family
The 4 participants in this study were Mike and room, and participants' bedrooms.
Walter, age 9; Steve, age 11; and Roy, age 14.
They met the DSM-III-R (APA, 1987) criteria for Photographic Activity Schedules
autism, and an independent diagnosis of autism Each participant's photographic activity schedule
had been conferred by outside agencies before their was displayed in a three-ring binder. Each binder

contained six photographs (35 mm) depicting lei- activity schedule showed handwriting worksheets,
sure and homework activities; each photo (7 cm the observers scored on-task but off-schedule. Fur-
by 1 1.5 cm) was mounted in the center of a single ther, off-schedule was recorded if on-task criteria
page of white paper (21.5 cm by 28 cm) that was were not met.
inserted in a plastic page protector. Photographs
displayed materials against a plain background Independent Variables
without distractors; for example, a picture of a Verbal contacts. These were defined as verbal
snack showed only a plate with two cookies. instructions, questions, or praise statements (e.g.,
Initially, the first three photographs in Mike's "Steve, look at your puzzle," "What color will you
schedule were Colorforms handwriting work-
®, use, Roy?" or "Good, Mike, you're looking at your
sheets, and Tinker Toys®0; Walt's first, second, and blocks!").
third photos were handwriting worksheets, Lincoln Gestures and gestural prompts. These prompts
Logs®, and Colorforms®0; Roy's were Memory® induded all pointing, motioning, or nodding to-
game, Lego® blocks, and Cootie® game; and ward children or materials, as well as pointing to
Steve's were Lego blocks, Colorforms and Per-
®, specific toys, materials, or photographs that rep-
fection® The three remaining activities in the boys'
. resented the next tasks in a sequence. Thus, both
schedules were snack, puzzle, and TV in the fourth, nonspecific gestures (e.g., pointing toward a child)
fifth, and sixth positions, respectively. Some of the and gestural prompts (e.g., pointing to the last
leisure materials depicted in the photographic ac- piece to be placed in a puzzle) were scored. This
tivity schedules were displayed on shelves above broad definition was used to identify any trainer
the youths' desks, some were located on their dress- behavior that could potentially influence partici-
ers, and others (e.g., the TV) were located several pants' performance.
rooms away from the boys' bedrooms in the family Manualprompts. Manual prompts were defined
room. as orienting a youth's head toward materials, hand-
over-hand prompts, and light touches such as those
Dependent Variables that occur when manual guidance is faded.
On-task. On-task was recorded if participants
were (a) visually attending to any appropriate play Measurement Procedures
or work materials, (b) looking at their photographic During all sessions, independent observers used
schedules, (c) manipulating play or work materials a 60-s momentary time-sampling procedure to score
appropriately (i.e., as they were designed to be on-task and on-schedule. Additional observers re-
used), or (d) in transition from one scheduled ac- corded verbal contacts, gestures and gestural
tivity to another. Off-task was scored if they (a) prompts, and manual prompts with a 60-s partial-
used materials in a manner other than that for which interval procedure.
they were designed, (b) manipulated but did not
visually attend to the materials, (c) engaged in Experimental Design
inappropriate behavior (e.g., aggression, tantrums, A multiple baseline design across participants
stereotypies), or (d) did not engage in activities or was used to assess the effects of photographic ac-
use materials. tivity schedules on on-task and on-schedule be-
On-schedule. On-schedule was scored if, at the havior during baseline, teaching, maintenance, re-
moment of observation, a participant was engaged sequencing of pictorial schedules, and generalization
in the activity depicted on the page to which his to novel photographs.
activity schedule was open. For example, if a boy
was building with Lego® blocks and his notebook Experimental Conditions
was open to a page displaying a photograph of Sessions were 60 min in duration. Prior to all
Lego blocks, on-schedule was scored. However, sessions, participants were seated on a bench in the
if he was using the blocks and the photographic living room; their photographic activity schedules
92 GREGORY S. MAcDUFF et al.

were located on a table approximately 1 m from Manual prompts were always delivered from be-
the bench and directly in front of them. Activity hind the youth. Graduated guidance was initially
schedules and the depicted materials were present available for all tasks specified by the photographic
during all conditions. Sessions began when the pri- schedule, but prompts were faded in frequency and
mary data collector gave the instruction, "Everyone intensity as rapidly as possible. Fading began by
look at me; please find something to do." This moving from graduated guidance to spatial fading
standard instruction was used throughout all phases (i.e., the teacher changed the location of manual
of the research, and no rewards were delivered by prompts). Subsequently, the teacher moved to
the teacher. shadowing-he followed the youth's movements
Baseline. After the standard instruction was giv- with his hands near the boy, but without making
en, no additional manual, gestural, or verbal physical contact (Cooper, 1987; Foxx & Azrin,
prompts were delivered, and inappropriate behavior 1973). However, if a boy engaged in inappropriate
was ignored. The teacher (the first author) was behavior, or if he paused for an extended period
never present during baseline. of time, prompts were reinstated.
Teaching use of pictorial schedules. Partici- When a youth was scored as on-task and on-
pants successively entered the teaching condition. schedule during at least 80% of time samples with
At first, the teacher stood next to the bench where shadowing, the teacher began to fade his physical
the boys were seated, and after the primary observer proximity. The teaching condition ended for a youth
gave the initial instruction, the teacher waited 10 when he remained on-task and on-schedule during
s for a target child to stand up. If the participant at least 80% of time samples for five consecutive
did not get up during this interval, the teacher sessions after the teacher's physical proximity had
placed his hand on the boy's shoulder and manually been faded. (Because Mike and Walter shared one
guided him to his photographic activity schedule. bedroom and Roy and Steve shared another, the
If the child got up but did not move toward the teacher was present in each bedroom until his prox-
photographic schedule, the same prompt was de- imity was faded for the second boy in each dyad.
livered. Graduated guidance, delivered from be- The teacher was present in the living room and
hind the youth, was used to help him complete the family room until his proximity was faded for Steve.)
sequence of activities pictured in his activity sched- Maintenance. During maintenance, the teacher
ule, in the order in which photographs were pre- was present to prompt the youth entering the teach-
sented. During initial sessions, the boy was man- ing condition, but boys in maintenance received no
ually prompted to pick up his notebook, carry it prompts. For example, although the teacher stood
to his bedroom, open it, point to the first picture, next to the bench at the beginning of the session
gather the necessary materials, complete the activ- or was present in the room of a child who had
ity, put materials away, and turn the page to the recently completed training, he did not provide any
next activity. A child was manually prompted to prompts to participants who had completed train-
put materials away and move on to the next activity ing.
when he (a) used all the available materials (e.g., Resequencing photographic activity schedules.
if 30 Lego® blocks were provided, he used all At the beginning of this condition, four of the six
pieces) or (b) completed all items on his worksheets. original activities in Mike's, Walter's, and Roy's
If a participant progressed to the last scheduled schedules were resequenced (i.e., all activities except
activity (TV) before 60 min had elapsed, he con- snack and TV were randomly assigned to new po-
tinued this activity until the session ended. The sitions in their schedules). All other aspects of the
teaching procedure specifically prohibited verbal schedules remained constant, no prompts were de-
contacts, gestures, and gestural prompts, and called livered, and the teacher was absent. This manip-
for the preventive use of manual prompts to de- ulation was performed to assess whether the boys
crease errors. were using their schedules or following now-fa-

miliar routines. Because of time constraints, Steve siderable variability across sessions; on-task was al-
did not participate in the resequencing condition. most never scored for Steve.
Generalization. The teacher was absent With each application of teaching pictorial
throughout this condition. During the generaliza- schedules, on-task immediately increased for all
tion phase, two of the six original activities were youths. Mean on-task performance was 99% for
replaced with two similar but novel leisure activities Mike, Walt, and Roy, and 97% for Steve. During
for each boy. In Mike's schedule, Colorforms ® and maintenance, resequencing of photographs, and
Tinker Toys® were replaced by a marble game and generalization to novel photographs, all youths dis-
coloring; in Walt's, Lincoln Logs®0 and Color- played high and stable on-task performances. Means
forms® were replaced by Pipeworks®0 and Lego®0 for Mike and Walt across these three conditions
blocks; in Roy's, Memory® and Cootie® games were 99%; Roy's on-task means were 97% in main-
were replaced by Perfection ® and a peg game; and tenance, 96% in resequencing, and 97% in gen-
in Steve's schedule, Legions of Power®0 and Ra- eralization. Finally, Steve's on-task averaged 91%
magon® replaced Lego® blocks and Perfection ®. in maintenance and 96% during generalization; he
Although these new activities called on previously did not participate in the picture-resequencing phase.
acquired skills, none had ever been the topic of
instruction, nor had any of them been components On-Schedule
of photographic activity schedules. Figure 2 reports the participants' on-schedule
data during all experimental conditions. During
Interobserver Agreement baseline, on-schedule was never scored for any of
Interobserver agreement data were obtained for the youths. Teaching pictorial schedules produced
the dependent and the independent variables in at on-schedule means of 99% for Mike, Walter, and
least 30% of sessions across all conditions. Interval- Roy, and 96% for Steve. In maintenance, on-sched-
by-interval percentage interobserver agreement was ule means were 98%, 99%, 97%, and 91% for
calculated by dividing the number of agreements Mike, Walter, Roy, and Steve, respectively. Fur-
by the number of agreements plus disagreements ther, the boys continued to use their schedules after
and multiplying by 100%. Mean interobserver the photographs were resequenced, obtaining mean
agreement on the occurrence of on-task was 96% on-schedule scores of 97% (Mike), 99% (Walter),
(range, 0% to 100%), and mean agreement on and 95% (Roy). The presentation of novel pho-
nonoccurrence of on-task was 95% (range, 0% to tographs and materials during the generalization
100%). For on-schedule, mean agreement was 99% phase produced on-schedule means of 99% for
for both occurrence and nonoccurrence, and ranges Mike and Walter, 97% for Roy, and 96% for Steve.
for both were 98% to 100%. No verbal or gestural
prompts were ever scored; interobserver agreement Independent Variables
on nonoccurrence was 100%. Mean agreement on During baseline, no verbal contacts, gestures or
the occurrence of manual prompts was 99% (range, gestural prompts, or manual prompts were record-
50% to 100%), and mean agreement on nonoc- ed. In the first five sessions of the teaching phase,
currence of manual prompts was 99% (range, 99% the percentage of intervals scored for the occurrence
to 100%). of manual prompts ranged from 3% to 8% for
Mike (M = 4%), 0% to 22% for Walt (M =
RESULTS 8%), 20% to 40% for Roy (M = 23%), and 8%
to 37% (M = 19%) for Steve. The last five training
On-Task sessions for each participant contained no manual
Figure 1 shows levels of on-task for the 4 par- prompts, and no verbal contacts, gestures, or ges-
ticipants across all conditions. During baseline, the tural prompts were scored throughout this condi-
boys, with the exception of Steve, displayed con- tion. No prompts of any type were scored during
94 GREGORY S. MAcDUFF et al.
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Figure 1. Percentage of 60-s momentary time samples scored as on-task, and percentage of 60-s intervals scored for
manual prompts during 1-hr sessions.

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0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108

Figure 2. Percentage of 60-s time samples scored as on-schedule during 1-hr sessions.
96 GREGORY S. MAcDUFF et al.

maintenance, resequencing, or generalization phases. resequencing and generalization conditions estab-

The boys completed these sessions without assis- lished that the photographs were relevant discrim-
tance or guidance, and from Session 90 on, the inative stimuli, and that participants were not mere-
teacher was no longer present. ly engaging in familiar routines.
The participants' consistent use of schedules may
be related to the training procedures. The trainer
DISCUSSION ensured that the boys turned single pages, pointed
Clinical data indicated that the 4 participants to photographs before beginning tasks, obtained
had learned to do a variety of recreational and the depicted materials, and completed scheduled
home-living tasks, but baseline data showed that activities in sequence. Graduated guidance was used
the presence of leisure and homework materials did to prevent errors, lengthy delays that might have
not prompt sustained engagement. During the interrupted response chains, and stereotypies that
teaching condition, however, participants met cri- might otherwise have become embedded in re-
terion in only 13 to 27 sessions; subsequently, they sponse chains. The boys continued to demonstrate
continued to be on-task and on-schedule without look-then-do sequences throughout the study.
prompts from the teacher, and their schedule-fol- The nature of the target tasks may also influence
lowing skills generalized to new sequences of ac- the posttraining use of visual cues. People who
tivities and to novel photographs and materials with engage in one repetitive task (e.g., assembly or
no additional training. The photographic schedules packaging tasks) may cease to use visual prompts
enabled the boys to display lengthy and complex because tasks are familiar and unchanging. But
chains of previously mastered, functional behavior. activities that are frequently resequenced (e.g., gro-
Anecdotally, it also appeared that when following cery shopping or work assignments in an industrial
their schedules, they engaged in fewer aberrant be- kitchen) may require continued reference to pic-
haviors; this may be a topic for future research. torial cues.
The present study extends previous investiga- It is interesting that in the current investigation,
tions of pictorial and photographic cues in several boys not yet in training were never observed to
ways. First, prompts were specified and measured. imitate the schedule-following behavior of those in
Most earlier studies used training packages that the teaching phase. Further, no resistance to manual
included multiple prompting procedures, making guidance was noted. After training, off-task was
an analysis of the effects of specific classes of training occasionally scored, but children were not observed
stimuli difficult or impossible. Only one other study to engage in functional activities other than those
of visual cues measured all of the prompts used in cued by their photographic schedules. The relatively
training (Johnson & Cuvo, 1981); our research small number of manual prompts required to teach
isolated the effects of graduated guidance. Our in- the participants to follow schedules may have been
vestigation also measured another variable, on- related to (a) their prior mastery of picture-object
schedule, that has been frequently discussed but correspondence skills, (b) their previous acquisition
seldom assessed. Several other researchers have re- of the types of skills needed to complete depicted
ported that participants eventually discontinued or tasks, and (c) the fading of graduated guidance.
modified their use of photographs or pictures. For The manual prompting procedure was selected be-
example, Thinesen and Bryan (1981) reported that cause it was hoped that nonverbal prompts deliv-
after 1 week of training, all 15 participants stopped ered from behind a youth would prevent perfor-
paging through their albums, using only the first mance from becoming dependent on the teacher's
or a randomly selected photograph to complete an presence. Although least-to-most prompt sequences
entire grooming sequence. Connis (1979) noted are frequently used with participants such as these,
that subjects eventually stopped checking each pic- the most-to-least sequence described above was ef-
ture before changing work tasks. In our study, the fective in preventing errors that might otherwise

have become embedded in schedule-following re- Frank, A. R., Wacker, D. P., Berg, W. K., & McMahon,
C. M. (1985). Teaching selected microcomputer skills
sponse chains. to retarded students via picture prompts. Journal of
Before this investigation began, the 4 partici- Applied Behavior Analysis, 18, 179-185.
pants were dependent upon verbal prompts to re- Johnson, B., & Cuvo, A. (1981). Teaching mentally re-
main constructively engaged in appropriate activ- tarded adults to cook. Behavior Modification, 5, 187-
ities. In the absence of verbal prompts from Martin, J., Rusch, F., James, V., Decker, P., & Trtol, K.
supervising adults, it appeared that stimulus control (1982). The use of picture cues to establish self-control
transferred to photographs and materials that were in the preparation of complex meals by mentally retarded
adults. Applied Research in Mental Retardation, 3,
available in the group home. When the study end- 105-119.
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