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Soil Fertility – Soil Productivity

• Soil fertility is defined as the quality that enables a soil to

produce the proper compounds in the proper amounts and in the
proper proportions, for the proper growth of specified kind of plants
when all factors are favorable for growth.

• Soil Productivity is the capability of the soil to produce specified

plant under a specified system of management.

1. Favorable physical properties

a) good aeration and drainage. Aeration and drainage is dependent on bulk density, soil resistance and soil texture.
b) proper moisture holding capacity . This is determined by organic matter and clay content as well as soil texture.
2. Favorable chemical properties
a) optimal reaction (pH)
b) high buffer capacity
c) high nutrient holding capacity (CEC)
d) absence of toxic materials (salinity, toxic organic and inorganic compounds)
3. Favorable microbiological properties
a) active functioning of beneficial organisms; fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes. Examples are the Rhizobia, blue green
algae, mycorhizza, nitro-bacter, nitro-somonas and other beneficial organisms.
b) suppressed activity of harmful organisms. Examples of harmful organisms are: Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium spp.
4. Abundant and well balance nutrient supply
a) macro-nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S)
b) micro-nutrients (Zn, Cu, Mo, Mn, Fe, Cl, B, Va)

(a) A deficiency of the element makes it impossible for the plant to complete
the vegetative or reproductive stage of its life.

(b) The deficiency symptom of the element in question can be prevented or

corrected only by supplying element.

(c) The element is directly involved in the nutrition of plant.

Ionic form of the Essential Elements

N - NH4+, NO3-, NO2- Fe - Fe++, Fe+++

P - HPO4, H2PO4 Mn - Mn++, Mn+++
K - K+ Zn - Zn++
S - SO4-, SO3- Cu - Cu+, Cu++
Mg - Mg++ Mo - MoO4-2
Ca - Ca++ B - BO3-3
Biochemical classification of nutrients

Group Nutrient Biochemical Functions


They are basic structural elements. They are Major constituent of

plants (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and organic matter. These
Group I C,H,O, Ca elements are also involved in enzymes process. They provide energy
for growth and development by oxidative break down.
Group Nutrient Biochemical Functions
Accessory structural elements of the more active and vital living tissues.
Essential component of metabolically active compounds like amino acids,
Group- N,P & S proteins, enzymes and non-proteinaceous compounds. They involve in
II energy storage (ATP & ADP) and transfer (Phosphate esters).

Regulators & carriers for the most part of plant metabolism. They
involve in synthesis and translocation of carbohydrates, maintain ionic
Group- K, Ca, Mg charge balance and induce enzyme activation.

Catalysts and activators. These elements Involve in oxidation-reduction

Group- Fe, Mn, Zn, reactions, chlorophyll synthesis and also exists in organic combinations.
IV Cu, B, Mo,

1. Nitrogen

- constituent of amino acid, proteins, and nucleic acids (DNA, RNA)

- integral part of chlorophyll molecule

- associated with high photosynthetic activity, vigorous vegetative growth, dark green color of the leaves and succulence
of tissues

- for cereals, it increases plumpness of grains and percentage of protein - governs the plant use of P and K

2. Phosphorus

- energy storage and transfer through ATP - ADP conversion

- as constituent of ATP, P is involved in metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, Respiration, synthesis of protein,
nucleic acid, lipids, cellulose, lignin etc.

- important in seed formation and development of reproductive parts of plants

- associated with increased root growth, early maturity particularly grain development
3. Potassium

- maintains turgor pressure of guard cells and regulates opening of stomata, thus controlling photosynthesis and
- needed in ATP synthesis, which is used in translocation of sugars from leaves, N uptake and protein synthesis

- strengthens straw of grain crops and prolongs the life of flag leaf

- increases pest and diseases resistance

- coloring of fruits and flowers is attributed to K. It aids in the formation of anthocyanin.

- exerts balancing effect on both N and P

1. Calcium

- enhances nitrate uptake and regulates cation uptake

- essential for cell elongation and division

- promotes early root hair formation and development

- improves general plant vigor

2. Magnesium

- essential part of chlorophyll

- necessary for the formation of sugar

- helps regulate uptake of the plant food

- carries phosphorus in the plants

- promotes formation of fats and oil

3. Sulfur

- is an important component of some essential amino acids and protein

- helps maintain dark green color

- stimulates seed formation

- promotes nodule formation in legumes

- occurs in volatile compounds responsible for the characteristic taste and smell of mustard and onion
1. Boron

- essential for germination of pollen grains, growth of pollen tubes, and seed, and cell wall formation

2. Chlorine

- involved in energy reaction in the plant

- involved in the chemical breakdown of water in the presence of sunlight and activates Several enzymes’ systems

- in transporting several cations K, Ca, Mg within the plants, regulating the action of stomatal guard cells, thus controlling
water loss and moisture stress and maintaining turgor

3. Copper

- necessary for chlorophyll formation

- catalyst for respiration, enzyme constituents

4. Iron

- Catalyst to chlorophyll formation and acts as an oxygen carrier

- also helps form certain respiratory enzyme systems

5. Manganese

- plays a direct role in photosynthesis by aiding chlorophyll synthesis

- accelerates germination and maturity, while increasing the availability of P and Ca

6. Molybdenum

- required for the synthesis and activity of the enzyme nitrate reductase

- vital for the process of symbiotic N fixation by rhizobia bacteria in legume root nodules

7. Zinc

- for auxin and starch formation

- necessary for the production of chlorophyll and carbohydrates



Deficiency symptoms:
a) Stunted growth as indicated by the size or shape of the leaves.
b) Yellowing of the lower leaves while the upper ones remain green.
c) Severe shortage causes browning and later drying of the leaves.
d) Excess amount causes excessive leaf growth. Thus, prolonging the growing period of the plants; plant tissue become soft,
watery and more susceptible to diseases and insect attacks.

The first stage of nitrogen deficiency is the changing of the leaf color from green to dull or pail green. As the deficiency
progress the color change to yellow. The thickness of the leaf and how it becomes thin and are also noticeable as the shortage

Deficiency symptoms:
(a) Stunted growth.
(b) Less vigorous tillering of rice plants.

The early stages of deficiency are not observable and are difficult to Diagnose. First, the color of the leaf
becomes slightly pale and then it changes to dark green.

Also, at this stage, crop[s which has red pigments within their leaves show a very marked red or purple color at
the base of the stem or at the leaf midrib. As the deficiency increases, the leaf color becomes dull grayish-green
and burning appears along the margin of the leaves. Phosphorus deficiency becomes recognizable at this time.
Deficiency symptoms:
(a) Weakening of the straw of grain.
(b) Stalk breakages of corn and sorghum plants.
(c) Reduction of rice yields.
(d) Scorching of the edges and tips of leaves in the early stage of corn plant.
(e) Firing along the edges in well-grown plants.

Symptoms of deficiency start to appear when the color of the leaf changes into slightly ash gray, a little
more marked at the tips. The color expands over the leaf margin and gradually changes to yellow. This
yellowing moves into the center of the leaf leaving only the tissues along the vain in normal green color. Later,
the tissues along the veins become yellow. The tissues in the leaf margin die while the outer edge of the leaf
turns down. Finally, the whole leaf changes into a yellow-brown color, with the depth of the tissues following
shortly afterwards. The symptoms are more observable on older leaves.
Deficiency symptoms:
(a) Failure of the terminal buds to develop.
(b) Root tips die or remain short.
(c) Emergence and unfolding of new leaves are prevented.
(d) Tips of leaves are almost colorless and are covered by a gelatinous material which causes them to adhere.
The symptoms usually appear in the younger leaves or the most recently developed tissues. The upper portion
of the new leaves produces mottled discoloration due to death of the tissue. This situation does not appear in
the entire leaf, however.

Deficiency symptoms:
(a) Yellowing of the leaves.
(b) Roots and stems become abnormally long and woody.

Deficiency symptoms:
(a) Grayish-green areas on the leaf, first at the tip and then along the outer edge.
(b) The color (a) gradually changes to yellow and then to brown.
(c) The yellowing of the area expands to the inner parts of the leaf between the veins.
(d) When (c) is reached, the yellow-brown parts of the outer leaf margin begin to dry out and die.
(e) Interveinal white stripes are developed in the leaves of corn.
(f) In cotton, the veins remain dark while the rest of the leaves change to purplish red.
(g) In small grains, the plants remain stunted and turn yellow while the leaves often show yellow-green patches.
(h) In general, the leaf margin turns upward.

Deficiency symptoms:
(a) Deficiency symptoms appear first on the outer margin of the leaf which later becomes lemon-
(b) Color (a) expands over the whole of the leaf surfaces leaving the areas around the leaf veins
(c) As the deficiency progress, the coloration between the veins suddenly except that there are no
dirty brown and dead tissue spots characteristics of nitrogen deficiency.

Toxicity symptoms:
The symptoms are characterized by a purple reddish-brown or yellow discoloration of the leaves,
followed by the drying of the leaves and a dark brown scanty, coarse root system. In the case of rice,
there’s a high percentage of sterile forests.

Deficiency symptoms:
(a) Early symptoms consist of dark green bands along the midrib and main veins, with lighter green
areas between the bands.
(b) The young leaves often show a network of green background. (this stage closely resembles Fe
(c) In mild cases, the symptoms appear in the newly developed leaves and disappear later in the life
of the leaf.

Toxicity symptoms:
(a) Marginal yellowing of the leaf, with the central area remaining green.
(b) Presence of narcotic spots on various parts of the leaf.

Deficiency symptoms:
(a) Death of the growing point or tips of the shoots and roots.
(b) Leaf distortion.
(c) Stunted growth.
(d) Failure of the flower bud to develop.
(e) Blackening and death of the tissues.

Deficiency symptoms:
(a) Silver-white main veins of the leaves mostly in older leaves.
(b) As the deficiency progresses, the tissue of the main veins die over the half portion of the leaf.
(c) Internodes become short and stunted.
Leaf size is reduced and malformed.

Deficiency symptoms:
(a) Poor growth of plants.
(b) Small and dark-green leaves.
(c) Retarded tillering of plants.

Deficiency symptoms:
(a) Restricted plant growth.
(b) Reduction in yield of plants.
(c) Wilting or drying, yellowing and drying of tissues.
(d) Bronze discoloration.
Deficiency symptoms:
(a) Pale green to yellowish green leaves.
(b) Stunted growth.
(c) Light brown areas of the dad tissues at the tip of margins.

In tomatoes, the following symptoms are observable:

(a) Mottling (production of spots on the leaves).
(b) Necrosis (dying of tissue).
(c) Curving at leaf margin.
(d) Falling of flowers.

Diagnostic Procedures
1. Nutrient Deficiency symptom in Plants (Visual Symptom)

The underlying principle of this method is that plants express through growth
characteristics certain symptoms associated with a lack of an essential element or
growth factor.


Experienced agronomists can identify quickly what problem a crop is having and
without analytical work.
2. Plant Analysis

The principle behind this method is that the nutrient content in plant is related to that
available in the soil. If the nutrient level in the tissue falls below the critical level then the
soil must be deficient in that element for optimum growth.


When the plant is sampled instead of the soil, the analysis indicates the result of the
process of nutrient uptake rather than its beginning. The plant acts as an indicator of
soil and climatic variable.
3. Soil Testing

four phases:

1. collecting the soil sample

2. extracting and determining the available nutrient
3. interpreting the analytical result
4. formulating the fertilizer recommendations
Principle: A chemical procedure in the laboratory should extract
approximately the same amount of nutrient as crop would do during a
growing season.
Field Plot Technique (Fertilizer field trials)
The principle involved is that the growth & yield of a given crop in a given soil is

dependent upon the supply of available nutrient or nutrients in that soil. It is necessary

that all factors affecting growth, other than the fertility variable under study, be provided

according to the best information available: adaptable variety, sufficient water, proper

tillage, & control of pH (by liming ), insects, diseases,& weeds, Adequate quantities of

the plant nutrients other than the one(s) under study must be applied.
What are fertilizer ?
-is any substance that is added to the soil or to the
plant in solid, liquid, or gaseous form to supply one or
more of the essential nutrient elements required for
the nutrition and growth of plants.

Classification of fertilizer material – according to form:

Natural Organic
Chemical or Inorganic
Natural chemical
Synthetic chemical
Types of Fertilizer
• The inorganic fertilizers
are better for the
industrial production of big
vegetable gardens.
• After a long time these
fertilizers could be worse,
because they are made of
chemical products, that
could produce secondary
effects. They are more
• For our small vegetable
garden, it will be better
to use organic fertilizers,
because they are cheaper
and the land will absorb
this kind of fertilizer
more slowly, so well
needless amount of
Organic Regulations
Organic regulations require
growers to rely on the use of
manures, cover crops, crop
rotations, and the use of
untreated products
Organic Fertilizer
1) By products of industries
- copra meal, bone meal, etc.

2) Urban wastes
a) Garbage
b) Sewerage
c) Compost
d) Crop Residues
e) Green Manures
3) Farm Product
a.) Farm Manure - These are mixtures of animal excreta and soiled bedding that accumulate in
stables in barns

%N %P2O5 %K2O %MC

Horse 0.55 0.30 0.40 75
Cow 0.40 0.40 0.10 85
Pig 0.55 0.50 0.40 80
Goat 0.60 0.70 0.48 63
Hen 1.00 0.80 0.40 55
Carabao 0.50 0.40 0.15 90
Classification of Bio-Fertilizers
Part 2
Computation: - Formula -
% element = atomic weight/molecular weight X 100

Weight of the Fertilizer Material = weight of nutrients/% nutrient

Weight of nutrients = weight of fertilizer material X % nutrient

Computation: % element = atomic weight/molecular weight X 100
Compute for the percent element of Urea – CO(NH2)2.

% N = 2N/CO(NH2)2 X 100 % O = O/CO(NH2)2 X 100

= 2(14)/12+16+2(14)+4(1) X 100 = 16/60 X 100
= 28/60 X 100 = 26.66 %
= 46.66 % % H = 4H/CO(NH2)2 X 100
% C = C/CO(NH2)2 X 100 = 4(1)/60 X 100
= 12/60 X 100 = 6.66 %
= 20%
Compute the weight of the following:

a. 3 bags of Urea (46-0-0) c. 4 bags complete (14-14-14)

50 kg X 3 = 150 kg X 46% 50 kg X 4 = 200 kg X 14%
= 150 kg X .46 = 200 kg X .14
= 69 kg of N = 28 kg of N-P-K

b. 2 tons of compost (4% N)

1000 kg X 2 = 2000 kg X 4%
= 2000 kg X .04
= 80 kg of N

Weight of the Fertilizer Material = weight of nutrients/% nutrient

Weight of nutrients = weight of fertilizer material X % nutrient

4 bags complete (12-14-24)
50 kg x 4 = 200 kg x 12%
200 kg x .12 =24 kg of N
= 200 kg x 14%
200 kg x .14 = 28 kg of P
= 200 kg x 24%
200 kg x .24 = 48 kg of K
Mang Juan needs to apply fertilizer at a recommended rate of 90-30-60. The only available fertilizer
he has are Ammonium Sulfate (21-0-0), Ordinary Superphosphate (0-18-0), and Muriate of Potash
(0-0-60). How many of each will Mang Juan need to apply in his farm.
Ammonium Sulfate = 90 kg/21% Muriate of Potash = 60 kg/60%
= 90 kg/.21 = 60 kg/.60
= 428.57 kg/50 kg = 100 kg/50 kg
= 8.57 bags = 2 bags

Ordinary Superphosphate = 30 kg/18%

= 30 kg/.18
= 166.66 kg/50 kg
= 3.33 bags

Weight of the Fertilizer Material = weight of nutrients/% nutrient

Weight of nutrients = weight of fertilizer material X % nutrient

Mang Juan needs to apply fertilizer at a recommended rate of 90-30-60. The only
available fertilizer he has are Urea (46-0-0), Complete (14-14-14), and Muriate of
Potash (0-0-60). How many of each will Mang Juan need to apply in his farm.
Complete = 30 kg/14% Muriate of Potash = 60 kg – 30 kg/60%
= 30 kg/.14 = 30 kg/.60
= 214.28 kg/50 kg = 50 kg/50 k
= 4.28 bags = 1 bag

Urea = 90 kg/46%
= 90 kg – 30 kg/.46
= 60 kg/.46
= 130.43 kg/50 kg
= 2.60 bags

Weight of the Fertilizer Material = weight of nutrients/% nutrient

Weight of nutrients = weight of fertilizer material X % nutrient

Thank you very much………..

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