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Essay for course bonus (2 points)

Must be done individually.

Use SAS or Python or another analytical data processing tool to solve some problems from the following

Optimization applications

Matrix programming (e.g. SAS IML)

Map charts

Textual analysis

Data validation using regular expressions

Creating aggregated reports

Applications with decision trees

SQL language specific procedures

Machine learning algorithms

Time series

Data cleaning for analysis

Choose a topic and a processing tool and write it down in the following drive document, until WEEK 10,
when the editing will end. (ex: Machine learning algorithms in Python)

Make sure there are no identical topics! (Machine learning algorithms in Python and Machine learning
algorithms in SAS are not identical! )

Papers must be uploaded on the online platform by week 11 of the semester.

The papers are presented at the course, with practical examples.

Obtaining the score is conditioned by the presentation of the paper.

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