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AL align GP create group SC snap center

AR array HC hide category SE snap endpoint

CM component HH hide element SM snap midpoint

CO copy HL hidden line SQ snap quadrant

CS create similar LI model line SL split element

DE delete LL level TL thin line

DI dimension MA match type properties TR trim

DM mirror - draw axis MM mirror - pick axis TX text

DL detail line MV move UE unhide element

DR door OF offset UP unpin

EG edit group PN pin VG visibility graphics

ER editing requests PP properties WA wall

EU unhide element RC repeat last command WF wireframe

FR find/replace RO rotate WN window

GD graphic display options RP reference plane ZF zoom fit


To see how to create your own shortcuts, you can watch my video on the Tutorials page of
The Student Architect website here under the Revit Tutorials section.

BE building elevation FL floor RJ join/unjoin roof

BS building section FR filled region RM room

CA callout JO join RT room tag

DC detail component PR plan region ST stair

EL spot elevation RA railing UJ unjoin

FA roof fascia RF roof by footprint WJ wall join

CTRL+SHIFT+V paste aligned to same place

Snaps are really important to create accurate drawings and will save you tons of time from trying to hover to
pick the right point. These shortcuts are already programmed into Revit.

SC snap centers SN snap nearest ST snap tangents

SE snap endpoints SO snap off SW snap work plane grid

SI snap intersections SP snap perpendicular SX snap points

SM snap midpoints SQ snap quadrants SZ snap close


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