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Mobile Application Development (226 17)

X. Exercise
(Use blank space provide for answers or attached more pages if needed)
I. ~rite a program to create a HelloWorld Activity using all lifecycles methods to
display messages using Log.d.

(Space for answers)

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Maharashtra State Board of Techn ical Education 91

Mobile Application Development (22617)

IX. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
I. List different methods used in Intent.
2. Write an intent to display the phone dialer with the given number filled in.

(Space for answers)

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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 96

Mobile Applic3 1· D
ion evclopmen t (226 17)

VIII. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Remarks
Instrument Specification Quantity
No. /Object
Android enabled smartphone l Data cable is
I Android version supporting mandato ry for
I emulator s

IX. Practical Related Questions

ote: Below given are few sample question • fi ,r. ence. Teachers must design
s or reJer
more such question s to ensure the achievement of identifie d CO. p .d \
I. Write in detail which methods are needed to implement Content r.ov1 her c ass.
2· Explain different parts of an URI in android applicati on. Also
wnte t e
format of URI
3 . Write steps to ·create a content provider in android applicati ons.

(Space for answers)

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Maharashtra State Board of Technica l Education
Mobile Application Development (226 17)

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X. Exercise
(Use blank space for answers or uttflcl, more pages if needed)
1. Write a program to create your own content provider to insert and
access data in android application.

K (Space for answers)

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·I St· tC Board of Technical Education
Maharas 11ra a
Mobile Application Development (22617)

VIII. Resources required (Additional)

Quantity Remarks
Instrument Specification
Sr. No.
/Object I Data cable is
Android enabled mandatory
smartphone / Android for emulators
I version supporting

IX. Practical related Questions

Teachers must design
Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference.
more such questio11s to ensure the achievement of identified
I. Draw the lifecycle of service.
2. Differentiate between bounded service and unbounded servic
3. Describe startService() and bindService()methods.

(Space for answers)

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Maharashtra State Board ofTcch111cal Education 106

Mobile Application Development (22617 )

'2)~ M,

•••. !'c •. •.~.i.c.e... ..t.s. .... ....~.h~.o. ... o.. n_ ...a.e_p\.i.<:...W:i..~.n ......... . ..1a.... .S.u.c..J\...... a.'o....~n ....a .CJ:i11.:..+:-.-,.r.E;to.~$ ...'.,.\:.:...b._,, ..

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X. Exercise
(Use blank space for answers or attach more pages if needed)
I. Write a program to start a Wi-Fi using service.
2. Write a program to display the fol\owing output. -

Cl MamAcliv,ty

Stop Service


r X ., . . . . . . . ..... . . . .... . . .... . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .... . . . . . . .... . . ......... .. . ..

(Space for answers)

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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education \07
Mobile Application Developmen t (22617)

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•t Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 108

Mobile Application Development (22617)

Bfoadcnt l!Unt
0 .:-:

VIII. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Obiect
Android enabled 2GB RAM I Data cable is
smartphone / Android version mandatory for
I emulators
supporting emulator

IX. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must
desig11 more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
I. Differentiated between Activity Intent and Broadcasting Intent.
2. Draw Broadcast Receivers Lifecycle.
3. List the System Events related to Broadcast Receivers.

(Space for answers)

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Maharashtra S1a1e Board of Technical Education 11 l

Mobile Application Development (22617)

3..~>.................................................... . ........... .... ...................... ............................... ..................

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X. Exercise
Note: Faculty must ensure that every group of students use different input value.
(Use blank space for answers or attach more pages if needed)
I. Write a program to demonstrate all the system broadcast messages.

(Space for answers)

······ ································ ························· ·········"············"·· ···•· " ···············••"················ ···············•"···

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MaharashLra Slate Board or Technical Education

······ ···· ··········· ····· ······················································ ···························• ········································ ··· ·
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X. Exercise
Note: Faculty must ensure that every group of students use different input value.
(Use blank space for answers or attach more pages if needed)
1. Write a program to changes the background color when device is shuffled.
2. Write a program to display the list of sensors supported by the mobile device.

(Space for answers)

·········· ····· ········ ······ ················· ····· ······ ··················· ··· ·········· ······································· ··················· ······

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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education \ \1

Mobile Applico1ion Development (2261 7)

the activity when your activity is child of any otheractivity.

3. startActivityFromChild(Activity child, Intent intent, int requestCodc, Bundle
options) It work same as above, but it can take extra values in the shape of bundle
with it.
4. startActivityFromFragmcnt(Fragmcnt fragment, Intent intent, int requestCode)ft
launches activity from the fragment you are currentlyinside.
S. startActivityFromFragment(Fragment fragment, Intent intent, intrequestCodc,
Bundle options) It not only launches the activity from the fragment, but can take
extra values withit.

VIII. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. No. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks

Android enabled 2GB RAM I Data cable is
l smartphone / Android mandatory for
version supporting emulator emulators

IX. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
l . List all the methods related to camera class.
2. Explain the method that is used to detect the face .

\-""> (Space for answers)

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M aharashtra State Board o f Technical Education 122

Mobile Application Dc
-.-c_kipmait (ll I 7)

Once yo u en ab le the Bl
ge lB on
uc too lh. yo u an gc
de dD ev ice s() me tho d.
1t retumS a set of Bl ue
11 list of paired de vic
es ~y calling . \

pri\'alc too th de ";c es. lts synta

x is.
Sc t< BluctoothDe,.,ic
ccs; J)all"CdDevices =
B A.gelBondedDe-..ic
es( ):

vm. Re so ur as re qu in d
Sr .
No . Specification Quantity Re m ar ks
/O bi ed
An dr oid en ab led
1 sm art ph on e / An dr oid
ve rsi on su pp or tin g em
2 GB RA M \ Da ta ca bl e is
ma nd ato ry -
IX . Practical related Qu
ula tor
for em ula tor s \
Not~: Bdow go~" •r
r fn , SaJllpl~ quf!Slio,u
"' a~ su dt 911l!Slio1ts to
l . Na me the me tho ds
~nsur~ tlr~ achiniemrn
wh ich are
fo r nf en nc e. Ta id ta
t ofid~1ttifi~d CO.
us ed to en ab le an d dis
s t dm gn
ab le Bl ue too th ad ap ter
2. Ex pl ain the pu rp .
os e of AC TI ON _RE QU
ES T_ DI SC OV ER AB LE Co ns tan

3. Li st th e us es of se
tN am e(S tri ng na me)m
eth od .

. . ---} ..... ·····•··· .. ················
... ················
(Space for answers)

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1,~ s r:1.~ d u-o, P..!.: blu ID>o.H>. <:10.Me-

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Mohlle Applic111l011 Development (22617)

2. sctDuration(long duration) :This method sets the duration of an animation.

3. gctDuration() : This method gets the duration which is set by above method.
4. end(): This method ends the animation.
5. cancel() : This method cancels the animation.

VIII. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Object
Android enabled 2 GB RAM I Data cable is
I smartphone / Android mandatory for
version supporting emulator emulators

IX. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
I. Write the steps to perform Tween Animation.
2. Explain the use of from XScale and from YScale method in detail.

_\. (Space for answers)

\ ···/.··················································································································································
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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 132

Mobi le Appli cauon Devel opmen (22617)

M obile Applic atio

Prac tical related Ques tions
JX. .r.. renc e. Teac hers mus t design
I 11estions/or reJe :r. d CO X.
Note· Below given are/eW sarnp e q h, verne E~eT ci
nt ofidentt_,le .
mor; such questions to ensure ~he aca: ~oid Note:

J. List the basic methods used 10 an (Use '
2. Differentiate between Asyn cTas dSer vices . . ?
k an kes a long tirne to do its
3. Nam e the method used , ifa proce ss ta work .
1 \. V

L) . '.Sp~~•f~~~--'.~~~·i. ".\ ~
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... .. ........ . . .. ... .....

l\ laharashtra S1a1e Boar d of Tech nical Ed

Mohllc., Arrllculion l)cvclopmc:rll (226 17)

using get'J'cxt() and toStrlng() method and match it with the text using equals()
The last thing you need to do is to provide a security mechanism, so that unwanted
attempts should be avoided. For this initialize a variable and on each false attempt,
decrement it. And when it reaches to 0, disable the login button.

VIII. Resources requlred(Addltlonal)

Sr. Instrument Specification Quantity Remarks

No. /Object
Android enabled 2GB RAM I Data cable is
I smartphone / Android mandatory for
version supporting emulator emulators

IX. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO.
I. Explain the use of equalsOfunction.
2. List the important functions which are related to GUI component " Button".
3. State the uses of Toast message.

~ (Space for answers)

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..o .Ll.h);.~··t····\+.e:ica..UJ..v.e ....a.nA ....u.l~.b.~.....+.~.v.6e.~ ..:............

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M aharas htra State Board of Tec hnical Education 142

Mobile Application Development (22617)

Clean user interface.

Validation (check if the email is an email and if the user entered all the dalll) .
• Notifications for the user that the data is incorrect.
Instructions for the user (e.g. how many characters are required for password). "·
VIII. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument Speclflcation Quantity Remarks

No. /Object
Android enabled 2GBRAM I Data cable is
smartphone / Android mandatory for
I emulators
I version supporting

IX. Practical related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions to e11sure the achievement of ide11tified CO.
I. Explain validation ofuseT input?
2. List and explain various GUI components used to design the login
form with validation .
3. Differentiate between Text View and Edit Text View .

I-' (Space for answers)

{~f 0~ ✓-Ji,~~~ eii~{~ ; __;;: 1b~ ~;;:~:;,:::~ ±k.d

.Q... . .. .
. eo.~......b . d::me. ... l.J.h.;.1.e...c§.;.:..i.;.d····lnp-u\..s ...........
... 7"0-.......o.u.11-...a.p-.p..~ ......................................................................................................... .
3 · ··~······· ·· ···· ············· ···· ···· ·· ··· ···· ··· ···· ····· ····· ···· ··· ············· ············ ····· ······ ···· .. ..... ..... ............ ....... .

...~ .......J..~:t:\~;.e.t.J.....,.!?.....osed......:\:-.G.... d.J.sf ru;••·~b ... o.ncl ....Ls ..........
..0o~k ...... edl.t;:...ab.!e....'b 1 .....#.\.e. .. o.~e1(;.............................................................. .
......-: ... r~.t;.v,~C. .. W......'.\. ..))-Eil, ... .. ·O<tte~.... ···Vf F.Ocl~IT,t.~.c.cJ).7
··~·····oo7. ...i.fme. ............................................................................................................. .


\t ~

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 147

Mobile Application C►-vdopman (22617)

To receive SMS messages, the besl practice is to use the on Receive() method of the
Broadcast Receiver class. The Android framework sends oul syslem broadcasts of
events such as receiving an SMS message, containing intents thal are meanl to be
received using a Broadcasl Receiver. Your app receives SMS messages by listening
for the SMS RECEIVED ACTION broadcast.
Methods: - -
I ArrayList<S tring> divideMessa ge(Slring texl) :-This method divides a message
text into severaJ fragments, none bigger than the maximum SMS message size.
2 slatic SmsManage r getDefauh() :- This method is used to get the default instance
of the Sms Manager
3 void sendDataMe ssage(String destination Address, String scAddress, short
destinalionP ort, byteQ data, Pendinglnte nl senllntent, Pendinglnte nt
deliverylnle nt):- This method is used to send a dala based SMS to a specific
application port.
4 void sendTextMessage( String dcstinationA ddress, String scAddress, String text,
Pendinglnte nt sentlntent, Pendinglnte nt deliverylnre nt) :-Send a text based SMS.

VIII. Resources required (Additional)

Sr. Instrument Specification Quantity I Remarks

No. /Object
Android enabled 2GBRAM I Data cable is
I / Android mandatory for
I version supporting emulator
I emulators

IX. Practical related Questions

Nole: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions lo ensure the achievement ofidentified CO.
I. Explain the use of SmsManage rClass.
2. List changes that are need to be done in AndroidMai nfest.XML file to
send and receive messages.

(Space for answers)

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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 152

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