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La literatura griega 

rendía culto a dioses y deidades que recreaba en sus

obras. El contenido de la literatura griega solía ser religioso o místico.
obras: La Ilíada. La Odisea. Homero , La Teogonía Los Trabajos y días. Hesíodo ,

La literatura romana es fundamentalmente literatura latina, aunque también

incluye algunos autores romanos que escribieron en griego
obras Las Cartas a Lucilio, de Séneca.
La Eneida, de Virgilio.
La Epístola a los Pisones, de Horacio .
El Arte de Amar, de Ovidio.

la literatura medieval se caracteriza por lo siguiente: Se puede clasificar en dos

partes: la literatura religiosa, emanada de la Iglesia y del mundo de la cultura
cristiana, y la literatura profana, menos abundante, emanada del pueblo.
obras El decamerón, de Giovanni Bocaccio.
La divina comedia, de Dante Aligheri.
Tirant lo Blanc, de Joanot Martorell.
Suma teológica, de Santo Tomás de Aquino.

Clasicismo, cristianismo, influencias extranjeras y popularidvd, son los

elementos fundamentales que caracterizan a la literatura italiana;
Obras: Divina Comedia. Dante Alighieri. ...
El Príncipe. Nicolás Maquiavelo. ...
Decamerón. Giovanni Boccaccio. ...
Scaramouche. Rafael Sabatini
¬ Economy:

The economy of Peru has risen a lot, luck is in your favor

The economy is enough to say we're fine

Peru's economy has also gone up a lot lately

after the low sales of tourism we have lost a lot of economy

¬ Education

In Lima education is good enough for students

The students in Lima is dedicated enough to your classes

In Lima, students are diligent enough to enter the university

In Lima, the education are too important for our life

¬ Facilities:

In Lima stores have enough good offers for customers

In Lima there are too many public toilets for your needs.

In Lima the stores are clean enough for customers

In Lima, private schools are efficient enough for students.

¬ Turistic places:

In Lima the prices to travel are too cheap for tourists

Lima is beautiful enough for tourists to visit.

In lima the crowd is friendly enough for tourists

Lima's culture is interesting enough for tourists

¬ Transports:

In Lima, buses are big enough for people

In San Isidro the buses are clean enough for our use.

In Lima, taxis are safe enough for people.

In Lima, the trains are fast enough to reach your destination.

¬ Sarety]

In miraflores, security is good enough, there is almost no crime

In Lima, security is safe enough because there is not much danger

Security in La Molina is good enough for our citizens

In Surco there are enough cameras for the security of the neighbors

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