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10-14 Day Nutrition Educations

10 Talking Points


Day 0
Ideal Breakfast

1. Cut Calories Not food

2. Importance of Water
3. Cellular Nutrition
4. 80/20/100
5. Formula 1, Low GI
6. Improtance of protein, (Healthy vs unhealthy weightloss)
7. Good fats vs bad fats
8. Reading Nutrition Labels
9. Exercise
10. Herbalife Membership

1)Hidden Danger, calories
2 Drink more water, beauty sleep
3 Cellular Nutrition + Video
4 Day 4 lose fats and toxins
5 Fit Club & Fit Challnege
6 Breakfast GI and Healthy Meal
7 Reading Nutrition Lables
10 Recruit Coaches

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