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1. Do you believe you are an effective listener? Why or why not?

Use what you learned in

Chapter 5 as evidence for your answer. How has listening and empathy played a
positive or negative role in your relationships and interactions with others? How might
you improve?

I do believe I’m an effective listener, because I am an active listener. I tend to do most

of my listening being in “empathetic listening”, which allows the person communicating
to build trust with by showing that I understand and care about them and their feelings
and perspective promoting open communication. Which can later play a positive role in
all my relationships and interactions. By improving the interaction by reducing conflict,
showing support.

I believe I am an effective listener using critical listening because I often pay attention to
what is going on in the news for example when they announced the artificial meat and
the reasons behind it, I evaluated the information and ingredients comparing how
healthy they were. I ended up evaluating the potential danger of what fake meat could
put us in, filling us with parasites by eating bugs .Overall critical listening helps us
evaluate and analyze information and opinion which allows us all to think about the
options and solutions of the problem.

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