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Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor

21 – 25 16 – 20 11 – 15 6 – 10
Poor creativity. Didn’t
Presentation of the details and Presentation of details
Presentation of details take any effort to make
information is very creative and information is not
Creativity and information looks the presentation
and catchy enough to grab the that good and has
good and appealing. appealing and creative
audience attention. minimal flaws.
Content is perfectly It includes the basic
Some details and
presented, it is clear and Content is good. It details and information,
examples are insufficient
Content covers the details and even includes all the basic as well as examples but
and/or incorrect and the
provided examples that are details and examples. does not delivered very
delivery is not good.
needed. well.
Presentation of information
Follows the outline Follows the outline and Did not follow the
are well organized,
and direction. direction but is not well outline and direction and
informative, easy to follow
Organization Presentation is good, organized. Thus, the is not organized making
and understand. The video
organized, and easy to presentation is not easy the video presentation
presentation also follows the
understand. to understand. not understandable.
outline and directions.
Choice of audio and
Choice of audio and Choice of audio and music are not poor as
Choice of audio and music
music are good as music are okay. Some well as the volume and
Audio and Music are accurate as well as the
well as the volume quality and volume of it quality and does not
volume and the quality of it.
and quality of it. are not good. match the video

Score Description Score

4 The overall presentation is neat, clear, and understandable.

3 The video presentation is clean and good.

2 Some information is lacking and not understandable.

1 Most of the context and presentation is not readable and not informative.

Prepared by:

Reyes, April

Openiano, Aira Gene

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