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Title: Introduction to Musical Notes

Grade Level: 4th-6th


Students will be able to identify and name the four main types of musical notes.

Students will be able to understand the basic concept of duration in music.

Students will be able to apply their knowledge of notes by creating their own musical composition.


Whiteboard or chalkboard

Musical notes flashcards or handouts

Pencils and paper

Access to instruments or online music tools (optional)

Introduction (10 minutes):

Begin by asking students if they have ever heard of musical notes before.

Show an example of sheet music and ask if anyone knows what the symbols represent.

Explain that notes are symbols used in music to represent sound and that they are an essential part of
creating and performing music.

Direct Instruction (20 minutes):

Introduce the four main types of musical notes: whole note, half note, quarter note, and eighth note.

Use flashcards or handouts to show each type of note and explain their duration. For example, a whole
note is held for four beats, a half note is held for two beats, a quarter note is held for one beat, and an
eighth note is held for half a beat.

Play examples of music and ask students to identify which type of note is being played.

Guided Practice (20 minutes):

Have students work in pairs to create their own rhythm patterns using the four types of notes.

Provide them with pencils and paper to write down their rhythm pattern.

Ask each pair to perform their rhythm pattern for the class.

Independent Practice (20 minutes):

Have students work individually to create their own short musical composition using the four types of

Provide them with pencils and paper or access to instruments or online music tools.

Encourage them to use their knowledge of notes and duration to create a unique piece of music.

Ask each student to perform their composition for the class.

Closure (10 minutes):

Review the four main types of notes and their duration.

Ask students to reflect on what they learned and how they can apply their knowledge of notes to create
and perform music in the future.


Students will be assessed based on their ability to identify and name the four types of notes, create their
own rhythm pattern, and create their own musical composition using the four types of notes.

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