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Day 01

Find Your Next Art Collector Quickly

5-Day Challenge
Decide to succeed.
Day 1. The fact that you’re reading this means you have committed
to being the artist you were born to be, and you are ready to stop
dreaming and start planning to succeed.

Our five-day challenge will kick off by giving you clarity on your past
results and catalyzing your decision to create new results in the
future. You are where you are today because of the actions and
decisions you’ve made in the past. Remember: you can’t change
what you don’t acknowledge. Own it. Then change it.
The truth will set
you free.
Day 1 Assignment: Journal about the
following seven prompts and answer the
following questions truthfully. Try to avoid
any judgment in your responses; just stay in
the space of acknowledgment.
1-Your Current
Your level of success as an artist today is a
product of the choices you've made up to this
point. Describe three aspects of your current

I'm not confident in the price of my art.
I feel overwhelmed.
I don't feel good about myself when I
discount my art.

2-Your Desired
If you could wave a magic wand and make
anything a reality, what results would you
waive into reality? Describe three aspects of
your desired results.

I would double my art sales in the next 12
I would feel confident when speaking with
an affluent collector.
I would have a roadmap and know my next
best step.
3-How long 4-What's your
have you approach
been trying? costing you?

How long have you been struggling to What does it cost you to remain
achieve your desire results above? stuck and make no progress towards
How many times have you sold your your goals? Describe three ways your
art and then seen your art sales tank? current approach is costing you
How many representatives have you money and time.
worked with since you started
selling? How many art shows have Example:
you paid to participate in? Describe I’m giving my representative 50%
three things you've been trying to do of every sale and they are not
to sell more of your art. selling enough of my art.
I don't have a customer list for
Example: people who purchased through
I've been entering my art into my rep.
juried shows to gain exposure. I'm scared to add up the cost of
I'm always looking through Calls my materials, expenses, and
For Artists. labor so it's costing me my peace
I've tried working with my local of mind.
arts council.
5-Where will you be one
year from today if you
don't make a change?
Now, let's extend that idea out into the future. If you stay stagnant,
what will that mean in three years? Five years? Ten years? Describe
three issues that will result if you don't make a change today.

I will feel less connected to myself as an artist and my art.
I will have a very expensive hobby.
My family's concerns and criticism will be justified.
6-What will be possible when
you reach your goals?
Describe what will be possible when you reach your goals.

I will feel like I found my purpose.
I will feel confident and enjoy selling my art.
I will be able to connect with affluent collectors.
7-What will
that mean for
your life?

Now, let's extend this scenario further

into the future. If you reach your
goals, list three ways it will make a
meaningful difference in your life in
three years? Five years? Ten years?


With my increased confidence, I

will stand up for myself more and
be an example of a strong
woman for my daughter.
My confidence will be an
inspiration in my relationship with
my partner.
I will feel proud of my ability to
set a goal and accomplish it.
Today's Day 1
Facebook Accountability
Live Training Post

If you’re like most artists, you’ve Today's assignment: Answer these

probably felt at least a little bit eight questions. Post your responses
emotional as you filled out these to questions 6 and 7 in our Facebook
questions—that’s normal! Community.

Join me for today’s LIVE training, and

you’ll walk away with a powerful
grounding tool that you can start
using now to expedite your progress.

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