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Amanda Perez


Unit 3

Get ready!

1- Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1 Where are words and pictures shown on an electronic device?

- Display
- Fixing
- Scramble
- Tap

2 What might appear on the screen of a laptop if there is a problem?

- Screen in blue
- black or just the screen turn off


f) Read the checklist. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1- T When an electronic device malfunctions, take it apart immediately.

2- F if the display is scramble, the problem is a bad connection.

3- F tapping on a device can help you figure out what’s wrong with it.


3- Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H).

1 _ activity
2 _ warmup 3 _ display
4 _ scramble
5 _ hiss
6 _ dead
7 _ eliminate
Amanda Perez
8 _ malfunctioning

A- to mix up 3
B- not working correctly 8
C- to let a machine run after starting it 2
D- an s-like sound 1
E- not working at all 6
F- movement or action 5
G- the screen on an electronic device 4
H- to take something away so it is not considered 7

4- Read the sentence pair. Choose where the words best fit the blanks.

A 1 hum / apart
1- When she turned the TV on, she heard a
low hum
2- After the DVD player broke, he took it apart

2 remote control/external
1- Look at the external parts before looking at the inside.
2- Use the remote control to turn on the television.

3 tap/ eliminate
1- just tap the case lightly.
2- The process will help you eliminate some choices.

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