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Experiment #2: Resonance

Valerie Yazbeck
Student ID: 40170951

In this experiment, we used a tone generator that generates an abundance of different frequencies
to determine the resonance frequencies of an open-ended cylinder. The goal of this experiment is
to find the resonance frequencies of an open-ended cylinder. For the apparatus, a paper towel roll
was used as the open-ended cylinder, with a length of 0.235±0.005 (m) and a diameter of
0.05±0.005 (m), and their uncertainties obtained from a standard ruler. First, we found the
theoretical frequencies which give us an estimation of where to find the experimental resonance
frequencies at each specific harmonic number. Then, we found the experimental resonance
frequencies by detecting at which frequency, which is produced by the tone generator, is the
volume loudest since the sound volume increases due to the original wave interfering
constructively with its reflection, which produces a standing wave. The wavelength must be a
multiple of the length of the cylinder used for constructive interference to occur. Ideally, we'd
use this formula, 𝑓 = 2𝐿 𝑛, where f is the frequency (Hz), v is the sound speed (m/s), L is the

cylinder length (m), and n is the harmonic number. Due to the fact that this system is not
idealized, we must factor in the diameter in the equation making the formula now 𝑓 = 𝑛
(equation 1), with all the parameters staying the same but with the addition of the diameter. We
expect a linear relationship between the frequency and the harmonic number while everything
else will be constant excluding the speed of sound which will be calculated from our collected

Table 1:

Theoretical Values
Frequency (Hz) Harmonic (n) Speed Of Sound (m/s) at 20°C
623.64 1 343
1247.27 2
1870.91 3
2494.55 4
3118.18 5
Table 2:

Experimental Values (Resonance)

Frequency (Hz) Uncertainty (Hz) Harmonic (n)

623 ± 9 1

1234 ± 13 2

1865 ± 6 3

2486 ± 10 4

3115 ± 3 5

Graph 1:

3500 Open Ended Cylinder's Frequencies Plotted Against Harmonic

Experimental Frequencies

f = (623.6± 2) n - (6.2 ± 5.9)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Harmonic Number (n)
Table 3:

Experimental Values Of Speed Of Sound

Speed (m/s) Uncertainty (m/s)
342.98 ± 13.087

The fit of the graph is linear, and the harmonic number is proportional to resonance frequency. This data
matches the relationship in equation 1. All the points lie on the fit line, therefore the equation 𝑓 = [(623.6
± 2)𝑛 − (6.2 ± 5.9)]𝐻𝑧 is a good fit to the data we collected. From table 3 above, we can see that the
experimental value of the speed of sound matches the theoretical value of the speed of sound and that the
theoretical value falls in the experimental value’s interval, hence it is in agreement with the theoretical
value 343 m/s at 20°C. When comparing the theoretical frequencies to our experimental frequencies, we
can observe that the values are roughly the same or the same like in harmonic 1. We can also see how the
values are in agreement considering that the theoretical values fall in the experimental values interval
once again. Regarding the graph, we expect to see a linear plot with the trendline passes through each
point. The graph we get matches our expectations confirming that our theory that the harmonic number is
proportional to the resonance frequency. Since the room the experiment was performed in was 20°C it
makes sense why the experimental value is closer to the theoretical value. However, a source of error
could be outside noise, so a completely silent room would be ideal. This could cause the listener to
misinterpret the volume reaching a peak, resulting in values being inaccurate.

When the volume of the sound reaches its peak due to constructive interference, our
experimental results support the theory that harmonic number is proportional to resonance
frequency. The speed of sound may vary in each experimental trial due to environmental factors
such as the temperature of the room and outside vibrations/sounds, which we just mentioned.

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