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1. Do you have many close friends?
Yes, I’m quite a sociable person so my circle of friends is pretty large, I suppose. Many of my friends
from kindergarten have helped me through thick and thin and I can’t imagine what it would be like
without them.
Sociable (adj): quan hệ rộng
Through thick and thin (phrase): trải qua cả thời gian gian khổ và hạnh phúc cùng nhau

2. Which do you prefer to spend time with: a friend or spend time alone?
It really depends on the situation I guess. Most of the time, it is great to spend time with friends and share
all our ups and downs together. It can be certainly lonely if one can not find his soulmate. Everyone
deserves to have someone to share precious moment with. But at times, being by myself helps me to
reflect and I don’t mind that at all.
Deserve (verb): xứng đáng
Reflect (verb): tự nhìn lại những gì đã xảy ra

3. What kind of people do you like to have as friends?

I make friends with the like minded people and I like those with an optimistic attitude. Well, I would say
that we live in a hectic world and I don’t want to hang out with those who constantly complain and are
cynical. My friends should be uplifting and can channel that positive energy to me.
Like minded (adj): giống mình
Optimistic attitude (noun): thái độ lạc quan
Hectic (adj): loạn lạc
Cynical (adj): hoài nghi
Uplifting (adj): niềm nở
Channel (verb): truyền

4. Do you have a lot of friends ?

Yes, i have several friends that keep friendship for many years. We should have something in common,
such as life values, interests, .. so everytime we meet, we have a lot of topics to share.

We cannot live alone and thus requires friends. In fact, all the friends are best for me. But if I consider
this issue deeply, it appears that Lisa is the best of the best. I spend a lot of time with my best friend. I’ve
known her since secondary school where we were in the same class. We only see each other via the
internet because we don’t study in the same city. My university in Hanoi but she lives in Hochiminh
She is the most understanding person i have ever met in my life. She’s funny, smart, helpful, caring and
nice. Let me tell you a little bit about her physical appearance. My friend is of average height, maybe the
same height as me, but she is very muscular as she plays a lot of sport everyday with me. She has long
beautiful hair, really wavy, it’s a dark brown colour and big brown eyes. She always smiling and has a big
smile for the world to see. My friend is always in a good mood. Every time I see him he is happy and has
a big smile on his face. Even when we have lots of homework to do he is smiling. He just says that we
have to do and we have no choice. I wish I could be like him.
When we are together we always play lots of sports like swimming and badminton. I regularly invite Lisa
to to accompany me every weekend. We can do breaststroke and backstroke so i passed an examination in
swimming, about 8.5, when i studied in Army corps2’s military school. As we live in my hometown,
there aren’t many places to go so we normally hangout at the sport centre, studying at the library near her
house or taking some photoshoots by my camera, which is the present from my grandparent.
Sometimes my friend bites her nails. I can’t stand it when she does this because it looks so dirty. I think
this is really harmful to her health, but she doesn’t listen to me.
I like my friend because she is always trying to help me. I am not very good at maths and so my friend
helps me work out all the maths problems. Whenever we get maths homework, I go to her house and she
shows me how to do it. I think this is very kind of him. she is being very generous with her time.


1. What do you think are the most important qualities for friends to have?
A true friend is someone who is straightforward. It doesn’t have to be harsh when this person comments on
your mistake but he or she shouldn’t sugarcoat the problems. Another thing I guess might be extremely
important is acceptance. What I mean by this is that a friend should accept me for who I am, yet this person
should want me to be a better version of myself.

Straightforward (adj): thẳng thắn

Harsh (adj): gay gắt
Sugarcoat (verb): làm dịu
Acceptance (noun): sự chấp nhận

2. Do adults and children make friends in the same way?

In a sense, yes. Whether adults or children, they have a set of values that they seek in a friend like
whether this person is fun to hang out with or not. As a grown up, people can be a little bit more
judgemental than a child when it comes to choosing a friend. As for a child, proximity can be a deciding
factor for making a friend while an adult can be more active in seeking a new relationship.

Judgemental (adj): đánh giá ai đó

Proximity (noun): gần về cự ly

3. Do you think it is impossible to make real friends on the internet?

I wouldn’t say real friendship can not be established via the Internet but I guess people have to be lucky
to be able to find a genuine friend on virtual platforms. I know it doesn’t really matter where people
meet, it’s the connection that counts but online, people tend to exaggerate and portrait themselves

Genuine (adj): thật

Exaggerate (verb): phóng đại
Portrait (verb): khắc họa hình ảnh về ai đó

4. Do you think friendships is important nowadays?

Yes, certainly. Without friends i’d be very sad and lonely. They always cheer me up and help me in every
way possible. Of course, all relationships have their ups and downs, but we should definitely try not to
lose touch with our friends.

ups and downs

5. What do you think is the best time to get new friends?

Well, Probably, the best time is your school and university years. You have many possibilities to get in
touch with different people and it is easilerto find new friends with similar interests.
6. Is it important to stay in touch with friends throughout the years?
Yes, it is very important not to lose touch with your friends. Everyone change and even close friends can
drift apart. In my opinion, friends are your second family and you should highly appreciate them.


1. Would you like to be a celebrity? Why?
Well though I’ve never thought about it, I’m pretty sure that rising to stardom would never be one of my
life goals. I appreciate all the efforts that the celebrities, no matter which field they’re working on, are
making every single day. However, I find myself not belonging to that world, I mean, you never know
what’s going on when the curtains close, right? So yeah, I don’t think I want to become a public figure, to
be honest.

2. Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?

Indeed. As you probably can tell, these days fans, anti-fans and even non-fans are so curious about what
their bias is doing. Some are aggressive that they mentally attack their bias by leaving bad comments
online. Some even approach them in person on the street, especially the so-called paparazzi. Thus I
strongly agree that there should be some regulations to protect the celebrities’ privacy.

3. How do celebrities influence their fans in your country?

I think the influence of celebrities on fans is extensive. It’s somehow natural to follow our bias and try to
be like them. At the first place, it could probably be just physical changes like clothing, hairstyle or
makeup. However thanks to the social network, fans and idols are much closer now, sometimes it’s just a
status away. However, this mental connection is a two-edged sword, meaning the idols actually need to be
more careful about their lifestyle or their manners.
4. Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?

I’m going to talk about Toc Tien, who is a very famous singer in Vietnam. She's well known for her
beautiful voice and for her great passion.
I first knew about Toc Tien about 10 years ago when I overheard her song in a department store and I was
curious about her singing style. Then I went back home and searched for her name. After browsing the
Internet I fell head over heels because of her personality, her iconic fashion style, and of course her voice.
In 2015, she received many awards such as Elle Style Awards Vietnam; In the Blue Wave, she won the
Song of the Year award, Top 5 favorite singers on Top Hit chart with the song Tomorrow and No need
anyone. She used to passed the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in HCM city, not only her parents
but also many friends and fans who understood Toc Tien's dream were happy for her.
She used to be a student at LHP high school for the gifted. She told that her childhood had been really
different from her peers, because the inherently stressful study (studying at specialized schools with a lot
of homeworks and high pressure of competitions), she also had sung, taken photoshoots, interviewed and
many other art activities. While you guys have fun holidays, she often have to bring her homeworks to the
theater or the movie set so she could study anytime, anywhere. At school, her friends and teachers also
had looked at her with different eyes. No pressure, no diamonds. Now she is one of the most artists, who
are successful in showbiz.
Also, I knew that she is not only a singer but also a writer, and an actress and she does some charity work.
Besides her angelic voice, Toc Tien is also known for her dedication to her work. She once told the press
that she loves her job, and she said that she was willing to be a singer for the rest of her life without
getting married, which was quite a statement and made the headline for weeks to come at that particular
In conclusion, i admire Toc Tien because she is Toc Tien, who was under of high pressure, who has many
talent, who give me lots of motivation for this life. Whenever I’m really stressed, Toc Tien with her voice
immediately rekindle my fire and pump me up to achieve my goals in the future
She's a very good role model for me to follow and that's the reason why I admire her. She devotes all her
life to delivering wonderful music to inspire thousands of audiences, regardless of age, status, or gender.

1. What qualities, according to you, are required for any person to be admired?
For starters, the ability to lead people should be up there. When hard times come, it takes a special person
for other people to rally behind and overcome the problems. It’s beneficial for a society to have a good
leader. And the second quality, I think it’s selflessness. People who sacrifice themselves for the needs of
other people should always get the recognition they deserve. Firefighters, rescuers and most recently,
frontline workers in the pandemic are some of the examples.
to be up there: quan trọng, xứng đáng được công nhận.
to rally behind (phrasal verb): gia nhập, chung tay
selflessness (n): lòng vị tha
sacrifice (v): hi sinh
get the recognition one’s deserve: nhận được sự công nhận xứng đáng
rescuer (n): nhân viên cứu hộ
frontline worker (n): người làm tuyến đầu (trong việc chống dịch)

2. Do you think people who are famous are more admired than others?
Oh, this is a hard question. Come to think of it, it’s really easy to say yes to this question because there
are megastars like Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and the band Black Pink. They’re universally loved
for their talents. But not all famous people are admired. Some are just well-known by chance, like being
born in an already famous family. Maybe, these people are envied but not admired. Whereas the unsung
heroes in our societies, the firefighters, teachers, and doctors, may not be famous but they are look up to
by many of us.
megastar (n): siêu sao
universally (adv): toàn cầu, một cách rộng rãi
by chance (collocation): một cách ngẫu nhiên
to envy (v): ganh tị
unsung hero (collocation): người hùng thầm lặng

3. Do you think it is important for everyone to have a role model?

Oh yes, definitely, especially when you’re young! And that important person can be your older brother or
sister as well as your parents. You know, when children are growing up, they mirror a lot of the
behaviours of people around them, especially the people they look up to and love. And the impact of this
can last for a lifetime, so yes, it’s absolutely crucial!
to mirror (v): bắt chước
lifetime (n): cả đời
look up to s.o (collocation): noi theo ai đó, lấy ai đó làm gương
impact (n): tác động
crucial (adj): quan trọng


1. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?

For the past 21 years, I have lived in a house with my family. And I think if I can move out and start
making a living on my own, I would try my best to have an independent place where I can plan and
design a house layout to suit myself since sharing a room or a flat with strangers sounds so troublesome to

2. What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

Well, definitely I’ll spend some me-time there. I study, I chill out by reading, drawing and dancing all by
myself. Sometimes I also invite one or two friends to spend time with. We’ll watch some movies together
and tell each other endless stories.

3. Who do you live with?

I live with my family. There are 5 of us and we all have our own room, which is way more comfortable as
the older we grow, the more privacy we need for ourselves. I think our house is big enough for us yet still
a warm and cosy place that I call home.

4. How long have you lived there?

Although during my childhood my family had to move a lot, I’ve lived in the most recent house for
almost ten years. Comparing to the old houses, I think this house has been the best so far.

5. Do you plan to live there for a long time?

The answer would be yes. My parents have been living there for a long time and moving in and out is too
time-consuming and exhausting. Cleaning and arranging everything all over again would be like torture to
them. For me, on the other hand, as I’m thinking of moving out to start my adult life, hopefully soon I’ll
be able to afford to live in a flat or an apartment.

6. What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in
the past?
As I’ve already mentioned my family moved several times when I was younger. And the most
current house where we’ve been living for about ten years is the best house so far. All of us have
separate rooms for our need for privacy yet a big dining room where we can spend the whole
evenings together watching TV or having dinner.

7. Can you describe the place where you live?/ Please describe the room you live in
Briefly, my humble house locates in a small and quiet street, so coming home to me is like all the
craziness happened outside is left behind. Just beside my house stands a big old tree. I have my own room
with walls painted violet, which is kind of a peaceful colour. The air outside is fresh. I usually open the
window to enjoy the wind and sunshine, which will help cool my room without an air conditioner. Since I
spend most of my time staying at home, my room means the whole world to me. It’s like a friend who is
always there to share ups and downs with me. So yeah, I would always miss my house, my room
whenever I’m away.

8. Which part of your home do you like the most?

It’s the dining room where my family spends our time together.  Not only lunch or dinner but all our
family reunions take place in the dining room where we can enjoy a harmonious atmosphere. We always
try to keep the family dinner as something we cannot go a day without, since for us it’s the family
bonding that lies behind.
I was born in the southern of Vietnam, living 18 years at my hometown with family. I got used to the
things around me until the day i transfered to study in Hanoi. The most change is my new
accommodation, it is a room in school’s dorm. It is Vietnam Military Medical University, which comes
under Vietnam Department of Defense.
It is located in the central part of HaDong District. At night the streets are crowded with people from all
over Hanoi. It’s not very spacious but there is enough room for me to study. However, this is not my
dream house.
The room is very simple, it can contain up to 8 people so my room never felt quiet. We always hang out
with each other about everything in daily life, just because we want to share our emotions and because we
are living far away home. The furniture is comfortable for me, i don’t feel cramped or even hot in the
summer because we are equiped fans. Because of being a part of m VMMU so it also have many
My university is furnished with all the educational facilities such as big spacious and well ventilated
classrooms, library with abundant books, well maintained laboratories with latest high-tech equipment.
And yes, free Wi-Fi facility is also provided in my university. Moreover, we have got one large
playground for different outdoor games, a table tennis hall, a gym and separate reading room for the
students who live in a dormitory. In the evening, after administrative time, we usually play sports, for
instance, volleyball, which is the compulsory subjets, basketballl, football, swimming and even run
around my university for improving our health as well as building our body.
You know, everyone has each personality so avoiding the controversy is impossible. In my opinion, we
are trained in self-reliance, collective consciousness and more thinking about others. I feel lucky because i
seem to be a self-aware person as well as my personality is a neat person. Sometimes there are frictions,
quarrels but in the end, we still get along well and i am almost fall in love with this place.

1. What kind of apartment is the most popular in your country?

Well, I believe it ranges wildly depending on the locations in Vietnam. For example, if you live in Hanoi
and Ho Chi Minh City, where the vacant ground is a rare commodity, you’d most likely encounter
apartments in high-rise buildings for leasing. These would of course be equipped with at least one or
several lifts to accommodate the needs of their residents. However, if you’re in Da Nang or other coastal
cities in central Vietnam, flats would primarily be around 5 stories, and their acreage tends to be a lot
bigger than those in megacities.
vacant ground: bãi đất trống
commodity: hàng hóa
high-rise: cao tầng
leasing: cho thuê
accommodate the needs of their residents: đáp ứng nhu cầu của cư dân
acreage: diện tích

2. What is the difference between the houses that young people and old people live in?
There are several factors that differentiate the accommodation of the elderly and the young. In terms of
houses for those still in working age, they would opt for inner-city residence, which is easy to commute to
work on a daily basis. This is totally because of their hectic schedule at work that requires them to go to
work as quickly as possible. On the other hand, retired people would tend to prefer a mansion or a villa
near the outskirts, separated from the fast-paced corporate life that they used to ‘endure’ back in the day.
These people, I think, would prioritize their inner peace above all else.
fast-paced corporate life: nhịp độ nhanh của cuộc sống công ty

3. What are the differences between houses and apartments?

In my opinion, there are two primary differences between these 2 kinds of accommodation. First of all,
apartment owners simply do not have roof rights, which means they are all partial owners of the common
space in the building. Secondly, unless one lives in a private mansion, houses do not regularly consist of a
swimming pool, while most high-end flats provide their residents with that amenity. There could be more
reasons but for me, those two are the main ones.
roof rights: quyền sử dụng mái nhà
amenity: tiện nghi

4. Do people usually buy or rent a house? Why?

This is totally dependent on the individuals and their income. On the one hand, a high-income or wealthy
person would, most of the time, purchase a house with full accredited proof of ownership. This would
provide them stability, and sometimes, it could be a form of long-term investment. On the other hand,
those who are in the lower side of the income scale would most likely rent accommodation because
buying one means having to spend a huge sum of capital expenditure, which they simply cannot afford to.
Of course, there can be other personal preferences. For example, some people want to move from place to
place, shifting accommodation every now and then, and buying a house is cumbersome in that situation.
accredited proof of ownership: bằng chứng về quyền sở hữu được công nhận
stability: sự ổn định
capital expenditure: chi tiêu vốn
cumbersome: cồng kềnh


I’m going to describe my laptop which is a present from my mom to prepare for my college education. A
laptop is a personal computer that can be easily carried and used in a variety of locations. I really like
using it and it is one of the handiest objects to me. Although at first using it was like rocket science for
me, after two weeks i was able to do everything i need from browsing websites to reinstalling the
operating system
It is a model Zenbook from ASUS. Its design is thin, lightweight, and full of functions. The size of my
laptop is medium size, it is about 14 inches, 34 centimeters long and 23 centimeters wide . It has black
color, but the other colors for the laptop are grey, white, etc.
As I am a student, I use it on a daily basis to assist me in my study. For example, I can use programs
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft PowerPoint to do assignments or browse the Internet to
find the right document. Besides my phone, it is one of my main communication tools and I would have a
tougher time getting through the day without it, I use it to communicate with my family and friends via
the internet. In this modern area, we can stay in touch with each other without meeting directly by using
Skype or Facetime, etc. I also use it as my primary entertainment center at home. Besides, when I feel
tired after a day of study, I often use it for recreational purposes such as games, watching movies, and
listening to music. I use it to watch my favourite TV shows, put the movies up on a big screen to enjoy
and even as a music and karaoke device whenever I have people over.
I like using this device because it is very useful. For instance, I can surf the Internet for medical
knowledge. You know, I will be working as a doctor and it’s very essential for doctors to get updated
knowledge on medicines I can use it in every situation and it helps me a lot in my study.

1. Why do people use the computer at home?

Well, computers are used in households for multiple purposes. It allows working adults to stay
connected to their co-workers, superiors and customers right at the comfort of their home. Thanks to
this device and the Internet, children can also access remote learning anytime anywhere. On top of that,
it can be a handy entertainment tool as people can play fascinating games, listen to trendy music or watch
the latest films online. It is fair to say that a home is not complete without a computer.

2. Is it good to use computers at home?

Well, everything has two sides to it and the computer is no exception. For fair use, computers can be
of immense help to people. Excessive use, however, might lead to serious health conditions and social
issues. Too much screen time can take a toll on human eyes and promote a sedentary lifestyle which
is closely linked to diabetes and obesity. Added to that, when people spend a great deal of time on the
device, they might be deprived of meaningful social interactions in real life. This in turn could damage
interpersonal relationships and family bonds.

3. Should parents control their children’s time using computers at home?

Absolutely, it’s critical to do so I believe. Children tend to get addicted to computer games easily and
without restriction, their health and academic performance might suffer from excessive gaming.
Additionally, a computer with internet connection could put them at risk of cyber-crime or online
bullying. It is therefore vital for parents to stay on top of what their kids are doing with the computer at

4. What are the functions of computers at school?

For sure, the computer can be a crucial educational tool. This handy gadget are being used widely by
educators because it could make lesson planning and delivery much easier and more effectively.
Computer software can greatly enhance visual learning, enabling teachers to capture students’ attention
during class. On top of that, computerisation has made testing somewhat more standardised and reliable
than ever.

5. Will computers replace teachers?

That’s a tough question. While some people are certain that robots will eventually take over work of
educators, I believe they will just remain an efficient assistant. On the one hand, computers, the Internet
and cutting-edge AI applications are becoming increasingly popular these days, rendering traditional
physical classrooms irrelevant for getting an education. On the other hand, home tutoring is impractical
for most families and also, there are certain qualities of an outstanding teachers that robots can never
possess. These might include empathy and compassion, which are uniquely human.


I am currently studying in a dormitory and I find it very comfortable but I still have an ideal room of my
own where I can work with full capacity.
That room will situate in my house because I can decorate it to my liking. I love natural lights rather than
artificial lights so each room would have its own windows. The windows would also be decorated with
coloured string lights and various flowers, which would create a cosy atmosphere for me. I would hang
some photos of inspirational quotes on the walls in case I need some motivation. Each bedroom would
have a balcony where we can enjoy the breathtaking view of the sea.
The room contains a desktop computer with an active internet connection and a comfy chair to sit on.
Next to it is a bookshelf that contains all the necessary books and documents for my academic studies.
And there will be a large window facing the garden to have all the sunshine. I also put a beanie chair in a
corner to take a nap in but not too comfortable like a sofa to avoid being too lazy. My study room is also
well decorated with some small pot plants and some self-painted pictures hanging on the wall and they
have raised the beauty of my room as well.
This is a good place to study because it has everything I need for my academic studies. Also, it has
absolute silence where I can fully focus and it is not too comfortable to relax but still have all the
necessary things.

1. How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?

Well, it depends on how much money you are able to spend and where exactly you want to live. Of
course, if you have the money, it’s not something tricky to find a place to live no matter where you are. In
Vietnam, housing in rural areas is inexpensive, but it’s not the case in the city where house prices have
been dramatically rising recently, and it is becoming difficult for young adults to buy their first house.
tricky (adj): khó khăn
inexpensive (adj): không đắt
dramatically (adv): nhanh chóng mặt
2. What options are available to young couples looking for accommodation in your
As far as I’m concerned, living in an apartment is now the pattern among youngsters in Vietnam. But for
the most part, they just can afford to live in rented accommodation because the price of an apartment is
usually well beyond their budget, let alone that of a house.
beyond one’s budget: vượt quá ngân sách
let alone (idiom): chứ chưa nói đến, huống hồ
3. Do you think it’s better to rent or to buy a place to live in?
Well, I must say having our own house is so much better than renting one. What really matters is whether
we can afford it or not. On the one hand, owning a house is important to have a stable life, I suppose.
Besides, in Vietnam, the price of property has been on the rise in recent years and shown no signs of
reduction. That’s why I believe purchasing a piece of land and constructing a house on it is a good
stable (adj): ổn định
on the rise: đang tăng



1. How do people in your country celebrate public events?

I think it’s the same for every country. People take days off, spend time with their families and celebrate
the occasion together. There are also large gatherings in squares or open spaces, with musical
performances given by famous artists.

2. Do you think it is important to celebrate events?

I think it’s a good way to commemorate past events and remember who sacrificed their lives for the
greater good. But some events now, have become so commercialised that they have lost their original
meaning. For example, the International Labour day has become a long holiday when everyone travels
and spends a lot of money, but nobody knows exactly what this day is originally about.
Sacrificed their lives for

3. Should events be prepared in advance?

If you want to organise a big, successful event then yes, preparation is necessary. But if it’s just a small
event, like a birthday party or some private anniversary then just play it by ear I guess.
The most special event in my country is the Lunar new year all people usually call it Tet. I would like to
talk about the Lunar New Year festival, also known as the Tet holiday, which is the occasion expected the
most by Vietnamese people every year.
It celebrates the beginning of a new year according to the lunar calendar, which is around late January or
early February, and the date changes every year. It usually lasts from three to four days.
Before Tet, family members clean and decorate their houses with peach blossom trees or apricot flowers.
Also, they go shopping to buy new clothes, shoes in red or yellow color to wear on Tet day. They prepare
a wide range of signature dishes, according to their region, 3 days in advance for family gatherings and
everybody is looking forward to that day.
On New Year's Eve, family members gather in one place, usually their grandparents’ house to welcome
the beginning of the New Year. And on the first three days, they come back to their hometown to visit
relatives or have a meeting with old acquaintances or teachers.
This event is special to me in several ways. First, it is the only occasion when all of my family members
gather and I can meet my friends after a busy year. Second, I can relax my mind, enjoy life peacefully,
and forget all about the troubles of the previous year. Finally, this is my opportunity to start a new journey
and prepare for a wonderful year ahead.
1. How people celebrate public events?
I would say a gathering with food, alcohol, friends, and family is the most common way to celebrate an
event across the world. More specifically, for events such as New Years, people like to crowd a central
area, such as the main square, usually for a concert or some sort of speaker or count down. Furthermore,
people tend to like using fireworks, bells, airhorns or even just shouting when they feel excited about

2. Do you think it is important to celebrate events?

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I think it’s nice to celebrate events to have something to
look forward to (feel excited for) throughout the year, but I dislike the pressure aspect of special events.
For example, people tend to get so stressed about buying gifts and decorating their homes during the
Christmas season that they forget to simply enjoy their time with family and friends. However, when I
think about it, I couldn’t imagine life without celebrating special events.
3. Should the event be prepared in advance?
I would say so. When we procrastinate (wait to do something until the last minute), it tends to cause
things to get pretty hectic (crazy) at the last minute. However, when we plan too far in advance, it may
not go as planned, as things tend to change. For example, maybe an unexpected event arises which causes
the plan to change. On the other hand, I don’t think we should plan every detail in advance, as I’ve found
that sometimes the spontaneous (unplanned) moments are the most enjoyable. So, all in all, it’s about
balance. I’d like to have a rough plan (an idea but not a strict plan) of the event in advance, but not overly
detailed nor several months in advance.

4. How can you prepare an activity?

Well, firstly, I would like to know the approximate number of guests and their ages. Secondly, I would
like to brainstorm (think of ideas) some different ideas of things that would be appealing to the audience.
After this, I would find an appropriate place to hold the event, such as a home, a rented venue, outdoor
area, etc and start to think about the type of food and refreshments would be appealing (tasteful) for this
event. After this, I would start to officially send out invitations via mail or email and see how many RSVP
(respond to event). Upon obtaining the official numbers, I would either make the food and buy the drinks
or hire a catering company to take care of the party. As the event approaches, I would double-check with
the guests to see how many are coming. I’d say this plan would lead to a successful event.

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