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You should say:
 What the activity was
 Whom you worked with
 How easy or difficult it was
And exlain how you felt about being part of the team.
I’d like to talk about a team work that i was involved in during my studying in class 10 at my
highschool, TienGiang highschool for the gifted. There were 9 of us on the team and out
homework was about biology. The term “ teamwork” now become a haunting word to many
students from all levels, especially to a university student like me so when this question pops up, i
can think of the first interesting team work experience
In biology, homeostasis is the state of steady internal, physical and chemical conditions maintained
by living system. This is the condition of optimal functioning for the organism and includes many
variables such as body temperature and fluid balance, being kept within certain pre-set limits.
Other variable includes the pH of extrancellular fluid, the concentrations of sodium, potassium and
calcium ions as well as that of the blood sugar level and these need to be regulated despite
changes in the inviroment, diet or level of activity. Each of these variables is controlled by one or
more regulations or homeostatic mechanisms, which together maintain life.
Our objective was to produce a report and give a presentation about homeostais. So the first thing
we did was plit into 3 small groups. A gr of 4 spent time preparing questionaire related to the
presentation. Besides, a gr of 3 focused on designing the powerpoint. Finally, i and Thu Ngoc were
in charge of the presentation. Corresponding to three group were three leaders consist of Tran,
Hanh and Ngoc.
In fact, we all felt lucky that we always knew how to complement each other. Every single day,
our team held an online meeting to brief my group about all the necessary tasks, essential
knowledge and training sessions that can be extremely benificial to my daily duty. We unified the
deadline for the questionaire, the powerpoint and even lesson agenda for avoiding fire lesson
plans. After that, we arranged 2-3 physical meeting at the coffee shop for rehearsal.
I hate to admit that in the first days, i struggled with a large of professional knowledge which made
me even think about giving up. But fortunately, my team had me back. Thank to these gifted and
skillful teammates, i’d learned a great deal of experience to better hardle my new challenge.
During the process, gratitude just overwhelmed my mind because of how know knowledge and
helpful my teammates were. No wonder we competed the presentation with flying colors, making
all of us feel a real sense of relief and accomplishment.
Needless to say, i’ll never forget that precious time we used to have together and eventhough
we’re studying at various university now, we do still hangout sometimes and recollect the fond
memories if time allows.


I’m going to talk about Toc Tien, who is a renowned singer in Vietnam. She's well known for her
beautiful voice and for her great passion.
I first knew about Toc Tien about 10 years ago when I overheard her song in a department store
and I was curious about her singing style. Then I went back home and searched for her name. After
browsing the Internet I fell head over heels because of her personality, her iconic fashion style, and
of course her voice.
In 2015, she received many awards such as Elle Style Awards Vietnam; In the Blue Wave, she
won the Song of the Year award, Top 5 favorite singers on Top Hit chart with the song Tomorrow
and No need anyone. She used to passed the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in HCM city,
not only her parents but also many friends and fans who understood Toc Tien's dream were happy
for her.
She used to be a student at LHP high school for the gifted. She told that her childhood had been
really different from her peers, because the inherently stressful study (studying at specialized
schools with a lot of homeworks and high pressure of competitions), she also had sung, taken
photoshoots, interviewed and many other art activities. While you guys have fun holidays, she
often have to bring her homeworks to the theater or the movie set so she could study anytime,
anywhere. At school, her friends and teachers also had looked at her with different eyes. No
pressure, no diamonds. Now she is one of the most artists, who are successful in showbiz.
Also, I knew that she is not only a singer but also a writer, and an actress and she does some
charity work. Besides her angelic voice, Toc Tien is also known for her dedication to her work.
She once told the press that she loves her job, and she said that she was willing to be a singer for
the rest of her life without getting married, which was quite a statement and made the headline for
weeks to come at that particular time.
In conclusion, i admire Toc Tien because she is Toc Tien, who was under of high pressure, who
has many talent, who give me lots of motivation for this life. Whenever I’m really stressed, Toc
Tien with her voice immediately rekindle my fire and pump me up to achieve my goals in the
She's a very good role model for me to follow and that's the reason why I admire her. She devotes
all her life to delivering wonderful music to inspire thousands of audiences, regardless of age,
status, or gender.


You should say:
 Who this person is
 How you knew this person
 What skills he or she has for leadership
And explain why you think he or she is a good leader.
I’m going to talk about a leader that I really look up to, who probably inspire me the most in my whole life.
He is a famous leader in Vietnam, the commander of the People's Army of Vietnam, minister of defence, and
deputy prime minister.

To start off the speech, I would like to approach the context of how I got to know him. Everything happened
when I was a child, i mean in Primary School. My teacher introduce us about a first general, whose name is
Vo Nguyen Giap. He was born on 25 August 1911 in Quảng Bình Province, which belongs to the North
Central area of the country and about 9hrs flying from Hanoi. The province is bordered with Ha Tinh
province to the north, with Quang Tri Province to the south, with Laos to the west and with the East Sea to
the east.

Vo Nguyen Giap usded to participate directly in commanding many important campaigns such as the 1950
Autumn-Winter Border Campaign, the Battle of Dien Bien Phu (1954), the Tet Offensive Campaign (1968),
the 1972 Spring-Summer Campaign, and the Ho campaign. Chi Minh… The famous 1954 Dien Bien Phu
campaign in five continents shook the bridge. This is also the aging the wared name of General Vo Nguyen
Giap is famous throughout the five continents, marking the success of the art of guerrilla warfare applied by
him. He also changed his strategy from "Beat fast, win fast" to "Slow but sure" and succeeded. The Dien
Bien Phu victory successfully ended the 9-year resistance war against the French. I extremely admire him
not only because he is a great leader but also he always shone with noble personality qualities, an exemplary
model of revolutionary morality of diligent, thrift, integrity, righteous, justice and impartiality; Comrade
once said: "I live every day, it is also for the country that day"

General Vo Nguyen Giap passed away at 6pm on October 4, 2013. The eldest brother of the Vietnam
People's Army has passed away, but his name and glorious feats are still forever engraved in the heroic
history of the nation.

You should say:
 When it was
 What it was about
 What happened
And explain why you liked it.
Well, nowadays, English is not only the compulsory subject in every institute but also has become a vital part of
every individual’s personality. So here I would like to share my experience attending that enjoyable class.. I
vividly remember when i was in highschool. During one of our grammar lessons, the regular teacher was sick so
the school had to send in a teacher to cover her place. And the substitute teacher, Sang, delivered an amazing
lecture in english about how he thinks we should all learn languages through watching films, listening to
He explained to us the process of learning a language and how films can serve as an effective way to immerse
yourself in a language. At first, we were ask sceptical about the ideas he introduced, however, after doing that
we were all convinced that learning by watching movies was not hard at all and we could apply this to enhance
our performance at school.
I also learned a plethora of skills from this class. With the guidance of my English mentor, I was introduced to
numerous valuable tips and tricks for improving grammar. Apart from this, he made us aware of articles,
linking verbs, determiners, and many more grammar-related topics.
Honestly saying, I enjoyed this class a lot. But there’s a reason behind my interest in this class. Usually, students
find grammar class uninteresting and tiresome. Even a class of 45 minutes can make the student feel sleepy. But
in this class, everyone, including myself, was excited and paid full attention to the lesson. I have to say, Mr
Sang’s teaching style was fascinating.


You should say:
 Where are you studying
 What subject you like most
 What the subject is about
And explain why you are interested in it.
Well, i would like to share with you somethings about my education. As you can guess, i’m
studying at VMMU, which is one of the most famous medical university in VN. In this school, we
are trained for becoming not only a doctor but also a soldier defending my native VN.
During the course, my favorite subject is Biology. I have studied this subject for 5-year since the
first grade of highschool. The biology class unveils a more complicated world of nature. Biology is
important because it helps us understand how living things work and how they function and
interact on the multiple levels. Advances in Biology have helped scientiests do things such as
develop better medicines and treatments for diseases, understand how a changing enviroment
might affect plants and animals, produce enough food for growing human population and predict
how eating newfood or sticking to an exercise regimen might affect our bodies.
After first, i was under the impression that biology in highschool was really a piece of cake. In
fact, at university, the program is absolutely complicated, as in the first lessons i could not even get
what my teacher taught us in class and i even suffer from stress and bad performance in mid-term
test. After that, i read more books as well as self-study. Thank to the lecturer, i found the method
which help me to study effectively.
Finally, i’m really interested in biology because of the way that this subject improve our
knowledges about the Earth. Biology would not have been easy to pass if we did not have this
level of determination and perseverance when learning it.

You should say:
 What it is
 When and where it occurred
 What happened
And explain why it was an exciting experience.
Thank you very much for this nice cue card topic. Life is full of many exciting experiences, some
of which, we tend to forget, but as for others, we remember them for a long time. today, I would
like to talk about one of my recent exciting experiences.
Just under one month ago, It was for the annual event at my school. I am a member of Flashmob
Military Medical University. As you can guess, my club registered for some items. I was very
nervous as this was the first time that I’ll be performing on the stage in my school life, and facing a
huge crowd will be a tough task for me.
I absolutely was anxious and afraid that i would not be able to dance in front of many people. In
fact, I was a little scared at first, apprehensive more than scared. I had been thinking that i’ll
request my leader to cancel me from the show. He found my pressure first, eye to eye tenderly, he
comforted me as well as motivated me a lots. However, his faith in me gave a boost to my self-
confidence and I believed that I could do it. I was making a lot of mistakes during the practice
session so I kept practicing to correct my mistakes. I tried to deliberately dance in front of a mirror
to gain flexible co-ordinating.
On the day of the event, I was very nervous and my legs were shivering due to anxiety. But, with
my hard work and self-belief, I gave a good performance and did a good job in attracting attention
from my superiors as well as many others students.
I have to admit that it was a great day, something new and exciting that I'd never done before. I
liked it, it was good feeling and I think I want to try it again. At the moment, i probably become a
real dancer whenever apprearing on the stage. You know, i’m always ready to show to every one
my strong and lissom dance movements.

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