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DOI: 10.1002/chem.

201703081 Full Paper

& Prussian Blue Cathodes

Role of Acid in Tailoring Prussian Blue as Cathode for

High-Performance Sodium-Ion Battery
Yang Liu,*[a] Gangya Wei,[a] Mengyue Ma,[a, b] and Yun Qiao*[a, b]

Abstract: Prussian blue (PB) with concave centers is synthe- 0.2 A g@1. The corresponding capacity retention is 74 % after
sized successfully through a hydrothermal method with the 500 cycles relative to the second cycle. Even at a current
assistance of acid. In this study, the role of the acid is investi- density of 5 A g@1, the specific capacity remains at
gated systematically by adjusting the reaction temperature 82 mA h g@1. Furthermore, the full cell, using PB as the cath-
and time, using different kinds and amounts of acid, and ode and hard carbon as the anode, exhibits a high capacity
changing the amount of PVP surfactant added. It is found of 70 mA h g@1 at 0.1 A g@1, and can power an LED light suc-
that the acid can not only trigger the chemical reaction to cessfully. This work provides new insights into the role of
form cubic PB, but also act as an etching reagent to tailor acid in tailoring the morphology of PB, and opens a new
the morphology. The as-obtained cubic PB with concave avenue toward the design of unique structures to improve
centers demonstrates a superior cycle stability and rate per- sodium storage.
formance, which can achieve a capacity of 107 mA h g@1 at

Introduction and desorption of a ligand water molecule on the cobalt ion,

which can switch the magnetic interaction.[6] You et al. report-
Prussian blue (PB) and its analogues AaM’b[M’’c(CN)6]·x H2O (A: ed that PB with a small number of vacancies and a low water
alkali cations; M: metal ions; PBs), as mixed-valence hexa- content can enhance the sodium storage performance.[7] In our
cyanoferrate salts, have been utilized as pigments and also in previous work, a nanostructured double-ion-incorporated PB
medicine as antidotes to radioactive cesium and thallium.[1] was prepared as a cathode for sodium-ion batteries, and an ex-
They are promising candidates for wide applications in the cellent performance was demonstrated.[8] Therefore, it is vital
fields of catalysis, biomedicine, magnetism, and energy storage to obtain desirable PBs for various fields.
because of its open framework and special properties with in- With the development of renewable energies, low-cost and
terstitial sites and vacancies, which can intercalate cations and reliable electrical energy storage devices are required in the
even some small molecules.[2] However, there are still many field of energy conversion and storage.[9] Considering the limit-
issues and scientific problems with PBs, which need to be fur- ed lithium resources and the high cost of lithium-ion batteries
ther investigated and understood.[3] Extensive efforts have (LIBs), sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) are a good choice for large-
been made to disclose the structure–function relationship of scale energy storage.[10] Currently, PBs with controllable and
the composition, crystal water style, and vacancies or intersti- uniform sizes, unique structures, and special morphologies
tial sites in the structure.[4] Takahashi et al. proved the associa- have aroused great interest, as these characteristics are well
tion between the adsorption of gaseous ammonia and the known to have a great effect on their physicochemical proper-
chemical composition of PBs.[5] The magnetic properties of PB ties and potential applications as cathodes for SIBs.[11] Mesopo-
show a rapid response to humidity because of the adsorption rous PBs were reported as superior cathodes for SIBs owing to
their porous structure or well-crystallized nanoparticles and
[a] Dr. Y. Liu, G. Wei, M. Ma, Dr. Y. Qiao structural robustness.[12] Additionally, monocrystalline PB nano-
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering frames with high surface-to-volume ratio, good crystallinity,
Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, Henan, 453007 (P.R. China) and 3 D contactable surface showed superb cycling stability.[13]
As we know, the hydrothermal method is a common, facile, one-step approach to achieving good control over the mor-
[b] M. Ma, Dr. Y. Qiao phology and structure by regulating the procedural parame-
National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of ters such as reaction temperature and time, pH value, and so
Motive Power and Key Materials, Henan Normal University forth.[14] Yamauchi and co-authors adopted the hydrothermal
Xinxiang, Henan, 453007 (P.R. China)
method to synthesize PB nanomaterials with cubic and hollow
structures.[15] Herein, the etching mechanism was proposed to
Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the au-
thor(s) of this article can be found under allow hydrochloric acid to diffuse into the mesocrystals and form hollow cavities. Moreover, surface etching has also been

Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 15991 – 15996 15991 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Paper

reported to allow the formation of PB microframes.[16] It is clear

that chemical etching is a powerful method of tailoring the
final morphology of PB. So far, most research has regarded the
acid as the etching agent. However, comprehensive investiga-
tion of the acid function in the chemical reaction and crystal
growth process is necessary.
In this work, we adopted a hydrothermal method to investi-
gate systematically the role of acid in the formation and crystal
growth of PB. The hydrothermal temperature and PVP as the
surfactant are critical parameters determining the features of
the formed PB microcrystals. It is found that the acid functions
not only for the crystal growth at the very start, but also for
tailoring of the morphology. The as-obtained PB nanocubes
with concave centers as cathode materials in SIBs present
good, long-term cycling performance with a stable capacity of
77.8 mA h g@1 after 500 cycles at 0.2 A g@1. Even at 5 A g@1, a
specific capacity of 82 mA h g@1 can be achieved. The full bat- Figure 1. FE-SEM images of a,d) PB-H1, b,e) PB-H2, and c,f) PB-H3. TEM
tery also shows a high capacity of 70 mA h g@1 at 0.1 A g@1. images of g) PB-H1, h) PB-H2, and i) PB-H3.

Results and Discussion The high-magnification FE-SEM image in Figure 1 e shows that
The synthesis of PBs as cathode materials is based on a hydro- surface of the cubic PB with concave centers is very rough, im-
thermal method, using Na4Fe(CN)6 with PVP as surfactant in plying that HCl has an etching effect. Transmission electron mi-
the presence of hydrochloric acid (Scheme 1 a). The morpholo- croscopy (TEM) images can provide further insight into the mi-
crostructures of the samples. The TEM image for PB-H1 dem-
onstrates its solid cubic structure, as shown in Figure 1 g. In
contrast, the center and side of PB-H2 are transparent, indicat-
ing that the concave center is distributed homogeneously on
each side (Figure 1 h). In addition, the TEM image shows that
the diameter and depth of these concave centers are around
350 and 100 nm, respectively, which are consistent with the
SEM images. Furthermore, the mesoporous structure can be
observed in PB-H2 (Figure S1 a, Supporting Information). How-
ever, spherical-like particles and small amounts of nanocubic
PB are obtained in PB-H3 with the acid volume increased to
3 mL (Figure 1 c). The average particle size is approximately
900 nm. Note that six concave features partially remain on the
spherical surface of PB-H3, as illustrated in Figure 1 f, which
also shows the particles to have a rough surface. The TEM
image in Figure 1 i further confirms the spherical structure, and
Scheme 1. Schematic illustration of a) the synthetic procedure for PBs, and
b) the possible formation mechanism of PB microcrystals with various mor- the concave features are at the top/bottom and central sec-
phologies. tions of the spherical-like PB-H3. Moreover, the mesoporous
structure is also present in PB-H3, as shown in Figure S1 b
(Supporting Information).
gy of PB can be tailored by adjusting the amount of acid The as-obtained samples were further investigated through
added, as shown in Scheme 1 b. Cubic PB, cubic PB with con- X-ray diffraction (XRD) to evaluate the phase structure, as
cave centers, and spherical-like PB with concave centers can shown in Figure 2 a. For these three samples, the peaks at 2q
be obtained controllably. The reaction conditions are adjusted,
and the specific function of the acid will be discussed in detail.
The influence of acid on the morphology is first investigated
with different HCl amounts (1–3 mL). The typical field-emission
scanning electronic microscopy (FE-SEM) images of the as-pre-
pared PB microcubes (PB-H1) show that a size of approximate-
ly 1 mm is obtained if the addition amount of HCl is 1 mL (Fig-
ure 1 a,d). The PB-H2 product maintains the cubic morphology,
but each surface of the cube exhibits a concave center upon
increasing the HCl amount to 2 mL, as shown in Figure 1 b. Figure 2. a) XRD patterns and b) FTIR spectra of PB-HX samples.

Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 15991 – 15996 15992 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Paper

values of 17.58, 24.88, 35.38, 39.68, 50.78, 54.08 and 57.28 corre- Supporting Information). These imply that PVP as a surfactant
spond to the (200), (220), (400), (420), (440), (600), and (620) can control the particle size distribution, and the etching effect
crystal planes. These peaks can be indexed to the face-cen- is greater with more acid and a longer reaction time.
tered cubic structure (JCPDS No. 73–0687), confirming the for- The above results demonstrate that the acid amount in the
mation of PB without other impurity phases. The FTIR spectra initial solution and the PVP surfactant have a great effect on
of the as-obtained PB products are displayed in Figure 2 b. All the crystal growth and morphology evolution. There is no
the samples show a distinct absorption peak at 2084 cm@1, doubt that the acid can etch the sides of the cubes and tailor
which is ascribed to the characteristic vibration of the @C/N@ the morphology, and that the PVP as surfactant can control
group. The weak absorption at around 498 cm@1 indicates the the size distribution. Note that the acid is not only an etching
presence of FeII@CN@FeIII in the samples. Additionally, the weak reagent, but also a catalyst to propel the chemical reaction. At
absorptions at 1611 and 1414 cm@1 are associated with the a certain temperature, Na4Fe(CN)6 will decompose into iron
C=O stretching vibration arising from PVP, which suggests that ions under acidic conditions. These iron ions will react immedi-
there is residual PVP in the as-obtained PB products. ately with Fe(CN)4@6 , generate a PB crystal, and form the micro-
On the basis of the morphology, structure, and microstruc- cubic morphology. A series of experiments were conducted to
ture characterizations of the as-obtained PB samples, as illus- study the reaction mechanism further. In the absence of HCl,
trated above, HCl plays an important role in tailoring the mor- the product with red–brown color is collected, as shown in
phology through etching. Note that the cubic morphology is Figure S5 a (Supporting Information). The corresponding XRD
formed with as low as 1 mL HCl addition. Upon increasing the pattern indicates that only Fe2O3 is obtained (Figure S5 b).
addition amount to 2 mL, etching occurs on six faces of the Upon performing the reaction at room temperature, only a
cubic structure, and the concave cubic structure is obtained. small amount of blue precipitate with cubic morphology is ob-
Upon increasing the acid amount continuously 2 mL to 3 mL, tained after two days, indicating that the hydrolysis rate is very
the etching first appears on the centers of the cubic facets, slow in this situation (Figures S6 and S7, Supporting Informa-
then on the corners and edges, because the stability of the tion). Generally, a blue precipitate can be obtained immediate-
cubic facets is much lower than that of the corners and edges. ly upon addition of FeCl2 into Na4Fe(CN)6 aqueous solution at
A spherical-like structure is obtained, and some parts are par- room temperature through a co-precipitation method, as re-
tially etched. ported in our previous work.[19] This result further proves the
For further comprehension of the effect of acid on the mor- above analyses. Therefore, the chemical reaction processes can
phology and structure of the PB product, control experiments be described as shown in Equations (1) and (2).
were designed using H2SO4 and HNO3 instead of HCl. Upon ad-
dition of 1 mL H2SO4 or 1 mL HNO3 with the other conditions
2Na4 FeðCNÞ6 KKK! 8Naþ þFe2þ þFeðCNÞ4@
6 þ6CN
remaining the same, the morphologies of the products are
almost the same as PB-H1, and are composed of a large Hþ
2Naþ þFe2þ þFeðCNÞ4@ () Na2 FeFeðCNÞ6 # ð2Þ
number of microcubic structures, as exhibited in Figure S2 6

(Supporting Information). These results demonstrate that the

acid in the reaction system is a key factor in the tailoring of The structures and electrochemical performances of the PB-
PB, and also support the conclusion that PBs with cubic mor- HX samples are investigated further. X-ray photoelectron spec-
phology are inclined to be formed with a relatively low acid troscopy (XPS) is used to analyze the chemical composition
amount. and surface electronic state. The survey XPS spectra in Fig-
Furthermore, the role of PVP in the reaction process is also ure 3 a demonstrate the presence of C, N, O, Fe, and Na in all
considered. In the absence of PVP, PB with cubic morphology three samples. The high-resolution Fe 2p spectra display the
can also be obtained, but the size distribution is broad, rang- electron binding energies at 708.3 and 721.3 eV, which can be
ing from 1 to 5 mm (Figure S3, Supporting Information). In gen- assigned to FeII 2p3/2 and FeII 2p1/2, and the FeIII 2p3/2 and
eral, PVP as an amphiphilic surfactant can be dissolved in FeIII 2p1/2 signals can also be detected at 709.0 and 723.4 eV.
water and also in organic solvents. Moreover, the metal ions in Moreover, the other two peaks at 712.1 and 725.0 eV corre-
solution can be coordinated with the pyrrolidone groups in spond to FeIII 2p3/2 and FeIII 2p1/2, respectively.[9b] This indicates
PVP.[17] Hence, the pyrrolidone groups are coordinated with that a small amount of FeIII is present in these three samples.
iron ions during the nucleation and growth processes.[18] The The thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry
PVP as a protective layer can be formed on the PB surface, so (TG/DSC) curves are used to calculate the weight loss, as
the size distribution can be adjusted and the etching effect of shown in Figure S8 (Supporting Information). In the DSC curve,
acids can be slowed down. The hydrothermal reaction time is the endothermic peak at approximately 200 8C is attributed to
also considered using 2 mL HCl, and the corresponding SEM the removal of adsorbed and interstitial water in the PB struc-
images of PB are collected to analyze the morphology evolu- ture. From the TG curves, weight losses of 12.1 %, 13.1 %, and
tion. With a hydrothermal time of 20 min, the cubic and con- 16.4 % occur in PB-H1, PB-H2, and PB-H3, respectively. The
cave cubic morphologies appear in the samples, with an aver- water content is increased with more acid etching, owing to
age particle size of approximately 1 mm. After 120 min, the as- the increase in vacancies or interstitial sites to accommodate
obtained PB is composed of the cubic structure and sphere- zeolitic water with the dissolution of the PB surface. Inductively
like morphology with concave areas on the surface (Figure S4, coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is

Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 15991 – 15996 15993 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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Figure 3. a) Survey XPS spectra of PB-HX; b) high-resolution Fe 2p spectra for Figure 4. a) The first charge and discharge curves of the PB-HX electrodes;
PB-HX; c) nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms of PB-H2; d) BJH pore b) CV curves of the PB-H2 electrode from 2.0 to 4.2 V at a scan rate of
size distribution of PB-H2 from adsorption data. 0.2 mV s@1; c) rate performance of PB-HX in the potential range 2.0–4.2 V;
d) cycling performance of PB-HX at a current density of 0.2 A g@1.

used to analyze the specific element contents of the PB-HX

samples. The Na/Fe molar ratios of the three samples are companied by the insertion/extraction of sodium ions. The ini-
0.916:1, 0.903:1, and 0.311:1, respectively, which indicates that tial charge/discharge capacities are 92.1/90, 97/107, and 56.4/
the etching process can also influence the sodium ions in the 81.1 mA h g@1 for PB-H1, PB-H2, and PB-H3 electrodes, respec-
structure. Moreover, the PB-H3 sample presents a low sodium tively. PB-H2 shows the highest charge and discharge capaci-
content, indicating that ion exchange occurs and sodium ions ties, whereas the PB-H3 electrode displays the poorest per-
are replaced by hydrogen ions in the tunnel structure with formance. The best performance of PB-H2 could be attributed
3 mL HCl. The surface area and pore size distribution were ana- to two aspects. The first is its unique structure, that is, the
lyzed further from nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms cubic structure with concave areas in each side, which can
and Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) pore-size distribution plots. shorten the ion and electron diffusion length and provide a
The nitrogen adsorption and desorption isotherms of PB-H2 large contact area between the electrode and electrolyte. The
show the typical type IV isotherms with a distinct H2 hysteresis second aspect is the relatively high content of sodium: Na-rich
loop, and the pore-size distribution plot indicates a mesopo- PB would show a better performance than Na-poor PB, as re-
rous structure (Figure 3 c and Figure 3 d). PB-H1 shows typical ported in our previous work.[19]
type II isotherms with an H4 hysteresis loop, and the corre- The electrochemical process of the PB-HX samples as catho-
sponding pore-size distribution plot proves that no micropores des was analyzed by cyclic voltammetry (CV). Figure 4 b pres-
and mesopores exist in this sample (Figure S9 a,b, Supporting ents the CV curves of the PB-H2 electrode from 2.0 to 4.2 V at
Information). On the other hand, PB-H3 shows typical type IV a scan rate of 0.2 mV s@1. For the PB-H2 as cathode, two cou-
isotherms with a distinct H4 hysteresis loop, and both meso- ples of well-separated redox peaks are located at 3.6/3.4 V and
pores and micropores coexist in this sample. Moreover, the 3.1/2.9 V, which are assigned to the oxidation/reduction of
BET specific surface area increases from 7.38 m2 g@1 for PB-H1 low-spin and high-spin FeII/FeIII couples binding to N and C
to 121.40 m2 g@1 for PB-H2, and then up to 228.47 m2 g@1 in PB- atoms with @C/N@ ligands, respectively. This is in accordance
H3. From the above results, it can be deduced that hydrochlo- with the above charge and discharge curves. The almost iden-
ric acid can act as a catalyst to propel the synthesis of PBs tical CV profiles in the subsequent three cycles indicate that
with an addition amount of 1 mL. With an increased acid the electrode has high electrochemical stability. The other CV
amount, it also acts as an etching agent to tailor the morphol- profiles of the electrodes (Figure S10, Supporting Information)
ogy and adjust the specific surface area accordingly. show similar shapes to that of PB-H2 and exhibit good repro-
The electrochemical performances of the three samples as ducibility.
cathode materials were evaluated in coin cells with sodium Figure 4 c shows the specific charge and discharge capacities
foils as the counter electrodes. The galvanostatic charge and of the three samples as cathodes at different current densities.
discharge behaviors of the PB-HX samples were first measured After ten cycles, the PB-H2 cathode delivered a reversible ca-
at a current density of 0.2 A g@1. The first charge/discharge pro- pacity of 93.1 mA h g@1 at a current density of 0.2 A g@1. The re-
files are shown in Figure 4 a; all three electrodes display a pro- versible capacities at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 5 A g@1 are 90.8, 89, 88.3,
nounced voltage plateau at around 3.1 V and another incon- 85.9, and 82 mA h g@1, respectively. The cathode can also ach-
spicuous plateau at approximately 3.6 V during the charge pro- ieve a reversible capacity of 91.6 mA h g@1 upon returning the
cess. In the discharge process, one sloping plateau and a long current density back to 0.2 A g@1 from 5 A g@1, indicating its ex-
flat voltage plateau at about 3.4 and 2.9 V can be observed, cellent stability at various current densities. Compared with
which also can be assigned to the FeII/FeIII redox reaction ac- the PB-H2 cathode, the PB-H1 and PB-H3 electrodes demon-

Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 15991 – 15996 15994 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Paper

strate relatively low specific capacities, especially at a high The typical charge and discharge curves of a PB-based full cell,
rate. The specific capacities of PB-H1 and PB-H3 are only 72.3 shown in Figure 5 c, were obtained at a constant current densi-
and 68.1 mA h g@1, respectively, at a current density of 5 A g@1. ty of 0.1 A g@1 in the range 1.5–3.6 V. A reversible capacity of
Therefore, the morphology tailoring in this work provides an 67.8 mA h g@1 can be obtained in the first cycle. The charge
effective route to designing cathodes with high rate perform- and discharge plateaus remain during the cycling process.
ances. Note that the capacity has a tendency to increase up to
The cycling performance was evaluated further at a current 70 mA h g@1 after 20 cycles. This implies an exciting possibility
density of 0.2 A g@1 in the voltage range 2.0–4.2 V, as illustrated for the application of PB cathodes for future SIBs, which are
in Figure 4 d. The PB-H2 electrode definitely exhibits the high- promising candidates for large-scale electrochemical energy
est specific capacity and the best stability. The specific capacity storage.
decreases gradually to 90.4 mA h g@1 in the 80th cycle from its
initial capacity of 107 mA h g@1, then it stabilizes at about
80 mA h g@1 after 340 cycles. A specific capacity of Conclusion
77.8 mA h g@1 is retained after 500 cycles; this corresponds to a Prussian blue has been synthesized successfully through a hy-
capacity retention of 74 % compared with the second cycle, in- drothermal method, and the morphology tailored by adjusting
dicating the stable and long-term cycling life of this electrode. the addition amount of acid. The function of the acid was
On the contrary, the PB-H3 sample presents a low capacity and studied systematically, and it was found that the acid can act
unstable cycling performance. The specific capacity decays to not only as an etching reagent, but also as a catalyst to propel
46.9 mA h g@1 from an initial capacity of 84 mA h g@1 over 500 the chemical reaction. The PB cubic structure with concave
charge and discharge cycles. We speculate that this inferior centers as a cathode material for SIBs presents a good cycling
performance can be attributed to its Na-poor state. Because stability and excellent rate performance. This work provides an
the amount of added HCl is high, the sodium atoms in the opportunity for further exploration of the relationship between
tunnel structure may be substituted by hydrogen atoms. On the structure and sodium storage performance, and demon-
the basis of above analyses, the best electrochemical per- strates that PBs have great potential for application as catho-
formance shown by PB-H2 is attributed to the following fac- des for large-scale energy storage systems.
tors: 1) the cubic structure with concave centers on each side
is favorable for the transfer of ions and electrons, and hence,
promotes the sodium storage performance, particularly at high Experimental Section
rates; and 2) the Na-rich state is beneficial in terms of decreas-
ing the vacancies or interstitial sites of the cathode and then Synthesis
stabilizing the structure during the insertion/extraction of PVP (4.5 g) was dissolved in double distilled water (60 mL) in a
sodium ions. Teflon vessel. Then, an appropriate amount of hydrogen chloride
Full cells were assembled to evaluate the possible applica- acid aqueous solution (6 mol L@1) and Na4Fe(CN)6·10 H2O (0.197 g)
tion of this cathode. Figure 5 a presents a schematic diagram were added sequentially to the above solution. Subsequently, the
of the structure of the full cell with PB-H2 as the cathode and vial was transferred into a stainless autoclave and heated at 150 8C
for 1 h in an electric oven. The resulting blue precipitate was cen-
hard carbon as the anode. A light-emitting diode can be pow-
trifuged and washed three times with distilled water and ethanol.
ered successfully by the coin full cell, as shown in Figure 5 b. The products were dried in a vacuum oven at 80 8C for 12 h, and
the as-obtained products were denoted PB-HX (X = 1, 2, 3), in
which X represents the volume of HCl aqueous solution (1, 2, and
3 mL, respectively).

The structures of the products were examined by X-ray diffraction
(XRD, D8 Advance, Bruker) using CuKa radiation. The morphology
was determined by field-emission scanning electronic microscopy
(FE-SEM; JSM-6700F). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
images were recorded with a JEOL JEM-2100 microscope. X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was performed on a VG Multi-
Lab 2000 system with a monochromatic AlKa X-ray source. All the
spectra were calibrated with the C 1s peak at 284.6 eV. Thermogra-
vimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
were conducted on a Netzsch STA449F3 analyzer from 50 to 450 8C
at a rate of 10 8C min@1 in flowing air. The chemical compositions
Figure 5. a) Schematic structure of the full cell with PB-H2 as the cathode
and molar ratios of Na and Fe were determined by inductively cou-
and hard carbon as the anode; b) optical photograph of a commercial white pled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES, Optima
light-emitting diode in dim background; c) typical charge and discharge 4300DV, USA). The specific surface areas and pore size distributions
curves of a PB-based full cell; d) cycle performance of the full cell at a cur- were determined by the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller technique (BET,
rent density of 0.1 A g@1. Micromeritics ASAP 2020 analyzer) and the Barrett–Joyner–Halenda

Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 15991 – 15996 15995 T 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Full Paper

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