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Chapter 1 Narration


Narration describes the passing of time. When we arrange events according to time, we put
them in chronological or time order, for example:

a. Yesterday, Fatima got up at seven o’clock and took a shower. After that she had
breakfast, then rode the bus to work. When she got to work, she checked her email,
then discussed the new business plan with her colleagues.

b. Every Monday after class, Miguel goes to the gym and practices karate for three
hours. When he is finished, he goes shopping, then takes the bus home.

Narration Paragraph Samples

First Sample:

Last night, Mariam created a huge problem tor herself. First, she went to a movie with
her friends. After that, she came home late and made a cup of coffee so that she could stay
awake to do her homework. Then she put the cup of coffee on desk next to her computer and
knocked the cup HH over. She tried to clean the coffee up but the liquid was everywhere.
Now her laptop doesn't work because there’s coffee in it.

Second Sample:

1 I went through an unforgettable experience when a magnitude 6.9 earthquake hit
California. 2 it happened over a weekend when my parents were working at our family’s
restaurant. 3 My older sister, my younger brother and were home alone. 4 Suddenly, our
apartment started shaking. 5 At first, none of us realized what was happening. 6 Then my
sister began to scream. 7 "It's an earthquake! Get under something!” 8 l half rolled and half
crawled across the room to get under the dining table. 9 My brother was in his bedroom, so
my sister yelled to him to get under his desk. 10 Meanwhile, my sister was on the floor of the
kitchen holding her arms over her head to protect herself from falling dishes. 11 The
earthquake continued for approximately a minute, but it seemed like a year to us. 12 At last,
the apartment stopped shaking. 13 For a few Seconds, we were too scared to move, but we
quickly made sure that nobody was injured. 14 Then we were on the cell phone calling our
parents. 15 We were thankful that like us, they were safe. 16 Next, we checked the apartment
and luckily, there was very little damage. 17 Nothing was broken except for a few tea cups
and dinner plates. 18 Although nothing terrible actually happened to us, living through that
earthquake was a scary experience that none of us will ever forget.

Third Sample:

(The Tumbling Rice Balls)


1 Once upon a time, an old couple lived in the countryside. 2 They were happy, but
they were poor. 3 One day, the old man went to work in the forest and took his unusual lunch
of three rice balls. 4 During lunch, he dropped a rice ball, and it roiled into a hole in the ground.
5 He heard happy singing coming from the hole, so he dropped the other two rice balls into
it. 6 Inside the hole, some mice were having a party. 7 They thanked him for the rice balls and
invited him to join them. 8 After a while, the mice told him choose a box as a reward or his
generosity. 9 He could choose a big box, or he could choose a small one. 10 He thought about
taking a big box, but he finally chose a small one. 11 Back at home, he and his wife discovered
that the box was full of gold coins. 12 A greedy neighbour, who always wanted more money,
heard about their good fortune and quickly made plans to visit the same hole. 13 At the hole,
he pushed several rice balls into it, and sure enough, the mice invited him in. 14 The greedy
man wanted all of the mice's gold, so he pretended to be a cat. 15 He started meowing loudly,
and the frightened mice ran away. 16 The gold disappeared with the mice, so the greedy man
got nothing, not even a rice ball.

Forth Sample:

A Memorable Event in My Life

I'm Supposed to free write for ten minutes about a memorable event in my life. I don't
know what to write about. Maybe about my brother’s boat accident. We were so scared. We
thought he was going to drown. He was trapped under an overturned boat and didn't have
any air to breathe. But it ended Up all right. He was rescued and had only a broken arm. What
else can I write about? Oh!

I know. A day I will always remember was the day left my home country to come to
the United States That was a sad/happy day. I felt sad and happy at the same time. Maybe I
should write about something happy. Our family vacation last summer was fun. We drove to
the coast and camped for a week on the beach. Then there was the day the earthquake
happened. Now that was definitely a memorable event. I will never forget it. I was at home
with my older sister and little brother. . .

Fifth Sample:

What Do You Think?

This semester. our school has a new regulation that requires all bicycle owned campus
to purchase a license for their bikes, just like they would for a car. School officials say that the
purpose of the license is to protect bicycle owners from thieves, but I say students should not
be required to license their bikes. First of al, there's no reason to solve a problem that doesn't
exist. According to records from campus police, only six bicycles were reported stolen last
year. If students want to register their bicycles with the campus police for added security and
peace of mind, they can certainly do so. However, a bicycle license shouldn’t be mandatory,
especially when students have to pay a registration fee or $20. We already pay enough for
tuition, books, and other student fees. This additional charge for riding our bikes to class is
unnecessary and unfair I plan to write a letter to President to ask her to abolish the bicycle
license regulation. L urge all students to do the same.

Narrative Essay Samples

First Sample:

In Support of Home-schooling
An increasing number of parents in countries such as Australia. Canada. and the
United States have decided not to send their children to elementary or secondary school.
Instead. the parents devote their time and energy to teaching their children at home.
Opponents of home-schooling believe that students belong in a classroom with experienced
professionals and other students of the same age. Although it may not be the best option for
all students and all families. I am in favor of home-schooling for three reasons.

First of all, home-schooling makes effective use of time. In Australia, Canada and the
United States, the average school day is six to seven hours long. However, children who are
home-schooled can finish their lessons in four to five hours. One explanation for this is that
traditional classrooms often have more than 20 students. As a result, teachers spend a
significant percentage of their time simply making certain that their students are paying
attention and doing their work. In addition, students in a large class are likely to have different
abilities and learning styles, and there is often not enough time to address the needs of each
student. In contrast, students who are home-schooled are able to receive individual attention
more easily. Their parent-teachers can see that they are completing their assignments and
offer assistance if necessary. After home-schooled students finish their daily assigned work,
they then have time to play sports, enjoy hobbies, or continue studying.

The second reason that home-schooling is a good idea is that it offers additional
schoolwork and the opportunity for home-schooled children and teens to become
independent learners. With the extra time they have, along with encouragement from their
parents home-schooled students can follow their interests and study subjects more deeply
They can choose some of the topics they want to investigate. For example, they might study
such topics as ancient Chinese history, the physics of soccer (football), or computer animation
Through their research, which includes home-schooling for online reading, library visits, trips
to local museums and family vacations learn more about their chosen topics They also
develop strong skills in areas such as math, science, reading. and writing. As one of the
admissions counsellors at our university, Andrew Muller., said during my interview with him.
"We like students who are home-schooled because they do not wait for others to tell them
what to do. They are able to think for themselves. He then added Home-schooled young
people ask their instructors for help when they need it. but they generally take charge of their
own learning.

Finally, home-schooling helps young people to develop socially One of my friends was
educated at home until the age of 18. He and his brother played on baseball and basketball
teams and participated in activities with other home-schooled students. so they had a chance
to make friends who were their own age. However, they also spent a great deal of time with
their parents and older relatives who taught them the importance of strong family
relationships and showed them how to act maturely. Furthermore, their education involved
volunteer work at their local community center. There they met people of all ages while they
learned about the responsibility of having a job and the importance of helping their
neighbours. As a result of the education his parents gave him, my friend is now a well-
balanced individual who knows how to be an adult and still have fun.

To summarize, home-schooling is not easy and may not be for everyone has certain
benefits. For the most part home-schooled students can complete their basic lessons in less
time than students in a formal classroom. Therefore, the more time to pursue their own
interests. Because they learn how to ask quest and find answers, and because they develop
strong social skills, they become intelligent, responsible adults. As far as am concerned, even
more parents should consider the option of home-schooling.

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