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Hope -

I think that hope is a word I use often. Sometimes I use it as a substitute for “want”– “I

hope I get this” or “I hope this happens”. Other times I use the word for its meaning rather than

what it's often associated with. Two projects that fit both of these situations are the Hope and

Caged Bird projects. Both projects had been assigned at around the same time, and both were

open expression works. In completing the Hope project, students were meant to showcase their

understanding of the SLE Hope. For the Caged Bird project, students needed to display the

feeling of being trapped in an example differing from being a caged bird.

I learned a few things from both of these projects. Firstly, through completing the Caged

Bird project, I learned how to put myself into the perspective of the character I am writing about.

For this project, I wrote a poem that dove into a person going through racism. Although some of

the experiences were personal, others were ones that I had heard about. I learned how to get into

the perspective of those who had experienced these situations, to better showcase the emotions

being felt. In the Hope project, I learned that even small things you do can be a symbol of your

hope in things. I did a poem for this project as well, and wrote it about a person who loved to

wish on things—dandelions, 11:11, birthday candles, etc.

Although my poetry for these projects was good, I feel that I could have included another

visual piece for both. The poetry was simple, but another visual piece that matched each writing

would have greatly improved the listening experience. It also would have pushed me out of my

comfort zone, by having to learn a new skill or improve an old one.

The SLE that I connect these projects with is the SLE Hope. By working on and

completing the Caged Bird poem, I showcased how many people still need peace and justice

after having to face racism in their lifetimes. In doing the Hope project, I displayed my trust in
God’s plans for me, by writing about wishing on symbols of Hope, which I see as guides on my

faith journey.

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