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Open Project - Social Media Posts

Social media is a large part of our society. It is used often, for entertainment and communication
especially. However, social media is also utilized to spread awareness and knowledge about
certain topics. That is why The Positive Influence was assigned. For this project, groups of four
students thought of and researched a cause that needed positive change. They then needed to
brainstorm and develop a potential solution to the problem. The last step was for the four
students to create twenty social media posts that would spread awareness of the problem
alongside the solution. The main goal of this project was for students to learn how to gather
information and communicate it in a way that positively influences others to take action on real
life issues.

For this assignment, my group researched the problem of poor body image. We used many
sources to gather the information we needed, studies, surveys, and online articles. Through this
assignment, I was able to learn more about a societal issue that resonates with me, and thus
become more compassionate towards it. I also learned how to present information to others in a
way that draws them in through the making and displaying of social media posts. I think these
learnings show how I grew in knowledge and creativity.

For this particular assignment, I think the work I did was very good. The set of posts I made and
contributed to were all aesthetically pleasing yet informative. I think the research I did alongside
the creative presentation of the information found is something that I can apply in other areas of
school. Continuing to get trustworthy and helpful data whilst displaying it in a nice way is
something that can be appreciated in many areas. If I were to do this assignment again, I
wouldn’t change anything majorly. I would change small details like colors used on posts and
organization of posts.

Of all the SLEs, I connect this project to Love and Knowledge. After completing this
assignment, I accomplished both SLEs. For Knowledge, I accomplished gaining and sharing my
learning to others. I took pride in what I learned and created with this assignment. For the SLE of
Love, I learned how to love myself more, as well as how to love others. I also helped teach
others how to love themselves more, which is important because we all need to love God’s

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