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Colegio José María de la Cruz

Isla de Maipo
Idioma Extranjero Inglés
Prof. Romina Chacana

Prueba de Inglés 7º Básico


A. Marca la alternativa correcta:

1. * she have got long hair. *she has got long hair.
2. * I have got blue eyes. * I has got blue eyes.
3. * they has got a cat. * they have got a cat.
4. * he is tall. * he has got tall.

B. Dibuja a Elias y Luisa según las características que se indican.

He is short
He is overweight
He has got big blue eyes
He has got short black hair
He is a football player

7 pts
She is tall
She is thin
She has got small green eyes
She has got large curly brown
She is student

8 pts

C. Complete con las palabras que faltan para hacer una oración comparativa.
1. Maria/ responsibility/ Francisca.
2. My Dad/ tall/ me.
3. Daniel/ hard working/ Luisa.
4. Manuel/ good at sport/ Rosse.
5. My uncle/ old/ My aunt.
Colegio José María de la Cruz
Isla de Maipo
Idioma Extranjero Inglés
Prof. Romina Chacana

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