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Brayden Morgan

Mrs. Litle

English Composition I

5 February 2023

Journal #3

After attending Otero for some time, I have noticed the groups I am a part of. Some

communities by choice others simply because I play a particular sport. Ubuntu is often used to

describe how we are connected to each other. The quote about Ubuntu talks about how a

community it there to bring you closer together like a family. Belonging to a few communities I

see the qualities of Ubuntu, while other communities lack the core values that it represents.

I am a part of the rodeo athlete community I did not choose this community, but I did

choose to be on the rodeo team so technically I did. I will say I do not have very much in

common when it comes to goals. I love school and working hard on what brings me joy in life

while most of them are focused on finding out where the party is for that night. To call us a

community would be the wrong adjective, a community is supposed to support each other not

bring others down. My roommate and suitemates are the worst, they always hang out together in

my suitemates I can always hear them talking bad about me and others I know. This is not true

for all people in the community other members paly different roles that bring us closer as a

group. Without those vital members the group would fall apart.

A community that I chose to be a part of is the gaming community. We as a community

often check in on each other to see how others are doing. We plan group activities to bring us

together. Building each other up is more important than tearing others down. If I was to compare

the quote to one of the communities that I am apart of I would say the gaming community I a lot
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more accepting and caring about how others feel. This group more closely resembles Ubuntu to

me. I really like this quote, It has really opened my eyes to the fact that a few bad apples can

affect the overall well-being of the whole community. For me community is very important it

help me feel like belong and less like I am a burden to people around me.

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