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Present an idea


Neptun code:

1. Present an idea in the following subject area in no more than 2 pages (3600 characters):

- by what means and how would you encourage young people to learn about entrepreneurship?
- how would you make MÜZLI courses more attractive to your fellow students?

Please save as PDF document and upload it to the Application website!

If the question is: “ how to encourage young people to learn about entrepreneurship ?” Then I
think there is no better way than some sort of courses like MÜZLI, where students of different
ages and aspirations can get a basic view of how things going in the entrepreneurship world.
Or another way is some scholarship program, which can give the necessary means to all those
students who have the ideas but don’t have the finances and experience yet.

But for the most important part, the thing which connects these two points – is the desire for this
new knowledge. If the person, deep inside is interested in entrepreneurship, he will find you on
his own. All you need is to make sure that this person knows that you and your program exist at
all. You can do this with advertising.

And here we come to the second point – to make MÜZLI courses more attractive to my fellow
student and me – the courses need way more advertising. First of all internet advertising. I’m
talking about Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube ads. Good marketing is already half of the deal.

Also, I think a great minus of the MÜZLI courses is the absence (or lack, I’m not sure) of the
practical part. It would be a great improvement to all the courses, to have some practical work, a
way to master the learned skill.

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