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Examen final Nov- Dic 2021

Lea el texto y conteste las preguntas. Si las respuestas no son completas, estas no
serán consideradas correctas.
Bangkok is the capital of the most populous city of Thailand, also known by its
endonym Krung Thep Maha Nakhon or colloquially Krung Thep. Situated between the
‘secret’ countries of Burma, Laos, and Cambodia, Thailand a curious mixture of eastern
and western influences. Nowhere is this more evident than its capital, Bangkok.
Bangkok is a city of contrasts. A modern city of ten million inhabitants, it is growing at
breathtaking speed.
Sometimes when the midday heat and the noise and traffic are at their worst, it feels a
little too busy. But Bangkok is also a city with an ancient heritage. Take a ride on the
Chao Phraya River and its connecting canals, and you will find a city and a way of life
that is not very different from that seen by the first Europeans to arrive there. Then,
there are the temples which are known as ‘wats’, the numerous statues of Buddha, and
of course the splendor of the Grand Palace.
But Bangkok is not just about monuments, it is vibrant, alive, and full of hope. It gives
the visitor a feeling that anything might me possible and it is usually like that.

1) Where is Bangkok situated?

2) What kind of city is it?

3) How many people are there?

4) Does the city have heavy traffic?

5) Has the city changed throughout time?


Complete el texto con el verbo en la forma correcta

No trip to Bangkok is complete without a visit to at least one of the Buddhist temples,
and there 1) _________ (BE) so many in the city that it’s difficult to avoid them.
Bangkok 2) _________ (HAVE) the greatest concentration of Buddhist temples in the
world. The most renowned is the Wat Prha Keo, which is also called the Temple of the
Emerald Buddha, containing the mysterious Emerald Buddha statue, a Thai national
symbol. It was established in 1782, adjoining the Grand Palace, it is the ceremonial
temple of the Thai Kings. If you 3) _________ (LOOK) for Buddhist statues, you 4)
_________ (NEED) to go to Wat Pho, the oldest and largest wat in Bangkok, which 5)
_________ (COMPRISE) the largest collection of Buddha images in Thailand. Of
course, don’t miss Wat rum, the ‘Temple of Dawn’. Despite the surrounding
skyscrapers, at over 100 meters high the glittering tower is still a breathtaking sight as
you approach it up the river.
Once a city within a city and surrounded by 2 km of perimeter walls, the Grand Palace
is a must for any visitor to Bangkok. It 6) _________ (CONTAIN) some of the finest
examples of eastern architecture and art in the world. Among other delights, you can see
the harem, the chapel Royal, and the audience hall of Amarinda where kings are
crowned. There 7) _________ (BE) also a magnificent museum, the Grand Palace
Museum which 8) _________ (EXPLAIN) the 200-year history of the Palace. It allows
you to see where the history of these people 9) _________ (START) and how it 10)
_________ (DEVELOP) during the years.
There are so many places to visit in Bangkok that it is impossible to list them all. A
place well worth visiting is the National Museum, a treasure trove of Thai art and
culture. However, one of the most important places Wimanmek Palace or ‘Palace in the
Clouds’, which 11) _________ (BE) the world’s largest structure made entirely of
golden teak, 12) _________ (CLOSE) in July 2016. In July 2019, an official in the
Office of his Majesty´s Principal Private Secretary 13) _________ (CLARIFY) that the
building would be rebuilt exactly as it 14) _________ (LOOK) with the addition of a
large fishpond to its north. Nevertheless, some other sources 15) _________ (REVEAL)
that they 16) _________ (RECONSTRUCT) it since they 17) _________
(ESTIMATE) that the cost of construction works 18) _________ (BE) 81 million baht.
Thai people 19) _________ (BELIEVE) that Wimanmek Palace 20) _________
(NEVER BE) there again.

Complete el texto con la palabra que corresponde

revenue – entry - survey– arrivals - freely - pickup - destinations –

foreign - waiver– travelers - international– jobs

More than a thousand 1) _________ tourists arrived in Bangkok on Monday, the first
wave of 2) _________ to the Thai capital in 18 months, as part of a quarantine waiver
for visitors vaccinated against COVID-19.
There were 1,534 foreign3) _________ and 890 Thais on 40 4) _________ flights on
the opening day on Monday. The 5) _________ covers more than 60 countries,
including the United States and China, plus several places in Europe.
Thailand, one of the Asia-Pacific's most popular 6) _________, has enforced strict 7)
_________ curbs that were criticized in the travel industry for being too difficult and
economically damaging.
More than 3 million Thai tourism-dependent 8) _________ and an estimated $50 billion
a year in 9) _________ have been lost.
Before the pandemic, tourism accounted for about 12% of Thai GDP, with one 10)
_________ ranking Bangkok as the world's most visited city.
Under the new national programme, visitors must await a negative COVID-19 test on
arrival then can travel 11) _________ the following day.
Still, the 12) _________ is expected to be relatively slow, with 180,000 foreign arrivals
anticipated this year and 7 million next year, compared with some 40 million in 2019.

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