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Omkar Singh Form: 5S

English A 2023/3/25
Marcel's heart pounded in her chest as she ran, hoping and praying that she could survive. Write a story which
includes this sentence.
Marcel has never been one to take unwarranted chances or go too far outside of her comfort zone. Yet
on this particular day, she was put in a circumstance she could never have predicted.
She had been enjoying a leisurely stroll across the park when she spotted the gunman. She initially
believed she was only seeing things, but as he approached nearer, she became aware of the metallic sheen on his
palm. She struggled to come up with a plan of action while her heart raced in her chest. Must she flee? Should
she yell for assistance?
The man noticed her and began running toward her before she could decide. Hoping and praying that
she could outrun him, Marcel turned and ran the other way. Behind her, she could hear his powerful footsteps
pounding on the pavement, and she was aware that if she even slightly slowed down, he would catch up with
Marcel’s heart pounded in her chest as she ran, hoping and praying that she could survive. She ran for
what seemed like an endless amount of time, her legs throbbing and her lungs burning with each stride. Yet she
vowed to keep trying. She was aware that doing so would put her life in serious peril. She felt relieved to see a
group of people ahead as she rounded a corner and exhaled. She was confident that she would be secure if she
could only reach them.
She forced herself to run more quickly with one last surge of energy as her heart raced in her chest. The
man's breath was on the back of her neck, but she resisted turning around to face him. She could virtually taste
safety since she was so close to it.
Her legs gave out beneath her as she approached the group of people, causing her to trip and fall to the
ground. She cried out in relief when she looked up and realized that the group had managed to capture the
Her legs hurt with each step as she ran for what seemed like an eternity, her lungs burning. She vowed
not to give up, though. She understood that doing so would put her life in jeopardy. She exhaled with relief as
she rounded a curve and noticed a bunch of people up front. She was confident that if she could only reach
them, she would be secure.
She gave herself one more energy boost and forced herself to run more quickly, her heart racing. While
she could feel the man's breath on the back of her neck, she resisted turning around to face him. She was so
close to being safe that she could almost taste it.
Her legs gave out beneath her as she approached the group of people, causing her to trip and fall to the
ground. She cried out in relief when she looked up and realized that the group had managed to capture the

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