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Matohb4 /202

Upit 1 Evalveion: Witing

Agulloin Garáo Vanessa Ebzubet T-215 avisit
(2)where withdid yoo go on
Vacalion21 weat to Puerto Vallata
my family t w as alter le avíng high
School, Since it was foy
m PYize for study ing So much,
althoush Idid not |ike is Vevy much
wen t
Sipce we

eav ly to 10
the hot seaon, l had to wake
Jo the beach anc
the suntie 8ee
vp very
with my
family, on the beach my cousins asked me to male a
Sand Cas tle, but they destroy ed it alteywards.
we bou ght a lof of Souveniys and | bought a
Sou hourgla,
but for not .fit m brother broke it, we
also ate andtakirg
good Quve

dvank a a lot o vet ynice things,to go the

View point we decided to go tbe wy lcoold tovch
on the
a baby Sy viyvel, when we got o the vi cwpoint we too k
Pictures and
played, the only thina thut s vuined aur day
and we did not lker it, is tht when we veturned to
the beach ¡t stovted to inewhen we vetuyned to the
hotel l bad to
to washad los t el the clothes.
when did you go va cution? A year acgo,the Coyse ol
the tip was not so bovin q because insile the trogk J
Could Yead, listen to sic an d sleep Svper comfosta ble,
al thovg h lew to wi m, but l did beat
brother s we
payed voleybal,
DI Admt ike +he on tho vgh,it was like a bed mouie
rom t he 80's.

2 Phegustis 4 rcgyla
4 ivieglo

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