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Akemy Oviedo 8-983-1957

Soft skills us Hard skills

It makes me a valuable resource since it allows me to interact in a simpler

way with the people around me, to relate and my way of communicating. I
consider these super important in all areas, be it work or social, it is one of
the skills in which you can continue working and try to grow day after day,
it makes people around you want to interact with you, they make us the
most valuable resource because many people do not possess these qualities
and when we possess them ourselves it makes us stand out from others, see
ourselves as golden people and therefore be a magnet to attract and create a
good team, it also gives us the desire to learn, to have better
communication, knowing how to express ourselves with others, good
analytical skills, these soft skills make us see ourselves as a valuable
resource. One of the hard skills in which I consider myself very good in the
design part is to learn how to quickly use design tools or platforms and
have the creativity to be able to create something beautiful or professional
in front of the viewer, as well as conversational marketing and persuading a
client to consume the product you want since my background is a lot of
customer service and knowing how to treat and sell various products. I feel
that I have a stronger inclination towards soft skills since I am someone
who likes to be attentive to people, with a lot of empathy, teamwork, as I
said, persuasion and communication, since I have marketing skills and that.
it's like a mixture for that skill to work, I feel that I stand out in many soft
skills for emphasizing these qualities. soft skills seem very important to me
in the workplace since they influence and show how you are, personally I
always love to give a good image and do a good job so that the best of me
stays in that position, these skills represent who you are and what you want
to achieve with a good attitude.

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