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EHS Algebra 1 Syllabus 2022 – 23

Mr. Costa Mr. Emerson Dr. Robertson Ms. Rogan Ms. Sherman
C231 E101 E104 C218 C217

Welcome to Algebra 1!
We are looking forward to getting to know you and helping you explore the world of Algebra 1 and anything else that
comes your way this year! Please contact your teacher with any questions or comments. Communication on all fronts is
very important for the success of student learning so email or schedule a time to chat if any issues or concerns come up.

For this year to be rewarding we expect everyone to be an active participant and strive towards ownership of the
mathematical content. Making mistakes is part of the process! Asking questions and seeking help is strongly
• Come to class on time, prepared to succeed and use class time effectively.
• Respect towards yourself, to others, and to our environment. Support the learning of others, mistakes included!
• Fully participate and engage.
• Use electronic devices such as calculators and laptops for mathematical topic related purposes, as indicated by
the teacher. No cell phones during class.

Recommended Supplies: Each day you are expected to bring:

• Notebook of your choice which will include notes, classwork, group work, homework, graded assessments, and
reflections. Staying organized will be important. (Mandatory)
• Graph Paper
• Pencils/Erasers
• Calculator (Recommended scientific)

• Please communicate with your teacher around absences.
• It is the responsibility of the student to make up any missed daily work due to an absence. Students should
check Skyward, online notes, and check in with teacher.
• If absent for a review day or assessment day, assessments are expected to be completed the day you return
unless other arrangements with the teacher were made in advance.
• For lengthy absences, other arrangements may be made.

Grading Scale: LWSD standard grading scale will be used. The grade is cumulative, from the beginning until the end of
the semester. Please make sure you check the Skyward Gradebook often; it is the students’ responsibility to check their
grades and contact the teacher with any questions. Grades will NOT be rounded. There is no extra credit offered.

Letter Grade Percent (%) Letter Grade Percent (%) Letter Grade Percent (%)
A 90% or above C+ 77% - 79.9% D+ 67% - 69.9%
B+ 87% - 89.9% C 73% - 76.9% D 60% - 66.9%
B 83% - 86.9% C- 70% - 72.9% F < 59.9%
B- 80% - 82.9% NO ROUNDING

Grading Breakdown:
Practice 5%
Formative Assessments (Quizzes) 10%
Summative Assessments (Tests, Cumulative Projects, Final) 85%
Practice (5%):
• Students will be given practice frequently.
• Practice will either be on OneNote, paper, or Big Ideas Math online.
• If you struggle with an assignment, it is the students’ responsibility to seek extra help.
• Assigned practice is required to be completed prior to the ORIGINAL assessment in order to access the retake.
• It is the student’s responsibility to check skyward and make sure all missing/incomplete practice assignments are
shown to their teacher prior to the original assessment date.

Formative Assessments (10%): Measures progress during process of learning.

• There will typically be 1 – 2 formative assessments per unit usually in the form of quizzes. Quizzes are usually
announced in advance, but students should be prepared to demonstrate their learning at any time.
• Students can replace their unit quiz score with their unit test score if they earn a higher score on their test.
• There will be no other retake options for formative assessments.

Summative Assessments (85%): Measures progress at the end of learning.

• Summative Assessments (test/projects) will be announced at least a week in advance and occur at the end of
most units.
• Student will earn a minimum score of 50% on tests if student demonstrates a meaningful attempt, as assessed
by teacher.
• Students can complete ONE test retake to replace their test score per summative assessment.
O Prior to the ORIGINAL assessment, students must complete and show their teacher ALL assigned unit
practice in order to access the retake
• Retakes will assess the same skills as the original assessment, but it will NOT be the same test.
• Retake scores will be the new assessment score – for better or for worse.
• Retake grades will NOT replace formative assessment grades.
• Students must complete test corrections prior to accessing the retake.
• Students must get extra help from an Algebra 1 teacher from EHS to access the retake.
• Assigned practice is required to be completed prior to the ORIGINAL assessment in order to access the retake.
• Teachers will set deadlines for when a retake must be completed by.

Extra help:
• Attend teacher tutorial time - We are available most days before school from 7:00 – 7:30 a.m. and after school
from 2:30 – 3:00. You are encouraged to first check with your teacher in case they have a scheduled meeting,
but walk-ins are always welcome when we are available.
• Sign up for Friday Wolf Time support.
• Attend EHS Math Lab on Tuesdays from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. in upper C wing
• Seek help from any Algebra 1 teacher. We work as a team and support all students.

Teachers reserve the right to modify any policies to best serve the students. If that is the case, parents and students will
be notified.
Algebra 1 2022 – 2023 Syllabus
Thank you for taking the time to critically read over our classroom expectations.
Please return this portion of the document by 9/16/2022

I have read the syllabus and I understand the course expectations of me/my student this year

Student Name: _________________________ Student Signature: __________________________ Period: _____

Guardian Name: ________________________ Guardian Signature: _________________________

Questions or Comments:

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