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5 W – 1H

What : Apa
Who : Siapa
Where : Dimana
Why : Mengapa
When : Kapan
How : Bagaimana

Example :
1. What are you doing? (apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?)
2. Who are they? (siapa mereka?)
3. Where is your sister? (dimana saudara perempuanmu?)
4. Why does he cry? (mengapa dia menangis?)
5. When does your father come home? (kapan ayahmu pulang?)
6. How does it happen? (bagaimana terjadinya?)

To make a story (untuk membuat cerita) :

(What) There is a dance competition.
(Who) There are 16 dancer groups from 4th and 5th grade join the competition.
(Where) The competition is at Kartini Hall in Denpasar.
(Why) They want to introduce and keep the tradition for young generation.
(When) The competition is on Saturday at 9 am.
(How) There are a lot of students and parents interested on the competition. They get new knowledge
about traditional dancing.

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