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Everything in the world is getting polluted: atmosphere, air, water, food.

This is becoming a bigger threat

by day. But who is responsible for this? We are. So that means we can do something about it. Especially in
regards of the air pollution. One of the most efficient ways to reduce the air pollution is that we start
drivinc electric cars, not the normal cars that us as fuel gas or petrol.

This could be very useful for the quality of the air, which, in theory, means that there will be fewer lungs
problems and our life expectancy could get longer.

There are a few problems too. Electric cars are far more expensive than the normal ones, which means
not everyone can afford them. another problem is charging them. If you were done puttin fuel in your car in
5 minutes, electric cars take a lot longer to charge. For example the Tesla Modeel S 2019 takes about an
hour to charge, and then you can drive up to 300 miles.

In my opinion, if you can afford it, buy an electric car, because it will not only be better for those around
you, it will also be better for you.

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