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Activity in Climate Change and Energy


1. . What are being delivered now to combat climate change?)

For human beings, the reason why our world is deteriorating and climate change is
worsening is also up to us, but it is also up to us how we can solve climate change. First,
we must learn to be responsible when we spread garbage. Its simple work that is a big
help for us to solve climate change second plant a tree and do not cut it deforestation
has a big impact on our world so there is worsening climate change that we are
experiencing which is also because of what we do and limit our use of plastics products
because it is the most problematic because it lasts for many years and it destroys our
beautiful places and it is very important to use renewable sources it is probably the best
way for us to beat climate change it is a big help because we can reduce the use of oil
that ruin our environment another is making help also the m schools that promote
environmental awareness through that we can educate students at an early age on
how we can take care of our world

2. Search for the Energy Crisis (1970s) and have a reflection on how it differs to
the crisis that we are experiencing right now.

Based on what I read about the energy crisis in 1970 we can compare it to today's time
for example drugs like paracetamol in today's time it is the most needed so people will
buy because they are worried we will run out of them just like oil and gasoline are also
worried. bossiness man that lack the supply of gasoline and oil because machines and
vehicles will not work without them what if point out what if we create a product that
does not use gasoline and oil just like solar energy that does not need gasoline or
heaven for example in my experience in the province when I was young our place is
difficult with electricity so my father buys a machine that uses gasoline to provide
electricity to our home because there we have light at night but in the morning is not
because we save gasoline but when we found out that there is such a product that
does not need gasoline up to use it is a big help to us because we will no longer buy
gasoline to run the engine and this is what we will use only in the middle of sunlight will
have this energy source so what I point is we will increase the production even more of
solar panels or solar energy

3. Propose a project that would help to ease the Energy crisis and climate

For me we experienced a lot of smoke in public places today in the world unlike in the
provinces what I suggest we plant green plants trees plants and others that help keep
the air clean and fresh compared to established areas compared to the provinces the
air is fresher than the areas that are full of smoke because they also do not have trees
to help clean the dirty smoke by consuming solar similar to our province solar light we
use light at night to save on electricity in the meantime that's a big help because you
won't have to spend next to let's compare the car in the established areas more than in
the province but the effect is a lot of smoke due to the use of oil but in the provinces
the vehicles are limited so not too much smoke then they use bikes to less sap ag
produce smoke so we can resist Climate change because we are unable to use oil
which has a huge impact on the world

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