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International Air Transport Association (IATA) is are agencies that is authorize by IATA.
This agencies are trusted by the airlines to issue tickets directly or any related about the
airline. This is where Multiple Travel Agency came in, this kind of travel agencies are
very well known. You can see this agencies somewhere in the high main streets or just
like mall. Example of this agency are the TUI Travel Agency, base on my research TUI
Travel Agency are very well known and also this agency is accredited by the IATA. Next
example is the flydubai which is the first agency or airline that receive the International
Air Transport Association. While the Non-IATA or the Non International Air Transport
Association base on the name Non-IATA is not accredited by the IATA this kind of
agencies purchase tickets from the IATA or the from airline. This agencies are indirectly
bookings sometimes when you book a travel with them they will just do a transaction
inside the airport so that they can buy the ticket. Miniple Travel Agency is the example
of Non IATA this is a opposite agency of the Multiple Travel Agency. Miniple Agency is
not that very well known this is just a small time travel agency.


As a student or not also a student but also a future tourist that would rely on them the
number one role that Travel Agency should do is to provide information or expertise.
Travel Agency should provide a legit or accurate information about the place of the
chosen destination, about the culture of the people who are living in that place, and of
course the information of processing the papers. This role is very useful especially to
the first timer travelers. Next role of the travel agency are to make time saving itineraries
most of the time not all your costumers are always free most of them are a employees
who just wanna relax and forget their work. So as travel agency you will gave them a
time saving itineraries, an itineraries that they can surely forget all of their problems at
work and make them feel the relaxation that they needed but with a time limit because
some of them they don’t really can’t just leave their works, they want a leisure time but
at the same time a time for them to work. Assisting to secure the tourist and also the
business documents, this is the next role of the travel agency should have. As a travel
agency you must secure all the tourist documents such as, passport, visa, and
immigration clearance. Next is to recommend a destination, suppliers, products, and
services to the travelers. Of course travel agency is not travel agency when they don’t
recommend you a destination that you will love. Travel Agency role is to satisfy their
costumers by giving them a hundred percent satisfying place.

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