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If I am the future leader of india what changes would I like to bring about and why

Well, There are few key areas which needs continous and progressive development for
our country to be succseful.
I would focus on these key areas. They are,

Healthcare: A proper healthcare is very important for all the people . And India
needs a better healthcare system in place. While the government is already
providing it, India needs a much more robust system which can support all the
healthcare needs. Example: During the COVID-19 Pandemic, we have observed the loss
of huge volume of people across the country, due to insufficient medications and
healthcare system in place. Many people were dying because of the shortage of
Oxygen and being unable to get a bed in the hospital. India, needs to be prepared
for such pandemics in future too, to prevent loss of human life and be better
prepared with infrastructure of healthcare keeping the population of India in mind.

If I were chosen by the poeple to be the future leader of this country, I would
make sure India's healthcare is furutre ready with the best in-place tehcnology for
healthcare treatments and provide better healthcare system, ensuring low cost at
same time.

Education : Lets me ask something, How many years of education does a kid have in
school from Nursery to Grade 12 ? Well, thats right its about 15 years of education
a kid goes through in schooling. Now, in these 15 years of schooling while we learn
very important fundamentals of Math, English, Language, Science and Social studies,
sports too. These are the mandatory subjects and curriculum the government or the
education boards across the schools have. But, are we really preparing the kids
like us :) , for the world ? Right now, on an average 80% of the education
curriculum in schools across country is about subjects and 20% is about Fine arts.
If I would be chosen to be the leader of the country I would like to make the below
mandatory. Prepare the kids for life skills. Those are money management, Importance
of mental health, self care, Emotional intelligence, work life balance , and also
make any 3 life skills mandatory for all the kids to learn. Like : cooking,
driving, basic firstaid, etc...

Environment : A clean sanitized surroundings, ample fresh air and pollution free
country is the first step towards better health. Right now, due to over production,
over wastage and plastic use the air index is polluted. If i were chosen to be the
leader, I would like to bring regulations to stop wastage of non recycling
materials. Encourage only environment friendly goods, recycled production of goods
or sustainable goods. Encourage this by putting less tax on manufactures of
environment friendly goods and more heavy taxes on non recyclable goods. Reducing
taxes for the people who use sustainable living lifestyle.

I believe a leader is someone who doesnt just direct and boss around, but works
with the team towards a goal and vision and influences the team to push hard in
tough times. The future India awaits for such futuristic and visionary leaders who
can change the conventional ways, break the barriers and bring change for a better

Thank you !

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