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On the Sanguine side, we wrote Contented.

After meeting
Utnapishtim insisting that he be allowed to live forever, and
failing the test given by him, Gilgamesh returned home filled
with wisdom from his adventures with Enkidu and while finding
Utnapishtim. Gilgamesh became a gentle ruler who no longer
mistreated the people of Urduk. Gilgamesh realized that he
could not escape death, but he could live on in the memories of
the people he loved.
On the Phlegmatic side, we wrote Persistent. Gilgamesh is
undone by grief when his beloved companion Enkidu dies, and
by despair at the prospect of his own death. He is determined to
travel to the ends of the Earth in search of answers to the
mysteries of life and death, to meet Utnapishtim. After the flood,
the gods had granted Utnapishtim eternal life, and Gilgamesh
hopes that Utnapishtim can tell him how he might avoid death

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