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Nama : Ach Nobair

NIM : 03020321039

1. Mata Pellem : Sleepyhead (Tukang Tidur)

Example :Ghu Ongghunah Mata Pellem / How sleepyhead you are.
2. Alabbhu :Walking on the Rain, Get Rained on (Hujan-hujanan)
Example :Jek Lakoh Alabbu Mat! Deggik Gherring/ Don’t walk on the rain
Mat, you’ll get sick.
3. Nibenni :Really Something (Ada-ada saja)
Example :Nibenni Been! / You are too much / You are really something/ Kamu
ada-ada saja.
4. Leng-lang : Slightly Dizzy (Sedikit Pusing),
Example : Antos luh, corak abek lenglang sakonnik yak / Wait a minute, I
seem to be a little dizzy.
5. Teleng : Tilt (Miring/Mencong)
Example :Jhek Leng Mateleng Cetakah / Do not tilt your head
6. Lodheng :Ridiculous, Silly (Konyol, Bodoh)
Example : Lodheng sarah nak kanak sittung reh/ You are the ridiculous one.
7. Yak mayak : Just because (Mentang-mentang)
Example :Yak mayak polanah se andik sepeda anyar tadek panyapanah
sakaleh/ Just because you have a new bike, you did not greet us
8. Jhujjuh : Need to, Have to (Kebelet)
Example : Sek luh! Engkok Jhujjuh Taeh / Wait a minute, I have to go pee/ I
need to use the toilet.
9. Sompek :Get bored (Bosan)
Example :Sompek kok e Roma Terros / I’m bored at home all the time.
10. Rembhek Kapor :Plan Nonsense (Rencana Omong kosong)
Example :Aroa Jhet Ghun Bisanah Arembhek Kapor / All he can do is only
plan for nonsense.

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