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Ex 2 p 6

1. Defuse tension: To reduce or alleviate a potentially explosive situation,

usually involving conflict or hostility, before it escalates into something more
2. Conflict management: The process of identifying, analyzing, and resolving
conflicts that arise between individuals, groups, or organizations.
3. Sharp practices: Deceptive, unethical or unfair practices carried out by
individuals or organizations to gain an advantage in business or politics.
4. Goodwill: A friendly, helpful or cooperative attitude towards others,
especially in business or diplomacy.
5. Political masters: Refers to politicians or other individuals who hold
significant power or influence in a government or political organization.
6. Amicable states: Refers to countries or states that have a friendly or
cooperative relationship with each other.
7. Conference diplomacy: The use of diplomatic conferences and meetings
between countries to discuss and resolve issues related to international relations.
8. Accredited envoys: Refers to diplomats or other officials who are formally
recognized by their government and given the authority to represent their country
in international affairs.
9. Diplomatic intercourse: Refers to the communication and interaction
between countries and their representatives, especially in matters related to
international diplomacy.
10. Vote-trading: The practice of exchanging votes or support for different
proposals or policies, usually for political gain.
11. Underhanded means: Deceptive or unethical tactics used to achieve a desired
outcome, often involving secrecy or manipulation.
12. Promote peace: To actively work towards creating a peaceful and
harmonious environment, often through diplomatic means.
1. Cultivate relationships: This term refers to the process of developing and
maintaining relationships with people, typically through communication and
interaction over time. It involves putting in effort to foster a connection, building
trust and understanding, and investing time and resources into the relationship.
2. Build rapport: This term refers to the process of establishing a positive
connection with someone by creating a sense of mutual understanding, trust, and
respect. It involves paying attention to the other person's needs, interests, and
preferences, and finding common ground to connect on. Building rapport can lead
to more effective communication, collaboration, and relationship-building.
3. Supportive behavior: This term refers to actions or behaviors that are
intended to provide assistance, encouragement, or emotional support to someone. It
involves being attentive to the other person's needs, offering help or advice when
appropriate, and providing a safe and supportive environment for them to express
themselves. Supportive behavior can help build trust, strengthen relationships, and
promote well-being.

Ex 3 p7

1. Diplomacy
2. International Relations
3. Ambassador/Envoy
4. Covert/Illegal
5. Politics
6. Main tool
7. Publicly stated
8. Advancing
9. Prevents
10. Additional aspect
11. Multilateral
12. Consistent communication
13. Friendly states become enemies
14. Awareness of the situation
15. React intelligently
16. Basic tasks
17. Produce immediate results
18. Obtaining goodwill
19. Building rapport
20. Trading votes
21. Mutual back-scratching
22. Unfair tactics create long-term damage
23. Meeting commitments
24. Stalemate
25. Unresolvable enmity
26. A negotiable state

Ex 4 p 7

implicit - explicit
not covering completely - comprehensive
to facilitate in a way that is impossible to touch/ see/ experience - tangible
friends - adversaries
a state of balance and rest - inimical change
individual - collective
demote - promote
disunited - cooperative
to become bigger in size amount/ extent or number - reduce risk

Ex 5 p 8

1. Я роблю кар’єру в правоохоронних органах.

2. Продаж зброї в дипломатичних цілях уже давно є інструментом

державного управління.

3. Бізнес був підірваний різкою практикою та шахрайством

4. Суперечка зайшла в глухий кут, оскільки жодна зі сторін не пішла на


5. Війна призвела лише до тимчасової зупинки туризму, який залишався

основою економіки.

6. Акціонери подали до суду на компанію, стверджуючи про підступну

спробу позбавити їх прав їхніх прав

7. Старші діти можуть брати участь у забезпеченні догляду або домашніх

справах по дому, щоб звільнити від догляду.

8. Той факт, що ваша заявка цього разу не була успішною, не виключає

можливості повторної подачі заявки наступного разу.

9. Шланги з нержавіючої сталі мають такі самі переваги, а саме стійкість до

іржі та атмосферних впливів.

10. Для реалізації плану дій ДНЯЗ надзвичайно важливо, щоб держави, що
володіють ядерною зброєю, виконують свої зобов'язання.

11. Коментатори широко критикують торгівлю голосами як форму корупції,

вплив і навіть примус. У більшості країн існують внутрішні закони, які
забороняють угоди, засновані на обміні товарів або грошей на голоси.
12. Часто цитоване дослідження, проведене в Лос-Анджелесі, показало деякі
цікаві факти результати щодо шуму та того, як він заважає сну.

13. Для того, щоб рішення Ради викликали повагу та підтримку міжнародної
спільноти, методи роботи Ради мають стати більш прозорими та
інклюзивними, а членство — більш представницьким.

14. Окрім отримання деякої кількості доброї волі від клієнтів, Netflix також
може отримати вигоду від даних, які він може зібрати від користувачів нової

15. Він показує, наскільки важким було б завдання переговорних команд за

відсутності доброї волі щодо подолання їхніх розбіжностей.

Ex 6 p 8

1. Yield
2. Vote trading
3. The mainstay
4. Pursuing a fulltime career
5. Garnered
6. An impasse
7. Good-will ambassadors
8. Build rapport
9. Namely
10. The mainstay
11. Underhanded
12. Chores
13. Precludes
14. Sharp practice

Ex 7 p 8

1. The Ministry of Health of Japan enunciated the names of three people who
violated quarantine rules after returning from abroad.

2. The National Science Center of Poland, within the framework of a special

program for Ukrainian researchers, will finance the stay of 51 scientists,
namely the payment of labor and research.
3. It is also important to create conditions for young scientists to persuade
research career in Ukraine and had support at each of its stages.

4. Our state seeks to contribute to the peaceful settlement of the long-term

conflict a namely to find a political solution to the war in the region, making
more efforts through multilateral diplomacy.

5. Ukrainian intelligence can effectively deter and counter external threats, it is

time to start offensive actions to promote the national interests of the state.

6. The OSCE should focus its efforts on the peaceful settlement of the "conflict
in and around Ukraine" with full respect for the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of Ukraine. This was stated by the country's Chancellor Sebastian
Kurz on Twitter.

7. "We want to try to build bridges to remove and defuse tensions on at the
European level," Kurz said.

8. Energy markets in Ukraine should approach European ones and respond to

global trends.

9. It is becoming more and more difficult for the Ukrainian side to counter
Russian narratives and promote national interests in the international arena,
in particular in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

10.The Western Allies expect that the war may last many months and solidified
into impasse.

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