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(to be + adjective) + The Perfect Infinitive:

to be glad, to be happy, to be sorry, to be surprised, it is clever/kind/silly of you

I’ll write down your telephone number so as not to forget it.

She was not a woman to suffer in silence. Она была не такой женщиной, которая стала бы
страдать молча.
He was the first/last to come. Он пришел первым ( последним).
I have nobody to say a kind word to me. У меня нет никого, кто сказал бы мне доброе слово.

● to cut a long story short; to put it mildly; to say the least; to tell the truth; etc.
eg. He was rude, to say the least of it. Он был груб, чтобы не сказать больше.
eg. To put it mildly, he was not very clever. Мягко выражаясь, он не был очень умен.

The full infinitive is used:

1. to express purpose
2. after certain verbs (as their object)

afford forget pretend

agree happen promise
appear hesitate seem
arrange hope swear
ask, beg learn refuse
claim manage regret
decide mean tend
demand need threaten
deserve offer remember
expect plan volunteer
fail prepare want
3. after the object of certain verbs:
advise forbid, force remind
allow hire require
ask, beg instruct teach
cause invite tell
challenge need urge
convince smn to order want
encourage permit warn
expect persuade
4. after verbs followed by a question word (who, what, which, where, how, but not
5. after certain adjectives:
6. would like, would love, would prefer
7. the first/second/next/last/best + to (come)
8. after certain nouns (pleasure, shock, etc.)
9. after the following structures:
• it + be + adjective ( + of/for + object)
• so + adjective +as, in formal or polite requests
10. after only, for emphasis or expressing disappointment
eg. He passed the written test only to fail the oral exam.



is used after the verbs:

1. of mental activity:
to know, to think, to consider, to believe, to find (считать, полагать), to expect, to suppose
(предполагать), to imagine, to feel, to trust, to mean, etc.

eg. I knew them to be right. (Я знал, что они правы.)

eg. We expect them to arrive soon. (Мы ожидаем, что они скоро приедут.)

2. of declaring:
to pronounce, to declare, to report, to teach.

eg. I find him (to be) a very clever man. (Я нахожу, что он очень умный человек.)
eg. I don't consider him (to be) an honest man. (я не считаю, что он честный человек.)

3. denoting wish and intention:

to want, to wish, to desire, to mean, to intend/to choose (= want).

eg. The doctor pronounced the wound to be a slight one. (Врач сказал, что рана легкая.)
eg. He intended me to go with him to India. (Он хотел, чтобы я поехала с ним в Индию.)
eg. I want you to stop worrying. (Я хочу, чтобы ты прекратил волноваться.)
4. denoting feeling and emotion: to like, to dislike, to hate

eg. Tell me what you would like me to do. (Скажи, что бы ты хотела, чтобы я сделал)

5. denoting order and permission: to order, to allow, to suffer (неохотно разрешать, позволить
скрепя сердце), to ask (for), to command, to encourage, to forbid, etc.
In most cases after these verbs the Passive Infinitive is used.

eg. The captain ordered the cases to be loaded. (Капитан приказал погрузить ящики.)
eg. He asked for the letter to be sent off at once. (Он просил, чтобы письмо было отправлено
немедленно (отослать письмо немедленно))
eg. She asked to be shown the photo. (Она попросила показать ей фотографию.)
eg. Mr Domby suffered his daughter to play with Paul. (Мистер Домби неохотно разрешил своей
дочери играть с Полем.)

6. denoting sense perception: to hear, to see, to watch, to feel, to observe, etc. After such verbs
the bare infinitive (without "to") is used.

eg. I saw Brown enter the room. (Я видел, как Браун вошел в комнату.)
eg. I felt the blood rush into my cheeks. (Я почувствовал, как кровь прилила к моим щекам.)
eg. I saw the fire slowly conquered. (Я видел, как пожар постепенно потушили)

1. The verbs to see and to hear are followed by a clause (not by the Infinitive Construction) when they
are not really verbs of sense perception, i.e. when the verb to see means "to understand" and the verb
to hear - "to learn, to be told":
eg. I saw that she didn't realize the danger. (Я видел (понимал), что она не осознает опасности.)
eg. I heard that he had left for the south. (Я слышал (мне сказали), что он уехал на юг.)

2. After the verbs to see and to notice the Complex Object is not used with the verb to be, a clause is
used in that case:
eg. I saw that he was pale. (Я видел, что он побледнел.)


(Laser is known to be used in medicine -> Відомо, що лазер широко використовується у м.)

1. the following groups of verbs in the Passive:

● denoting sense perception: to see, to hear, to notice, etc.
eg. The car was seen to disappear in the distance. (Видели, как машина скрылась вдали.)
eg. She was heard to laugh heartily. (Слышно было, как она весело смеялась.)

● denoting mental activity: to think, to consider, to believe, to expect, to suppose, to know, etc.
eg. He was thought to be honest and kind. (Его считали честным и добрым человеком.(Считали, что он...))
eg. He is considered to have been one of the most popular writers of his time. (Считается, что он был одним из
самых популярных писателей своего времени)

● the verbs:
— to say, (Кажуть, що..)
— to report (повідомляти->Повідомляють, що..),
— to order,
— to ask,
— to allow,
— to state (заявляють),
— to announce (Оголошують).
eg. She is said to be working at the factory. (Говорят, что она сейчас работает на заводе.)
eg. The delegation is reported to have left Moscow. (Сообщается, что делегация уже покинула Москву.)

2. word groups:

● to be likely (Ймовірно, скоріш за все),

● to be unlikely (маловероятно, вряд ли),
● to be certain / to be sure (несомненно, обязательно, бесспорно, непременно).

eg. He is unlikely to know her address. (Маловероятно (вряд ли), что он знает ее адрес.)
eg. He is sure to be asked about it. (Его наверняка об этом спросят.)

3. pairs of synonyms:

● to seem/to appear (здається, по-видимому),

● to prove/to turn out (виявляється),
● to happen/to chance (трапляється, буває).

eg. They seem to have quite forgotten us already. (Они, кажется, совершенно нас забыли.)
eg. The first experiment proved to be a success. (Первый опыт оказался удачным.)
eg. Only yesterday we happened to meet the man. (Только вчера мы случайно встретили этого человека.)

Negative forms:
don't seem
doesn't prove + infinitive happen
didn't happen
is/are not likely + infinitive


1. The Infinitive in the Complex Subject is used in all its forms and expresses:

a) a simultaneous action
eg. He is said to live in London. ( Говорят, что он живет в Лондоне.)

b) an action in progress
eg. The water seems to be boiling. (Кажется, вода кипит.)

c) an action prior to the action expressed by the finite verb

eg. They are reported to have finished the construction. (Сообщают, что они уже закончили строительство.)

2. The Infinitive in sentences with the Complex Subject cannot refer to the future except with the
verbs and word-groups: to expect, to be sure/certain, to be likely.
eg. We are sure to come to the heart of the matter. (Мы обязательно доберемся до сути дела.)
eg. He is expected to give us an answer tomorrow. (Ожидают, что он даст нам ответ завтра.)

3. If the verbs to prove, to seem/to appear (выглядеть, производить впечатление) are

followed by adjectives or nouns, the verb to be after them can be omitted.
eg. She proved (to be) very clever. (Она казалась очень умной.)
eg. He seems ill. (Он выглядит больным.)
eg. He appears an experienced teacher. (Он производит впечатление опытного преподавателя.)

Set phrases:
To tell the truth To put everything in a nutshell (підсумовуючи)
To begin with To tell the truth
To be honest To cut a long story short
To be frank To say nothing of (не кажучи вже про)
To be on the safe side - бути на безпечній стороні To put it mildly (м’яко кажучи)
To say the least - To put it in a nutshell (в двух словах)
To make things worse - So to speak (так би мовити)
To sum up Needless to say (нема потреби говорити)

The BARE Infinitive

1. Why + infinitive (something senseless);
Why + not infinitive (advice)
Why hurry? We have plenty of time.
Why send up if you can sit down?
Why not talk to him?

2. Cannot but + infinitive (необхідність виконати дію, відсутність альтернативи, an action after
reasonable analysis)
I cannot but think so. I couldn’t but agree with him. I cannot but agree

a. Had better + infinitive (advise)

You had better hurry up. Hadn’t you better ask him first.

3. Would rather/sooner + infinitive (preference)

I’d rather stay at home. I’d rather not speak on the subject. He prefers to start rather than wait

4. Nothing but + infinitive (the only thing somebody does/the only thing left)
She does nothing but complain. Вона тільки те й робить, що скаржиться.

There was nothing (left to do) but watch and wait.

5. Rather than + infinitive

I will finish the job rather than leave it till tomorrow. He prefers to start rather than wait.

Let, have, make, help

1. After auxiliary verbs

2. After modal verbs
3. After the verbs of sense perception (to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, to notice, etc.) in the
Infinitive Constructions:
eg. I’ve never seen you look so well.
eg. She heard him enter the room. I felt my heart jump.
NB! After these verbs in the Passive the to-infinitive is used:
eg. He was heard to mention your name.
eg. The child was made to obey.

4. After the verb to let - is not used in Passive!!!

5. After the verbs to make (= to force), need and dare (in the modal meaning)
6. After the expressions had better, would rather/sooner, cannot but, etc.
7. In the sentences beginning with why (not)
8. After formal words than, rather than, but, except:
eg. I’ll do anything but work with children.
eg. Rather than walk for half an hour, I'll take a taxi.
eg. My son does nothing all day but play computer games.


The Indefinite Gerund - denotes an action simultaneous with that of the predicate
eg. He avoided making the same mistake again.

The Perfect Gerund - denotes an action prior to that of the predicate

eg. He admitted having made the mistake.

1. Prior action is not always expressed by a Perfect Gerund. In some cases we find an Indefinite

- After the verbs: remember, excuse, forgive, thank.

- After the prepositions: on (upon), after, without.
eg. I don’t remember hearing the legend before.
eg. You must excuse my not answering you before.

The Gerund has special forms for the Active and Passive Voice:
eg. He liked neither reading nor being read to.

2. After the verbs: want, need, deserve, require, be worth the Gerund is used in the active
form though it is passive in meaning:
eg. The room needs painting.
eg. The film is worth seeing.
eg. The child deserves praising.


1. Verbs followed by prepositions:

accuse of - звинувачувати depend on - залежати від

apologize for - вибачатись за hear of - чути, дізнатися про
approve of - схвалювати inform of - повідомити про
blame smb for - винуватити за insist on - наполягати на
forgive for -вибачати за object to - заперечити проти
congratulate on - вітати persist in - вперто(наполегливо) вмовляти
count on - розраховувати на
prevent from - запобігати, succeed in - досягати успіху в
унеможливлювати suspend smb of - підозрювати
result in - призводити до, спричиняти thank for - дякувати за
stop from - зупиняти think of - думати про
decide against They decided against hiking. (Вони вирішили не подорожувати пішки)

to be for/against -ing

2. Nouns used with prepositions:

art of interest in purpose of

chance of means of - засоби reason for
difficulty (in) mistake of right of
experience in opportunity of sense of
habit of plan for skill in
harm of point in/of way of
idea of preparation for
importance of process of

3. Phrasal Verbs: burst out, give up, go on

● burst out
We all burst out laughing. Mu всі розсміялися.
● keep (on)
It kept (on) raining. До продовжувався продовжував іти,
● leave off
Grandfather has left off working. Дідусь кинув працювати,
● put off
We decided to put off going until next week. Mи вирішили відкласти поїздку до
наступного тижня.
● go on
They went on talking. Вони продовжували розмовляти.
● give up
He gave up jogging/running. Він кинув бігати.
● feel like
I don't feel like watching television now. Мені не хочеться зараз дивитися телевізор.

4. Such verbs as:

admit - include - включати, містити

avoid - уникати involve - включати, залучати
appreciate - justify - виправдовувати
consider - вважати, розглядати mention - зазначати
delay - затримувати, відкладати mind - заперечувати, зважати, бути проти
deny - заперечувати miss - сумувати, упустити
dread - з жахом думати про щось postpone - відкладати
hate - ненавидіти practise - практикувати
enjoy - насолоджуватися remember -
escape - уникати, тікати recall - нагадати, пригадати
excuse - виправдовувати recollect - згадати
fancy - уявляти resent - обурюватись
finish - закінчити risk - ризикувати
forgive - вибачити suggest
imagine - уявляти understand
○ be/get accustomed ○ be in favour of ○ how about
○ to be/get used to ○ can't stand/help ○ it's no good/use
○ in addition to ○ cannot help - не можу собі ○ it's worth
○ look forward to відмовити ○ there's no chance of
○ obiect to ○ cannot stand - не можу терпіти ○ there's no point in
○ take to ○ feel like ○ what's the point of...?
○ as well as ○ have difficulty (in) ○ what's the use of...?

be afraid of be good/clever at be slow at
be angry for be grateful for be sorry for
be aware of can’t stand/bear feel like be sure of
be bored with have difficulty in be surprised at
be busy be guilty of be worried about
be capable of be interested in be worth
be clever at be keen on - бути захопленим be responsible for
be disappointed at be pleased at be no good
be engaged in be proud of be no use
be fond of

6. Prepositions: after, before, besides, instead of, in spite of, on, without, by, apart

Apart from/Besides being a kind person… Окрім того, що він ..

7. after the verbs need, want, require, etc. with a passive meaning
eg. My car needs repairing. (= My car needs to be repaired.)

8. be busy
spend/waste +expression of money/time

Set phrases with gerund:

● There’s no – неможливо
● It is no use/it is no good – нерозумно – it is unreasonable
● To be busy – бути зайнятим
● To be on the point of – збиратися щось зробити
● Сan’t help – неконтрольовані дії, «не можу не»
● Can’t stand – «не можу терпіти»
● Feel like – хотіти, мати настрій
● Look like – «схоже на те, що…»
● To be used to – мати звичку
● To be worth – бути вартим
● To burst out – розсміятися/розплакатися
● To look forward to – з нетерпінням чекати
● To be for/to be against – бути «за»/«проти»
● What about/how about – чому б не…/як щодо…
● To go cycling/hiking/fishing – вирушити кудись, піти для чогось
It goes without saying - безумовно, безперечно
There is no doing sth – неможливо, не можна

It’s no use doing sth - немає сенсу, марно

There is no point in doing - немає сенсу

It is worth doing – варто

As well as doing – Окрім …

In spite of/ despite doing - незважаючи, не дивлячись на те, що

Regardless of doing – незалежно від того

It was worth getting sick that you love me. It is no sense in my saying that I am sorry. The guides were busy
shouting names and directions.
Про факт - без перфекту. Якщо акцент на дії, що відбулася раніше, - перфект.

e.g. His not having been admitted to university had a dramatic impact on his life. - Той факт, що
його не прийняли до університету, мало вирішальне значення у його житті.

Gerund - On seeing/ on hearing sth побачивши, почувши, глянувши

On coming/arriving/reaching - приїхавши, прибувши, діставшись до …


seeing |hearing sth -Participle I Present

coming/arriving/reaching -Participle I Present

Having seen|having heard – is wrong

After doing/having done – ПІСЛЯ того, як хтось щось зробив


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The gerund vs the infinitive (Grammar.word)

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