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CSCI 1 Assignment

Name: .

Explain the similarities and differences between Exogenic Processes and Endogenic Processes.

The similarity between endogenic and exogenic processes is that they are both unassisted, natural
processes. Exogenic processes, on the other hand, differ from endogenic forces in that they are
connected to the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the biosphere and Exogenic forces create changes
visible over a period of thousands or millions of years. Soil erosion removal and weather-related
procedures. This implies that gravity and other phenomena that occur outside the earth's core are
caused by solar forces. Outside of the earth's core, this occurs. While the Endogenic forces produce
after-effects that are visible only after it causes sudden damage. Only when sudden damage is caused by
endogenic factors do their effects become apparent. Over hundreds of millions of years, exogenic
pressures produce modifications that become apparent.

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