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Abdullah Al-Khaldi

Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022

Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301


Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

Table of Contents

Task One – Conference presentation on ethical practice in business..............................3


AC 1.1................................................................................................................................3

AC 1.2................................................................................................................................5

AC 1.3 and 1.5...................................................................................................................7

AC 1.4................................................................................................................................8

AC 2.1................................................................................................................................9

AC 2.2 and 2.3.................................................................................................................12

Task Two – CPD Portfolio...............................................................................................14

Activity 1 (3.1)..................................................................................................................14

Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

Task One – Conference presentation on ethical practice in business


The purpose of this presentation is to discuss ethical business practices. The

presentation will discuss the significance of ethical principles to professionals in the field
of people's practice, how such values can be put into practice, and how ethical practices
can have a good impact on organisations.

AC 1.1

A professional is someone who specialises in a particular field of expertise. A

professional is a person who does a task to a high standard, attends a college or
university, or works for a specific area full-time. As an illustration of a business that
consistently delivers on its promises, consider a well-respected landscape design firm
(Lubove, 2016). Persons who have undergone training and obtained formal education
are referred to as educated. Gaining professional credibility is a trait that leads to better
performance in various professional fields by multiple individuals. Because of societal,
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

economic, and workplace developments, HR's position constantly evolves. The job of
Strategic Partner has just recently emerged in the business world. It is an HR expert
who, by knowledge, behaviour, and professional abilities, may influence the board of
directors' decisions and the business's direction.

Those who have gone through formal education and training are referred to as
professionals. The term HR Professional refers to a performer who uses their
knowledge and the four guiding principles of added value, improvement, cost reduction,
and efficiency to generate new ideas (Goodson, 2018). Based on the CIPD's model of
effectiveness and efficiency combined, Thinkers have the best of both worlds in their

When someone has completed their training, they are considered a professional and
earn a career doing what they love to do. Individuals increase their performance across
a range of professions as they gain experience and credibility in their chosen fields of
study and work (Ababei, 2020).
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

Core knowledge, core behaviours, and specialised knowledge areas influence

the careers of human resources professionals, as well as the following strategic
activities. A person who works in the field of human resources must adhere to high
ethical standards. They approach the problem from a strategic expert's perspective.
Recognise the importance of teamwork and how it contributes to organisational success
(Kemmis, 2019). To be a professional, one must have a specific area of competence,
be a member of a recognised professional organisation, and have a strong commitment
to the field of practise in which one works to qualify as a professional.

AC 1.2

Its employees' ethical standards define an organisation's professional behaviour.

When it comes to making judgments, ethical behaviour is the most critical factor to
consider. Norms based on moral ideals impact the behaviours and culture of
professionals at work. Some organisational difficulties can be addressed by ethical
assistance (Kanungo, 2021). The following is a concrete illustration of how I live out my
principles in my daily interactions with others. Respect for self-responsibility, respect for
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

others, and leadership that is accountable. When it comes to business ethics, there are
more important considerations than simply adhering to legal requirements.

In some cases, it's possible that the company's values are not proclaimed but
instead buried. Achievement, Adventure, Courage, Creativity, Dependability,
Determination, Friendship, and Health are among the personal values listed (Rai et al.,
2017). If my values are connected with my career or business, for example, they will
support and energise my work. If I value the trust and feel that everyone I come into
contact with at work has my best interests at heart, then I can put my confidence in
them. Several of my settings may be in sync, while others may not be. If this is the case,
I'll be pleased with some areas of my job and dissatisfied with others. I'll be happy in
every element of my life if I can connect my principles to my work or commercial
endeavors. I can't do my job if I'm acting unethically. If some or all of my principles
conflict with my career, I'm likely to become agitated or anxious. A second employee
could help me better match my work with my values and make me feel better (Elias,
2019). Take a look at my values and identify which ones now conflict with my work, and
then do something about it.
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

AC 1.3 and 1.5

An organisation's code of ethics guides its employees' communication and

influence techniques as a critical factor in determining a workforce's capacity for optimal
performance. Emphasis is placed on clarifying the subject of inclusiveness in
organisations while also discussing professionalism and ethical standards. Integrating
all persons without discriminating based on their protected qualities is what we mean by
inclusion. It is a professional's duty to ensure that everyone is treated equally and fairly
(Yates, 2018). Allowing professionals to work to their total ability without discriminating
against anyone based on protected traits is the goal of inclusion. Building a positive
business reputation and improving staff retention are two benefits of developing an
inclusive culture. Negative behaviours in the workplace can be eradicated by
implementing policies that prioritise diversity and inclusion. Leaders need to take
advantage of the varied groups of individuals who work together to accomplish the
various organisational goals and objectives (Sinclair, 2019). People who support
diversity and inclusion in the workplace are more dedicated to the organisation, which
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

benefits leaders who promote that diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Inclusion of
people fosters a positive corporate image, attracting top-tier employees and giving
companies a leg up in the market.

AC 1.4

It is the employee's responsibility to ensure that all of the duties and obligations
of their position are fulfilled following the company's rules and procedures. If you take
care of your duties at work, you will be seen as a helpful employee and a trustworthy
coworker. Taking ownership of your work responsibilities is a sign of professionalism on
the job, and it can help you advance your career and build relationships with your
coworkers (Angus-Leppan et al., 2018). It also communicates to leadership that you are
a valuable workforce member. Supervisors value employees who show accountability
by completing the project on time and delivering high-quality work. To achieve their
professional objectives, professionals with strong work ethics must take everyday
action. Employees that are committed to the company's success and who seek to
accomplish their daily jobs to the best of their abilities are responsible. Employees who
take ownership of their work and make it a priority to hold themselves and their
coworkers accountable create an environment that benefits both the individual and the
firm (Datta et al., 2015). My ability to communicate with others is one of the aspects of
my life that I would like to develop further. This is something that I consider to be a
weakness, particularly given that I deal with professionals from a variety of diverse
backgrounds. If one does not develop their capacity for effective communication, this
may result in discord. At the same time, I plan to collaborate with employees to
establish a culture that places a premium on diversity and inclusion. To accomplish this,
the creation of exchange programmes in which individuals can talk to one another about
their histories presents an opportunity for me to achieve my goal of valuing variety.
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

AC 2.1

In addition to increasing productivity and decreasing employee turnover, ensuring

employee satisfaction improves team morale, reduces stress in the workplace, and
attracts new employees to your organisation. Furthermore, a well-engaged workforce
significantly impacts the company's organisational structure (Judge et al., 2016). An
essential part of an inclusive community is recognising and respecting one another's
uniqueness. Professionalism is about building a culture and an environment in which all
members of the workforce feel at home. Professionals can achieve their maximum
ability without discrimination against anyone based on protected characteristics when
they are included in the workplace. Diversity and inclusion have numerous advantages:
Organisational performance is boosted, and the company's reputation is enhanced by
this strategy (Pfeffer and Jeffrey, 2018). In addition, Employees who are respected and
valued are more likely to remain in their positions. A high employee turnover rate results
from dissatisfaction in the workplace, which necessitates significant monetary and time
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

resources to remedy. Employers who implement Impraise's innovative methods of

motivating their staff may find that their employees' productivity soars, their workplaces
flourish, and their businesses prosper.

When it comes to the needs of employees, the 1943 Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
theory, which says that they should feel included, involved, and like they are making a
difference in the workplace and society, is right on the money. Employers can use
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory to build a diverse and inclusive workplace with
highly engaged employees by implementing the examples listed below.

1. Physiological: The necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and clothing, must be
provided to all employees. If all employees are paid correctly, they can supply
these necessities for themselves and their families. The same rule applies to the
equal pay of men and women of colour and other underrepresented groups.
2. Employees with low skills in cheap jobs must also be addressed while the
company's financial commitments and resources are managed. Minimum wage
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

and socioeconomic issues have significant ramifications for the workplace and
the community.
3. Workplace harassment, bullying, and other situations that endanger the safety of
employees or cause them to feel uneasy are all outlawed. However, even while
rules, processes, and practices must be implemented, they may not be enough
to assure the safety of workers. The reporting and corrective-action protocols
must be in place whenever occurrences that risk employee safety is discovered.
4. Belonging: The work environment should foster a sense of belonging, a sense of
community, and belonging to a team. To be a part of anything is to be respected,
and firms must have an inclusive culture to be viewed as Employer of Choice.
5. Esteem: All parties involved in an organization's operations should treat its
employees with dignity and respect. Acknowledge employees' achievements,
recognise their contributions to organisational success, and reward them.
6. To foster a culture of self-actualisation, employers must give their employees a
sense of agency and responsibility in the task they are responsible. Recognize
your employees for their skills and contributions, and allow them to continue
advancement. To get the best results, employers should treat their employees
like superstars.
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

AC 2.2 and 2.3

A person's professional abilities should not be seen as a reflection of their ideals.

People who share your values and ethics should work together in a perfect society. For
the most part, it's impossible to generalise the ideal way to proceed when it comes to
working style or setting (Cheng et al., 2018). Because there is less friction among team
members when working in a comfortable setting, your productivity will soar. Employees
can better communicate their vulnerabilities and build a more trusting environment by
making eye contact and taking responsibility for their ideas. When hiring and treating
employees ethically, "people" professionals need to remember that employees have
varied cultural and personal preferences (Head, 2017). In addition, an entrepreneur
addressing how to employ workers from diverse organizations or stressing the
consequences of unethical behavior would be an excellent resource to keep in mind.

Professionals in the field of human resources should maintain a people-centered

approach to communication. Recognize and adapt to the emerging demands of a
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

rapidly evolving workplace. Maintain compliance with the company's legal and policy
requirements for human resources. To maintain a high degree of professionalism,
corporations must treat their staff well. Compliance with legal and organizational norms
enhances the ability of human resource professionals to respond effectively to internal
and external inputs. This is crucial if professionals are to meet the needs of both internal
and external customers. As the workplace evolves, HR practitioners must be able to
respond to both internal and external criticism (Bélanger et al., 2018). To help the
company and its employees in the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, human resources
personnel should be ready to adjust to new work arrangements and interpersonal
interactions. Human resource professionals must comply with legislative obligations and
company regulations to better serve the needs of the organisation and its employees.
This is crucial to help professionals respond to the needs of employees both inside and
outside the organisation.
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

Task Two – CPD Portfolio

Activity 1 (3.1)

CPD Stands for continued professional development and it is a term which is used to
illustrate the continuous path and procedure used by the professionals for the
development of their skills and abilities over the time in a continuous way. as name
indicates, professional development is a variable term, and it can never be constant in
any situation because it depends upon several factors including the internal and
external factors. internal factors include the behaviors and personal perceptions of the
professional regarding their own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Likewise,
external factors include the impact of external environment like work culture, competitive
environment, economic stability, etc. Reflective practice is the process of continuous
learning which the professionals use for their own learning so that they can improvise
according to the situation and time by honing their skills.

It is a matter of fact that the market is continuously and rapidly changing which is
offering a great challenge to both the employees and the employers. the rapid change in
the market demands rapid actions by the employers which are eventually become the
responsibility of people professionals in any organization. when we talk about the
matters related to the effective human resource management and managing the
workforce in any organization, the role of a people professional has changed a lot in the
modern times especially after the situation of pandemic COVID-19. the pandemic not
only affected the business organizations, but it also affected the situation of employees
all around the globe and therefore, the expectations, continuously changing behaviors,
being motivated in the work responsibility, and being properly trained according to the
job, all have been changed. Therefore, it has potential implications on the role of people
professional and they must be more adaptive according to the needs of continued
professional development of the employees.
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301


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Cheng, L., Subrahmanian, E. and Westerberg, A.W., 2018. Design and planning under
uncertainty: issues on problem formulation and solution. Computers & Chemical
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Datta, D.K., Guthrie, J.P. and Wright, P.M., 2015. Human resource management and labor
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Elias, R.Z., 2019. The impact of corporate ethical values on perceptions of earnings
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Judge, TA and Bretz, R.D., 2016. Effects of work values on job choice decisions. Journal of
applied psychology, 77(3), p.261.
Abdullah Al-Khaldi
Cohort Group i.e. CIPD5HR March 2022
Unit name i.e.5CO03
Course Tutor: Loretta Mchay
Word count: Task 1: 1965.
Task 2: Act (1): 301

Kanungo, R.N., 2021. Ethical values of transactional and transformational leaders. Canadian

Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de
l'Administration, 18(4), pp.257-265.

Kemmis, S., 2019. What is professional practice? Recognising and respecting diversity in
understandings of practice. In Elaborating professionalism (pp. 139-165). Springer,

Lubove, R., 2016. The professional altruist. In The Professional Altruist. Harvard University

Pfeffer, J. and Jeffrey, P., 2018. The human equation: Building profits by putting people first.
Harvard Business Press.

Rai, J.S., Thorheim, C., Dorjderem, A. and Macer, D., 2017. Universalism and ethical values for
the environment.

Sinclair, A., 2019. Approaches to organisational culture and ethics. Journal of Business

ethics, 12(1), pp.63-73.

Yates, L., 2018. What does good education research look like?: Situating a field and its
practices. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

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