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Jessa Sabrina D.

Avila ABM12A1 10/07/2022

Performance Task #2: Activity 3.2

1. How does the film affect you?

The film narrates the devastating experience of Glenn hiding under a dumpster to save
himself from getting eaten by Walkers, coined-term as the zombies portrayed in the cinema.
It is evident to note that this film belongs to the genre of thrill and horror fiction. The Walking
Dead is known to be one of the long-running series that highlights a group of survivors
traveling in search of safety and security.

2. Which component of the film appeals to you most? Why?

The film's production started with laying out a black screen, and as a viewer, it has given
me a horrific impact by simply listening to the suspense music played. A screeching noise that
was unpleasant to hear made my heart pound with fear thinking about what specific scene I
should expect upon its transition. The initial movement of the screen showed a close-up look
of the actor's facial expression and immediately changed to an aerial view depicting the
gloomy encounter of Glenn struggling to move since he landed with several corpses and
witnessed the Walkers dissecting the intestines of his mates. Blood was all over the place,
and the sound effects were nicely incorporated with the Walkers' role of grabbing and eating
the human flesh.

3. How effective was the use of media such as music or effects to the cinematography of the
Throughout the film, I commend the gray color effect featuring the Walkers in one frame,
which may represent survival and death. Also, the pure shade of red emphasizes the extracted
human blood as it indicates fear. The actions performed by the extras, pertaining to the
Walkers, were spot on since they made the viewers feel the thrill whenever they extended
their hands to touch Glenn. Aside from my admiration for the colors and movements, I
compliment the close-up angle effect that almost felt like suffocation when the actor was lying
down with minimal space and how it is audible to hear and feel his breath. His facial expression
and body language tell the viewers that the character still hopes for life. As the rage has ended
within the setting, it is great to see that light coming through the space makes Glenn manage
to get out of the dumpster and evacuate.

4. How does the message of the film convey?

Indeed, the technical codes applied in this film convey a message about survival. The
shots, lighting, and ominous music represented the danger of the rising zombie apocalypse
in the story. There were not much dialogues expressed in the film. However, the gestures and
sound effects implied a communication between the main character and the viewers.

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