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1. Workout
You can automatically look sexier than 80% of the population by hitting the gym and
cutting out junk food.

2. Do what you say you're going to do!

Accomplish your goals, people pay attention

3. Don't give a fuck

when you don't care or react to the BS, people get scared. They realize they have no
control over your emotions.

4. Start building your future

Do it alone, do it broke, do it scared, just do this shit.
Learn to sell, learn to invest and make money work for you.

5. Control your actions and reactions

Some shit you can't control, but you can always control your reaction to it.
Conquer these 5 traits and you will be unstoppable.
Side effects include:
Less stress
Increased income
Increased Attractiveness
No fucks given

6. Your choices define your life

IPhone $1,500
Start a business $1,500
Eating at Home $100
Night our with friends $200
Netflix 3 hours
Learn a new skillset 3 hours
Stop making excuses - Make it happen

7. Ghost everyone and just focus on you

I compete with no one. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone.
I am trying to be better than the person I was yesterday.


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