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(200 WORDS) 58. give
29. day
59. golf
30. desk
60. go
31. did
1. about 61. grass
32. diet
2. accident 62. grow
33. do
3. active 63. hats
34. doctor
4. are 64. he
35. dog
5. ask 65. head
36. door
6. baker 66. healthy
37. dot
7. bat 67. hear
38. down
8. beautiful 68. hello
39. eat
9. behavior 69. hen
40. elephant
10. best 70. him
41. emotions
11. big 71. home
42. end
12. bill 72. hot
43. every
13. board 73. how
44. face
14. box 74. ice
45. far
15. but 75. idea
46. father
16. by 76. if
47. first
17. cake 77. is
48. flat
18. camel 78. January
49. flower
19. can 79. kid
50. fly
20. car 80. kitchen
51. food
21. carrots 81. know
52. for
22. cat 82. left
53. form
23. circle 83. let
54. from
24. coin 84. like
55. fur
25. colors 85. line
56. get
26. come 86. live
27. cut 87. long
28. dad 88. loud
89. lunch
90. mad
91. milk
92. many 127. roots 162. the
93. mom 128. round 163. their
94. monkey 129. rules 164. them
95. most 130. said 165. then
96. mouth 131. salad 166. they
97. much 132. sat 167. think
98. new 133. saw 168. tiger
99. next 134. school 169. time
100. not 135. season 170. today
101. number 136. see 171. touch
102. old 137. she 172. toy
103. one 138. shut 173. triangle
104. open 139. six 174. under
105. or 140. sing 175. unicorn
106. other 141. sleep 176. up
107. out 142. small 177. was
108. over 143. smell 178. water
109. paper 144. son 179. we
110. party 145. soft 180. weather
111. pen 146. some 181. week
112. pet 147. sour 182. were
113. pink 148. spider 183. what
114. place 149. sports 184. when
115. plants 150. square 185. which
116. plastic 151. stop 186. who
117. play 152. storm 187. why
118. pull 153. story 188. will
119. purple 154. sun 189. winter
120. push 155. sweet 190. with
121. put 156. swim 191. work
122. rain 157. table 192. would
123. rat 158. taste 193. yarn
124. respect 159. than 194. year
125. rice 160. thank 195. yes
126. right 161. that 196. yellow
197. you
198. young
199. your

200. yard

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