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Define Memo.

Purpose of writing a Memo

A memo or memorandum is a communication note that records events or
observations on a topic. Memos are typically used within a business
environment as an interoffice tool and can serve many purposes. Today, emails
can be considered a common type of memo.
Depending on the purpose memo can be of 3 types
a) Documentary Memo – As the name suggests, this kind of memo is used for
conveying information, such as memos written to subordinates to remind, to
announce, to give instructions, to explain a policy or procedure, to a peer or a
superior to make a request or a recommendation or to confirm an agreement.
Short reports can also be submitted in the form of documentary reports.
b) Congratulatory Memo- This memo is used to give credit to an employee of
the organization for the outstanding work they have accomplished. It is
appropriate for high professionals, Vice Chancellors, Managing Directors to
write such a memo to increase productivity and progress.
c) Disciplinary Memo – When employees violate the rules or break the code of
conduct in an organization they are served with such kind of memo as a
warning or announcement of punishment.
Purpose of Memo
A person writes a memo with some purposes in mind. It is used
a) To inform
b) To inquire
c) One can use it to report
d) To give suggestions
e) To remind
f) One can use it to instruct
g) One can promote goodwill using a memo
h) To communicate the ideas.

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